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Is Role Playing Immersion a strong focus in the development teams goal?

AldurAldur Member
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
Is Role Playing Immersion a strong focus in the development teams goal?
I am not a fan of always run mode. Will I be able to walk around and just adventure the world or will the game be a railed system first person shooter with nice fantasy skins? If Role Playing Immersion is a strong focus in the development teams goals, I am looking forward to playing this game for many hours and will be demanding my associates play with me, but if not it will be but a dream that was forgotten... I hope to see Alpha 2 soon.


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    VoxtriumVoxtrium Member
    edited September 2022
    RP in this game will be a choice.
    Taverns and freeholds are some avenues for an RP player
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    Key things that are important in my perspective to role playing.
    #1. Will there be a toggle for walking or will the game default to always run ?
    #2. If player housing is persistent as rumors say... will there be enough to go around, and will it cost real world money or be purely part of the games economic system?
    #3. Will game servers only be offered for official Intrepid Studios management or will you offer options for private servers?
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    If you are going with the official studios only model for servers, I suggest looking at the mechanics of how Shroud of the Avatar enables family and friend's server options. If you are looking at the option for private servers, I suggest looking at how Ark: Survival Evolved does things.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited September 2022
    Aldur wrote: »
    Key things that are important in my perspective to role playing.
    #1. Will there be a toggle for walking or will the game default to always run ?
    #2. If player housing is persistent as rumors say... will there be enough to go around, and will it cost real world money or be purely part of the games economic system?
    #3. Will game servers only be offered for official Intrepid Studios management or will you offer options for private servers?

    1: we do have a toggle for walking

    2: nothing in ashes of creation is pay to win and RMT will be delt with harshly by ingame support through Game masters. It will be using the ingame economic system.

    3:all servers will be official intrepid servers and none will have specific rulesets (like being a pvp/pve/rp only server) but those communities may be drawn to specific servers to make that happen.
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    I believe you will find this interesting my friend! :)
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
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    I hope "roleplay" mechanics are in the game as consequential ones (both good and bad). Like in real life lol.
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    Since the Node System and Player Economy absolutely must function well, or else Ashes will fail, game play must take precedence over "realism." We see this with logs, pets, and mounts that fit in your pocket, and especially with the recent Caravan fix of head starts and end zones.

    The priority of game over verisimilitude is a limit of role playing.

    Sometimes it is useful to think of Ashes as an MMO set inside a strategy game.
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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    To me, it looks like AoC will be a potentially rich RP environment, quite rich. It should be great, at least it will be in spots.
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    Balanz wrote: »
    Since the Node System and Player Economy absolutely must function well, or else Ashes will fail, game play must take precedence over "realism." We see this with logs, pets, and mounts that fit in your pocket, and especially with the recent Caravan fix of head starts and end zones.

    The priority of game over verisimilitude is a limit of role playing.

    Sometimes it is useful to think of Ashes as an MMO set inside a strategy game.

    Realism means more mechanics to use and operate around lol
    A lot of people poorly implement 'realism' by suggesting/adding constraints that are poorly designed but the premise is more depth and dynamism. Most MMOs as it is have poor depth . . . just a lot of the same shallow content.
    I have played some Starcraft 2 up to high plat/ low diamond level [few years ago and few months ago] lol I wish MMOs had more depth.
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    VoxtriumVoxtrium Member
    edited September 2022
    #2. If player housing is persistent as rumors say... will there be enough to go around, and will it cost real world money or be purely part of the games economic system?

    Nothing will be allowed to purchased with RMT and there should be harsh consequences, however persistent in node housing is supposed to be seen as a an achievement and will not be available for everyone. Freeholds will also be expensive but more available, and apartments will be available for everyone. Of course while servers won't be dedicated rp servers, the community will likely flock to servers and create the environment they want, most likely there will be a RP dominated server for those interested.

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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Difficult to tell because Steven tends to say that we can RP in taverns when people ask him about RP.

    Ashes is a dynamic world, so... low key RP should abound since we will likely be discussing the changes to the world in-game.
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    [quote="Dygz;c-365326"... low key RP should abound since we will likely be discussing the changes to the world in-game.[/quote]

    Oh, I have no doubt. Most of the RPers I know (including myself) are used to adverse circumstances and little to no support from the game. So far, at least on virtual paper, Ashes seems like a dream.

