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Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Friday, August 28, 2020 at 11AM PDT



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    SoggyBandaidSoggyBandaid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Hello AoC team! Stay healthy and keep up the great work. Can you please explain some more details about the profession system?

    I love item creation mechanics in my rpgs and I am excited to know some specifics about the 3 artisan tree system AoC is creating. For example:
    Is there any incentive for refiners/crafters to leave town, and with alts available, is there any reason to main something other than a gatherer while adventuring? Will there be any more refinement profession coming? I'd love to see specific recipes drop for only crafters, and maybe taming moved into the refinement tree to encourage more artisan diversity out in the world, but just my thoughts there.
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    Will purchasable cosmetics be sellable for in-game money?
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    While in discord, I saw someone make a comment jokingly about having a skin where the proceeds would support beekeepers....
    This actually got me thinking. Could we have rotating seasonal skins/pets where a portion of the proceeds could go to charities of choice?
    The example that was given, a blue footed boob for Breast Cancer month, was a light hearted joke. However, I feel that the community at large would get behind this. We are at the stage where we could do some real good with the attention this game has. Imagine the far reaching contributions this one small idea could make.
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    FrassleFrassle Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Is there a possibility of a class changing mechanic that would require a similar amount of work or friction in order to have multiple classes on one character for those who do not like alts?
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    A lot if not most of the unique/exclusive rewards that can be earned in the game will all go to the people who have all day 12+ hours a day to play and grind with that being the case using the religion as an example you had mentioned how a player could grind through the quests and eventually end up becoming the head of that religion once they had reached the end of the quest line and that only ONE person would be able to attain the title and the benefits that come with it. So if i grind out all day and night and achieve this and then a month later i quit the game do the Title and benefits get lost to the server forever or do eventually i lose that and someone else can attain it?
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    I have a question about guilds. With the way you said guilds work you are limited in large guilds or small ones that have powerups. Are the guild limited per chatacter like wow? Or is the guild you joined shared on all characters (account linked like eso)?
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    Greetings Interpid team and Steven personally! :) Many thanks for your work!
    Answer please, do you know Richard Allan Bartle's research on player personality types in virtual worlds? Do you apply his ideas when developing AoC? As an Explorer by his classification I'm really looking forward to the release and hope for a balanced gameplay and a long project life.
    Best regards and best wishes from Russia.
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    ozmosisozmosis Member, Alpha One
    What compositions do you have as an ideal for the 8/16/40 man content (e.g. amount of Tanks/Healers/DPS) and do you envision this being consistent through all group content or do you plan on making encounters where you would expect to bring more tanks/healers for example, also how easy do you intend healers and tanks to switch to DPS roles if at all and do you plan them to be ‘viable’ compared to pure DPS classes?
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    Will certain aspects of the lore be hidden for those who truly set their minds to finding it out in the world?
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    SathragoSathrago Member
    edited August 2020
    Has there been any thoughts towards abilities/passives from the artisan trees that can be used in pve/pvp? An example would be if a woodcutter could use an ability near a tree that cuts it down in a aoe line, in a direction of their choosing, dealing damage and stunning enemies hit.
    Commissioned at
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    Possibly the best news since my power and internet have returned, after the storm from two weeks ago.
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    Hello guys. I like the PvP scenarios you told us so far, but what will be the TRUE end game for pvp? Arenas, Rated Battlegrounds with raiting? Will there be pvp gear with pvp specific stats?
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    Hello. Once you said you are not balancing the PvP for 1v1. For me that is very worrying because in my expreience if the 1v1 is balanced the whole pvp is just perfect. Can you tell us more about this statement?
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    Cre8edCre8ed Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    So I am currently in the process of creating a guild but I need to know a few things like how many guild roles/ranks will there be meaning
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    RivaniRivani Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    Hey team! My question is on disasters!

