Incorrect Distance Information on Stream

WarthWarth Member
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
I think its safe to say, that people have been thrown for a loop with this months live stream.

I personally loved every second of it. However, some of the information were inconsistent and Id hope to start some discussion here or even maybe get some Clarification from our Sandal Overlord @StevenSharif

Steven Said: Traversing the Diameter of a Node Plot takes:
  • 100 Seconds Mounted (1,67 Minutes)
  • 170 Seconds on Foot (2min 50 Seconds)

This would mean that the mounted movement speed is 70% faster than the movement speed on foot.

While comparing the time it takes from the top of the continent to the bottom he mentioned the values:
  • 3000 Seconds (50 Minutes) Mounted
  • 4500 Seconds (75 Minutes) On Foot

This equals just an increase of 50%. If the above mentioned calculation was correct, then it would have to be 85 Minutes for the 70% increase.

Question 1:
Is 50 or 70% bonus speed correct?
Based on the phrasing, it should also be assumed, that this is pure travel time (Distance / Speed) unaffected by both the layout of the land, verticality and obstacles. Can this be confirmed?

With this pointed out:
The continents are roughly 30 Metropolis Node Plot Diameters long.
Assuming that this is still true:
Metropolises are 0.5km in diameter (0.25km in radius).[6]

We would be travelling on mount at 18km/hour or 12 (maybe 10.58) km/h depending on which of the above mentioned values are true.

10,5 would be ~50% faster than the average established movement speed in other MMOs with 7km/h


  • Furthermore,

    with 200 Seconds needed from Edge to Edge of 2 adjacent Nodes on Mount.
    We would talk about 5 - 5,67 Minutes with the Caravan, if the Caravan was as fast as a player on Foot.
    Since it might very well be slower than a player on foot, based on what we have seen so far, we would be talking anywhere from 7.5-10 (Assumption) Minutes to get a caravan to the closest Node (whether its built up or not).
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It's possible that mounts travel differently in different terrain. That nodes would have few direct obstacles, and your mounts wouldn't need to take the long way around in certain places. Maybe in a node you're using a mount suited to the terrain of the region, but to cross the continent you'd have to travel through areas your mount wasn't specialized to. There are so many things that can affect these general estimates, that I think the level of inconsistency you described is not meaningful to consider.

    We just haven't been given exact data, nor do I think anyone intended to do so. We were given perspective, and that, I believe, was done largely successfully. What you've described is within the realm of "future changes due to tuning". Take it as being given the intent, not exact final values that even the devs couldn't currently know.
  • WarthWarth Member
    edited August 2022
    @SongRune they gave us 2 different perspectives

    50% added speed on mount and 70% added speed on mount
    Which is what Id like to have clarified

    even if just as a reference. Showing 2 different numbers within 5minutes is weird.
  • Your math on traversing a plot vs a continent is based on a straight line. This will have been calculated by moving down a straight road in a town, but in a continent there wont be a straight line all the way down. You would have to fly to achieve that.
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