Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Best Of
Re: Alpha Two FAQ
Question: What’s an Alpha Two ‘phase’?
Answer: Throughout Alpha Two, we’ll be testing and adding content with specific goals and expectations for testers at different times. As a result, Alpha Two is divided into three distinct phases:
Note: Dates are subject to change due to development, but we will notify everyone in advance.
Answer: Throughout Alpha Two, we’ll be testing and adding content with specific goals and expectations for testers at different times. As a result, Alpha Two is divided into three distinct phases:
- Phase I (CURRENT) - This phase began on October 25th, 2024. During this phase, the game is available for Alpha Two testers to play every Friday from 10AM PST - Sunday at 10 PM PST.
- Phase II - This phase will begin on December 20th, 2024. During this phase, you will have access to Alpha Two 5+ days of the week.
- Phase III - This phase will begin on May 1st, 2025. During this phase, you will have access to the game 24/7, and our aim will be to only have small windows of downtime for game updates.
Note: Dates are subject to change due to development, but we will notify everyone in advance.

Rosethorn Carriage Fan Art
Hey everyone!
I'm excited to share this fan art I created based on a concept by Luca Nemolato for Ashes of Creation.
I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it!

I'm excited to share this fan art I created based on a concept by Luca Nemolato for Ashes of Creation.
I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it!

[Cosplay] Pyrian Battlemage
Ladies and gentlemen !
Alpha 2 is closer than ever !
(That's quite an easy statement, I know…)
While many of us are about to set (virtual) foot on Verra for the very first time, I would like for us to send some thoughts to our (virtual and hypothetical) ancestors who fought and died on this beautiful world thousands of years ago.
Hommage to those who fell !
Since words without action carry no weight... I am proud to present to you some Non-virtual-but-still-hypothetical-fallen-Ancestor in action !
Now let's have a closer look to these relics of the past !
"Stiiiiick !" (active ability) : Your next single-target offensive spell is a guaranted critical hit, but it has a 50% chance to hit you instead of your target.
Upon your death, you have :
- a 95% chance to summon an angry chicken attacking all nearby ennemies.
- a 5% chance to summon a mighty armored phenix, attacking all nearby ennemies.
Alright !
This is very likely the last cosplay I'll be crafting, so I hope that you enjoyed the video !
Which is quite longer than I expected, sorry about that.
Also, here are some cool pictures from the video
Alpha 2 is closer than ever !
(That's quite an easy statement, I know…)
While many of us are about to set (virtual) foot on Verra for the very first time, I would like for us to send some thoughts to our (virtual and hypothetical) ancestors who fought and died on this beautiful world thousands of years ago.
Hommage to those who fell !
Since words without action carry no weight... I am proud to present to you some Non-virtual-but-still-hypothetical-fallen-Ancestor in action !
Now let's have a closer look to these relics of the past !

Warcrown of Sorcery :
"An ancient crown, forged during the desperate times of the Apocalypse.
It is said to contain a savage and ruthless power.
At least it's what the saleself said to mom."

Spaulders of the Mighty Phenix :
"Mighty Phenix ?! It looks like some random angry chicken if you ask me my opin… aouch ! Ouch ! Hey ! Leave me alone you stupid flaming-bird !"

Armor of the Faithful :
"Yeah you definitely need faith to wear this so-called armor. I guess the designer of this thing had an iron belly or something ?"

Armbands of the Fallen Glory :
"I'm not sure about glory, but they definitely fell in some mud."

Gauntlet of the Flaming Heart :
"Again, what's wrong with this designer ? Is it actually wrong to want to keep my right fingers attached to my hand ? Is it ?"

Stick Great-Grand-Archmage-Staff
"It hates being called Stick... so I had no choice but to rename it. Scary, scary staff."
"Stiiiiick !" (active ability) : Your next single-target offensive spell is a guaranted critical hit, but it has a 50% chance to hit you instead of your target.

Set effect : Blessing of the Goddess (passive skill)
"Beware if you dare to harm one of the beloved followers of the Goddess of Creation ! Her wrath might desintegrate you on the spot ! If she is not busy looking elswhere, of course."Upon your death, you have :
- a 95% chance to summon an angry chicken attacking all nearby ennemies.
- a 5% chance to summon a mighty armored phenix, attacking all nearby ennemies.
Alright !
This is very likely the last cosplay I'll be crafting, so I hope that you enjoyed the video !

Which is quite longer than I expected, sorry about that.
Also, here are some cool pictures from the video

Re: Freehold - Aquisition, ownership and risk
The pushback is largely due to most players not being able to get a freehold.
Without a freehold there is no compelling reason (currently) to be a node citizen.
"You want to live in a city, but you can't, so you won't?"
That isn't much of an argument.
While Freeholds contain alot of content, regular player housing in cities also grant citizenship, and I am sure plenty will find this compelling.
Again, it is in the eyes of the beholder.
So, we have gone over all of this in a number of threads.
If I do not have a freehold and what I want is a freehold, then I am not going to become a citizen of a node because that may prevent me from getting a freehold.
This isn't as much in the eye of the beholder as it is just basic logic.
If becoming a citizen of a node restricts you more than not being a citizen does and I do not have a reason for becoming a citizen of a node, why would I become a citizen of a node?