    Is it possible that a node may choose to self-immolate by failing an event to get a disaster and thus damage their node rivals, or will the disaster only affect the one node/its ZOI? Will there be disasters that encourage other nodes to siege and destroy the disaster node in an attempt to 'cauterise' the wound?
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    Hello to team Intrepid,please all of ya'll stay safe. my question(s) are you planning on making underwater content such as dungeons,node quest,or just plan old expansion content? Also will there be a set of quest to acquire an item or said ability to breath under water or breath under water for a limited duration.
    Thanks so much for looking at my question.This game is going to be awesome.
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    When it comes to the Castle sieges, how is it determined to see who gets ownership of the castle after a successful siege?
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    Will there be any exclusive mounts that are rare drops from Dungeons/raids or are rewards of long and difficult quest chains?
    Or maybe rare pieces of furniture(I.e. statues for your free hold, paintings etc.).
    Thanks for your work!!!
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    VashramireVashramire Member
    edited August 2020
    I have a question about classes. In the instance that someone chooses the same class as a subclass (ie: Mage/Mage=Archwizard, etc) is the Augment system still in effect for that or are we going to have some other way to change the class to add some depth. I ask because if I had a fireball spell and I could augment with fire, does that remove that option to augment fire because they are the same type and I have to choose another or would it buff it even higher so I could focus my skills and be a "Fire Mage" if I wanted? Just a visual example. I'm going to be a Bard regardless =P
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    With the skills, will there be versions of skills that are only accessible by choosing for instance The Rogue Rogue Class will have exclusive access to a special version of a back stab or cleric cleric being the only ones that can do a group res or something. Basically how does a healing augment work from a cleric when im already a cleric. Does it just boost stats? cause that would be a little boring IMO.
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    I like my games full of humor. Will there be any and if so, what can you most compare it to so we can relate.
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    RealDroganRealDrogan Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    So my question is about families. Is a family going to be a group where there are 8 people who are all in a family together or will each person be able to have a different group of family members? If person A is family with person B and person B is family with person C does that mean A and C are also family?
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    wissenlanderwissenlander Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Do you have any updates on whether Guild Fortresses will be implemented at launch? I love the concept, but last I heard they were in the 'maybe' column.
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    So you guys said that you can either increase guild size or do buffs for your guild. So it is more of a quality over quantity. What is stopping giant guilds from making smaller guilds and then just acting like a big guild when it comes to pvp? If these people are all part of the same community, but are all in different guilds with the buffs and just work as one, then the people try to protect their node probably won't have a guild and won't have buffs.
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    MMO players have been burned again and again, why has it taken so long for an honest broker to come along and make a game that sticks? Steven often says that Ashes of Creation is learning from past mmo systems and implementing what works and avoiding what didn't, that isn't a revolutionary idea in business or development, so why does it seem to be rare in the MMORPG genre?
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    jieyejieye Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
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    RealDrogan wrote: »
    So my question is about families. Is a family going to be a group where there are 8 people who are all in a family together or will each person be able to have a different group of family members? If person A is family with person B and person B is family with person C does that mean A and C are also family?

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    RenxRenx Member
    Hello! are there going to be leaderboards/ranking for professions?
    E.g. the best blacksmiths of the server, in that way commercial/scientific nodes will get a goal not focused on PvP. But as someone goes up the ladder, will get targeted, so they will need to get better equipment or a better crew to handle it.

    On another game (Ragnarok), the ranking for a player was measured as amount of weapons sold, maximum level of profession and amount of weapons made, it was private to each player but the server made the calculation internally and published the results by command.
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    I wish to know the core values of each deity that has been revealed thus far in order to help theme my guild around one! Specifically the Goddess of Creation. I don't want to theme a guild of bloodthirsty warmongers that want to burn everything in her name if one of her core values is pacifism, after all. Thank you!
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    Will there be any anti-datamining measures for the game to keep the "learning" portion of the game as a social feature? Other MMOs have 99.99% of all the information about quests, harvest locations, spawn locations available on databases and it ruins the immersion of the game. I want to have to read quests dialogue in order to learn where I need to go, I don't want eventual systems that tell me to go to x,y and do thing.
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