Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11am Pacific

VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
edited June 21 in Announcements
Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next livestream featuring an Alpha Two Node Wars Preview will be Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11am Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

If you have a question for our team, then you’re in the right place! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10 of them at random to answer during the end of our livestream. In order to accommodate a variety of questions from our community, please only post ONE question below - the more direct, and succinct the better (think one to two sentences)! Submissions end Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11am Pacific, so we can select your questions before the broadcast.

We'll see you soon for our development update livestream!

👀 Take a look at our May Development Update to see all the glorious PvP combat!


  • KatoPaoKatoPao Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 29
    Hi Steven,

    With Unreal Engine 5, will you be able to implement climbing mechanics?
  • PlasticLemonsPlasticLemons Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 24
    Will there be any dungeons where corruption won’t apply to PvP fights inside them? Corruption seems to mainly be to stop PKing, and fighting over a dungeon seems to be expected gameplay.
  • FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 26
    Are personal shops free from PvP?
  • VirizViriz Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Will the previously stated death penalty differences between Combatant and Non-combatant apply to PvE deaths?
  • edited May 24
    What will happen to the siege attacker side if the owner guild has 250 members and one of the attacker guilds successfully cast the Seal to move ownership of the castle to themselves?
  • LashingLashing Member
    Will there be specific stats on gear outside of set bonuses that modify or interact with stamina. Such as increased maximum stamina, stamina regeneration, gain stamina on basic attack hit.
  • SkinnyBruceSkinnyBruce Member
    edited May 24
    What will the node war winner get as a reward and loser receive as a consequence of the loss?
  • arsnnarsnn Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    edited May 28
    What is the design approach behind the interaction of backpacks/the spacial inventory and the caravan crates? Will crates become entities that you can carry around in the world ? (similar to Arche Age)
  • AniionAniion Member
    edited May 28
    What type of information do you feel an Auction House/Marketplace should give players directly?
  • CrizzLeeCrizzLee Member
    Regarding the Alpha 2 content at release and through the end of testing, what percentage of the game would you say is going to be playable/visible to players compared to the planned full release of the game? I think there is a concern amongst the followers of the game that too much content will be revealed during the testing phases.
  • RyveRyve Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 24
    With vassalized nodes not able to declare war on each other and with a small A2 map at the start, will there only be a few nodes that can even declare war on each other at the start of A2?
  • netrimosnetrimos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    on node wars. To what extent will logistics and supply lines be integrated into node wars? It would be cool if attackers had to run caravans of supplies to the surrounding area prior to the start of the siege to encourage little skirmishes before the actual battle takes place.
  • VyrilVyril Member
    edited May 26

    Do Caravans still require to join an attacking team if you're at war with the Caravan owner?

    Hoping these are just answered in the stream by default.
    1. What is the intended frequency of Node Wars on a global scale?
    2. What is the intended time / resource investment to declare a Node War?
    3. What is the intended duration of a Node War?
    4. What are the rewards for winning a Node War, on the inverse what are the repercussions of losing?
    5. Will there be a global menu to view Node Wars, and the current status of them?
    6. Will every Node War have the same objectives?
    7. What is the cooldown of declaring a Node War?
    8. What impact do nodes face during the Node War?
    9. How soon will citizens be notified of an impending Node War?
  • edited May 24
    Can a mayor voluntarily derank there node to avoid a war?
  • RoubiRoubi Member
  • TopTop Member
    How many people have access to alpha 2?
    How many server do you plan? where are they located?
  • DrunkninjaDrunkninja Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Will Military Nodes be harder to Siege than other node types?
  • DemskiDemski Member
    My question is as follows: Are node wars instanced or will they take place in the open world so that other alliances can influence the war?
    Hi i am Dennis from Germany and i Love MMORPGS :smiley:
  • OtrOtr Member
    edited May 24
    Do you plan to have payed Battlepasses after release or only free DLC expansions?
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 25
    any idea on when/if we will get alpha one spot testing prior to A2?
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • Will there be any easter-egg references in the game to MMOs and RPGs of the past?

  • CeruleanExileCeruleanExile Member
    edited May 24
    Hello Steven, is there any intention for there to be extremely high tier materials that can be gathered in the open world? The idea of gathering a super rare ore/wood/plant/etc that is required for special crafts, in a game that allows PvP with loot dropping, is really exciting to me.
  • Will summoners be able to select augments for each pet separately or will they be global?
  • StoicStoic Member
    How much general movement can we expect to see from the players in standard PVE / PVP scenarios, regardless of archetypes?
  • what kind of gear sink will exist in the game? Will there be any instance, including in node wars, of full loot pvp?
  • SnowElfSnowElf Member
    edited May 24
    Ashes of Creation is no stranger to the topic of risk vs. reward. So how much risk can we expect in dungeons - namely when it comes to traps and other environmental hazards such as pitfalls, spikes, or other clever traps? Adventurous minds are yearning to know.
  • -T0Mb--T0Mb- Member
    Can players choose their starting weapon or does every archetype have their own predetermined starting weapon?
  • ShabooeyShabooey Member
    We have seen from the updated Fighter showcase that some of the abilities could miss if they weren't in range of the opponent. How will this be balanced for Ranged classes?
  • ShabooeyShabooey Member
    What will have the greatest determining factor in the outcome of a PvP encounter, gear or player skill?
  • Hello, its my first question here.

    What kind of arenas has the game? And whats our advantages from arenas? There is have systems like Olympiad from Lineage 2? For example, be top 1 of your class inside arenas, than become hero, than won hero skills and another advantages... We need a detailed system about arenas for sure. The question, what kind of arenas has the game?
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