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    Thank you everyone for your input and Thank you @Natasha for your detailed explanation.
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    @Sapiverenus I agree with your idea. I think having a karma system that can benefit you to dark arts if your a evil aligned player or a benefit to light arts if your are a good aligned player. I've seen something like this in an old game I used to play a lot called Ultima Online... karma points and fame points were added to give your character a Title in its name plate on your Paperdoll.. so for example if you were good aligned you could achieve a Title like Glorious Lord.... or if your were evil aligned you could achieve a Title like Dred Lord.... and to add onto the karma and fame systems for titles, there was also a Virtue system for beneficial acts, example doing multiple rescue escort event for repeatable NPC quests would gain you points towards your Compassion virtue and if you gained enough points you would eventually be given the title Knight of Compassion, and being a Knight of Compassion gave you a unique ability that you could use to heal yourself or resurrect yourself... upon use it would decay your title and you would have to go repeat some more compassion quests to get the effect back... and they had separate things to do for all the virtues with separate titles and separate effects...
    See the link for examples of the Virtue System:
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    SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    Well playing off the Corrupted when you PK thing, I think becoming Corrupted sounds cool. @Aldur

    Good aligned stuff is reserved for Clerics imo but I can see how one would lose mechanics from "Essence" and instead have "Corruption" mechanics; I haven't looked much into the story / premise of Ashes of Creation to give much thought.

    I imagine being Corrupted is mostly negative and a Mental Attack sort of thing, but you get something good out of it after a while. Kill a little, suffer in a fun way. Kill a lot, get some boon but lose a lot. Not speaking of gear either; that should be standard lol.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Well playing off the Corrupted when you PK thing, I think becoming Corrupted sounds cool. @Aldur

    Good aligned stuff is reserved for Clerics imo but I can see how one would lose mechanics from "Essence" and instead have "Corruption" mechanics; I haven't looked much into the story / premise of Ashes of Creation to give much thought.

    I imagine being Corrupted is mostly negative and a Mental Attack sort of thing, but you get something good out of it after a while. Kill a little, suffer in a fun way. Kill a lot, get some boon but lose a lot. Not speaking of gear either; that should be standard lol.

    Corruption in terms of pking makes it harder for you as a character and wont ever be a reward system as its to deter people from griefing.
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    Natasha wrote: »
    Well playing off the Corrupted when you PK thing, I think becoming Corrupted sounds cool. @Aldur

    Good aligned stuff is reserved for Clerics imo but I can see how one would lose mechanics from "Essence" and instead have "Corruption" mechanics; I haven't looked much into the story / premise of Ashes of Creation to give much thought.

    I imagine being Corrupted is mostly negative and a Mental Attack sort of thing, but you get something good out of it after a while. Kill a little, suffer in a fun way. Kill a lot, get some boon but lose a lot. Not speaking of gear either; that should be standard lol.

    Corruption in terms of pking makes it harder for you as a character and wont ever be a reward system as its to deter people from griefing.

    I think nodes should be the answer to 'griefing'. Basically local leaders. If you hear that one node has a great mayor, you jump ship. lol.
    Then of course guilds and small groups of players can handle stuff, but in order for a few good intentioned people to leverage things better there exists the mayor/node system and everyone wanting a good mayor has 85 of them to choose from.

    Otherwise what use is this organization and leadership if they can't handle a few 'griefers'.

    I'm not too invested in corruption being a faction change thing but it would certainly fit and the divide would be rather organic. Would give Clerics more to do besides being hemmed into a 'healer' role too; they can help remove Corruption from players that don't want to be on the "PKer Faction".
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    All 85 of the Nodes will not progress to a degree where Mayors are possible.
    Many of them will be vassal Nodes.
    Many of them will not progress farther than Stage 0 or Stage 2.

    There is a "twisted" path of Adventurer progression that players can pursue.
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    Ah good point. Who knows the details when released but it's 1 mayor per influence. There could be smaller leaders at each location with significance though.

    And the number of mayors to choose from is perhaps 32 or down to 18 most of the time.

    PKer Corrupted Mayors would be interesting lol. If they have loot drop on death still then it's pretty high risk.
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