Mushroom Figurine
Hi guys! I'm Lorey. I really love mmorpg games and am really looking forward to the release of Ashes of Creation. I want to share my creativity.
I'm new to sculpting, but this mushroom seemed very cute to me ❤️, and I enthusiastically began to embody it in a figurine.
I will be very happy if these works get on the stream in the #FanFriday section
Material: polymer clay, acrylic paints, varnish for polymer clay.
Height 85mm.
I also attach several photos with the process.

I'm new to sculpting, but this mushroom seemed very cute to me ❤️, and I enthusiastically began to embody it in a figurine.
I will be very happy if these works get on the stream in the #FanFriday section

Material: polymer clay, acrylic paints, varnish for polymer clay.
Height 85mm.
I also attach several photos with the process.

Re: Open Letter to Steven Sharif the Ashes Paradox
To be absolutely clear here, Intrepid said they were going to have monthly cosmetic packs pre-launch right from just after the kickstarter.Firstly, I want to bring up the issue of cosmetic sales after the Kickstarter campaign. This has caused frustration among supporters who believed the game was already fully funded. The addition of FOMO-style sales may bring in extra revenue, but it is not a good look for a game that claims to be transparent and community-focused. It is important to remember that the community is the reason why the game is even in development, and they deserve to be treated with respect and honesty.
They said this well before they ever said the games development was fully funded. Intrepid maintaining monthly cosmetic packs is them keeping their word to those that joined early - they have a choice each month to purchase something that will not he made available again.
Intrepid doing as they have always said they do is not showing disrespect, nor dishonesty. It doesnt suggest anything other than an open, transparent development of this game. Keep in mind, Intrepid are simply maintaining the status quo that they have put in place, and that the community as a whole has bought in to. Them altering that status quo would suggest disrespect and dishonesty (it would literally be Intrepid going against what they have said).
What I do find disrespectful though, is your post.
The monthly sales of cosmetics are not an issue. Companies having limited time products is a thing that many people really like. If you do not like such things, just don't buy them - it isnt rocket science.
As to the FOMO argument associated with this - if someone suffers from FOMO, that is their problem. Rather than trying to stop companies around them from offering limited time products to those that enjoy them, these people should instead enlist actual professional help to get over that FOMO issue they have.

Dünir... computer table
Hello! It’s been a while since my first (and last) post here—I simply prefer to read, and I’m too lazy to write. 
But now I have something to share with you!
Maybe you remember my dwarf-style jewelry box (which was posted here)? So I decided that I needed a proper stand for it. Also, I've wanted a new computer table for a long time, so I decided, why not combine the table and the stand? Of course, the table should be at least a bit dwarf-style to match the box. So I went through the wiki and all livestreams (anyway, I've been watching every livestream since the announcement) and used these images as a reference.

Well… I had no plans to make an exact copy, but wanted to keep the general style. I hope I was successful. Judge for yourself — here's the result.

And, of course, as you could guess, the color of the table was matched to the color of the cat

Materials: ash wood, oak, glue, a lot of time, oil, and wax.
That's it. Thanks for watching and reading. I hope I wasn't too boring.
P.S. Now I need a bookcase... but this is another long story

But now I have something to share with you!
Maybe you remember my dwarf-style jewelry box (which was posted here)? So I decided that I needed a proper stand for it. Also, I've wanted a new computer table for a long time, so I decided, why not combine the table and the stand? Of course, the table should be at least a bit dwarf-style to match the box. So I went through the wiki and all livestreams (anyway, I've been watching every livestream since the announcement) and used these images as a reference.

Well… I had no plans to make an exact copy, but wanted to keep the general style. I hope I was successful. Judge for yourself — here's the result.

And, of course, as you could guess, the color of the table was matched to the color of the cat

Materials: ash wood, oak, glue, a lot of time, oil, and wax.
That's it. Thanks for watching and reading. I hope I wasn't too boring.
P.S. Now I need a bookcase... but this is another long story

Carmes' art cubbyhole
I've been following the progress of Ashes of Creation for quite some time and I must say that I'm very impressed!
I sculpted the Quarrior and wanted to share it with our lovely community. Tell me what you think

I've been following the progress of Ashes of Creation for quite some time and I must say that I'm very impressed!
I sculpted the Quarrior and wanted to share it with our lovely community. Tell me what you think

Blood, Sweat & Tears Unoffical Trailer | Ashes of Creation
**EXHALE** Okay, here is my trailer for Ashes of Creation called Blood, Sweat & Tears! With over 150 hours (maybe more) of editing, this is the progress of Ashes of Creation from 2017 til now. This is my love letter to the ashes community, Intrepid Studios and the MMO genre! If you like the video, share it around and give it a like! Thanks so much and see you in the next one!

Community Project Finally Finished!
A very special thank you to Alluring as usual for helping me 
I had to upload it to google drive as the image is over 66MB

I had to upload it to google drive as the image is over 66MB