Item drops

I haven't noticed this on any of the videos, but will items drop on the ground? Or there will be a lootable sack, or just items will appear in inventory?

I personally think, that it would be very cool, if all loot would drop on the ground. There was nothing better in Lineage 2 than to kill bunch of mobs, and when the fighting is done to see there's a full item on the ground... I know picking up shit was a bit tedious, but still id love to see this in a game again. And before people start attacking me with but what if someone else steals the loot, there used to be a timer, for when only person or party who did most damage to the mob could pick it up, after it expires anyone can pick it up.

what do you think guys?


  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I liked this too.
    It made the items feel feel more real - compared to games where you can only trade or discard items.
    Plus, being able to drop an item on the ground that everyone can see is great.

    find a bunch of noobs sitting around with nothing to do... drop that spare level 40 helmet and watch them fight for it. >:)
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • maouw wrote: »
    I liked this too.
    It made the items feel feel more real - compared to games where you can only trade or discard items.
    Plus, being able to drop an item on the ground that everyone can see is great.

    find a bunch of noobs sitting around with nothing to do... drop that spare level 40 helmet and watch them fight for it. >:)

    hahah bumfights AOC eddition :D
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Jeffrey addressed this in a previous livestream. Players will not be dropping items on the ground for others to pick up. Mobs when they die do not drop a sack from last videos released. There are looting rights between two different parties based on damage contribution currently planned. So far no mention of free loot after timers.
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    cool. Thanks for letting me know!
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • Jeffrey addressed this in a previous livestream. Players will not be dropping items on the ground for others to pick up. Mobs when they die do not drop a sack from last videos released. There are looting rights between two different parties based on damage contribution currently planned. So far no mention of free loot after timers.

    awww.. thats quite dissapointing...
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    maouw wrote: »
    find a bunch of noobs sitting around with nothing to do... drop that spare level 40 helmet and watch them fight for it. >:)

  • arsnnarsnn Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Jeffrey addressed this in a previous livestream. Players will not be dropping items on the ground for others to pick up. Mobs when they die do not drop a sack from last videos released. There are looting rights between two different parties based on damage contribution currently planned. So far no mention of free loot after timers.

    Will the caravan still be lot pinata then?
    I think that´s a bit counter intuitive, i would have assumed the will be an lootable object that (than items are packed into mules or something ) and the mobs or players will drop loot objects on the ground.
    Also gatherables are dropped items right?
    The looting rights could still be maintained with this system
  • Only gatherables and processed goods will be lootable (besides Corrupted).

    Napsack, mule, caravans will only be carrying Gatherables and Processed goods. No items (finished products) will be carried, on mules or caravans. Why? They are not lootable and on a separate carrying device, your backpack. Besides, why would you, knowing those rules?

    Mobs don't drop money or items. You get; certs (certifications), proof of kill, and return for reward to a NPC.

  • Kneczhevo wrote: »
    Only gatherables and processed goods will be lootable (besides Corrupted).

    Napsack, mule, caravans will only be carrying Gatherables and Processed goods. No items (finished products) will be carried, on mules or caravans. Why? They are not lootable and on a separate carrying device, your backpack. Besides, why would you, knowing those rules?

    Mobs don't drop money or items. You get; certs (certifications), proof of kill, and return for reward to a NPC.

    This confused me a lot :D So the dead body will be lootable?
  • @Mojottv

    If it's droped, it's lootable. Since there are no Corpse Runs (as far as I know), no bodies are lootable, and mobs are going to drop certs.
  • KneczhevoKneczhevo Member
    edited September 2020
    To add to my above statement, which leads to the OWPVP Raid thread. And I don't mean to derail.

    With Certs as dropped proff of kill. I don't see people/guilds contesting a open word raid encounters. Unless those 2 groups have the exact same quest, and needing the exact same cert, to get their Thundarian Sword. What about mats? Same applies. " Kill that dragon, I'll give you 20 ivory studs per tooth cert you bring me. And I might give you a sword to match, if you bring me his claw cert.". Same applies to all other quest givers, on a higher scale. Kill the dragon, when it spawns. You get nothing, unless you have a quest for a reward cert. Why am I trying to kill your boss, when I should be killing my boss. A simple system people are not considering.

    One thing Intrepid is trying to get away from is; swords and cash dropping from rats and mice, mechanic, all other MMORPGs use. With Certs, you are "rewarded" for your task/quest, and eliminates some of the farming (I'll just kill rats, and avoid the silly quests.). Yes, you can farm quests, I digress. That's not the point, tho.

    As a Bounty Hunter, you might be getting certs for Corrupted Player Kills. Take these back to your Bounty Organization, and receive rewards (titles, gear, augs, etc). You can't receive a reward without proof, can ya? Show me your certs.

    Hope that illuminates you. And you can help spread the knowledge. It's all there, in the wiki and ashs101 web sites. It's all a matter of interpretation and digging. I could be wrong, bit, this has been my interpretation.

    Edit: there is a caravan video. They destroyed the caravan, and certs dropped on the ground, perhaps that will answer some of your queries.
  • Jeffrey addressed this in a previous livestream. Players will not be dropping items on the ground for others to pick up. Mobs when they die do not drop a sack from last videos released. There are looting rights between two different parties based on damage contribution currently planned. So far no mention of free loot after timers.

    So how does healing contribution stack up on this?, if it's a large party attacking multiple caravans and theres need for healers will they calculate healing output on par with damage?
  • Healing is not calculated for dps, ever. What your failing to read and understand, is group dynamics. Healing does not effect dps, it contributes to survivability. You can't kill, when you're dead. And before you bring up soloing, that's all about dps, you can't damage with heals.
  • ok so the items are actually going to drop on the ground then, so that means i could potentially drop my sword on the ground?
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