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On the animal slaughter question

DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
edited July 2023 in General Discussion
Leave it in there. It's fine, the hamburger I had this afternoon came from somewhere.

You could modernize it though. The animals are stunned, and rendered senseless, first these days. Around 2 percent of the time (the stats tend to vary) the animal is not stunned due to a thicker skull or whatnot (so the industry could try to eliminate that).

The point is, instead of a throat slit amid loud screaming (which is not how its done these days) do an animation that stuns then stabs. The stun renders it senseless, the stab kills it. Clean, but deadly. The meat comes from somewhere and we eat it every day after all.


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    unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Just leave it in. Kill them just like any other mob in game. People are playing a PVX game with a graphic Thanos snap into ash death animation. Various wildlife mobs will be slaughtered in their pixelated millions in game. Yet we have to worry about desensitizing a niche who don't want to face where and how the calories they consume are made because they cute and on "MY farm we will be different!" and they turn around and then shittalk someone for choosing a Dwarf or Tulnar racial cause they decided they like Orcs. Just stahp.
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    CawwCaww Member
    from the other thread "it's all gonna grow old after awhile so make it quick with an option to mute the sound effect "
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Leave the animal slaughter in. People should already know their food comes from somewhere. No need to trivialise it into a shower of rainbows and fairy dust and I don't think verra has door dash.

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    Diamaht wrote: »
    The meat comes from somewhere and we eat it every day after all.

    Maybe you do. I don't.

    In the context of a game though, sure. Nothing is real. The animals don't really suffer. So there's really no need to go through the pretence of "humane" slaughter.
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    DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    edited July 2023
    Catmonkey wrote: »
    Diamaht wrote: »
    The meat comes from somewhere and we eat it every day after all.

    Maybe you do. I don't.

    In the context of a game though, sure. Nothing is real. The animals don't really suffer. So there's really no need to go through the pretence of "humane" slaughter.

    Gasp, air quotes!
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    I don't think there's a problem with slaughtering animals like we kill mobs. I also don't think there's a problem with introducing a euthanasia technique for more squeamish players. Some free item sold by an NPC or easily craftable from a poison that just allows you to use it on an animal, gather the resources from it, and they just despawn.
    Professional Skeptic, Entertainer, and Animal Enthusiast
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    Isn't it hypocritical to act like meat is not coming from a dead animal?
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    they are just pixelssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    The way the team led up to the animation I was expecting… more. RDR2 was so much more graphic.

    It’s fine, especially at scale when scripted animations can get tedious.
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    SunScriptSunScript Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Depraved wrote: »
    they are just pixelssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    Pixels matter because we as humans decided those particular pixels matter. For the sake of my immersion, I have decided the particular pixels comprising pig meat matter.

    I take no stance on the matter of the pig slaughter animation, I don't care strongly either way. But I do take a stance against bad logic and hypocrisy. After all, some pixels somewhere must have mattered to YOU enough to decide to play that particular game. They just weren't pixels that helped immersion because you don't value it. If you're going to think yourself more important than others, be upfront and proud about it, no need to wrap it in this bad take.
    Bow before the Emperor and your lives shall be spared. Refuse to bow and your lives shall be speared.
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    what i mean is you arent killing a real suffering involved
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    SamsonSamson Member
    You are killing other players and other animals/mobs in the game. There is no issue whatsoever.
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    PherPhurPherPhur Member
    edited July 2023
    Diamaht wrote: »
    Leave it in there. It's fine, the hamburger I had this afternoon came from somewhere.

    You could modernize it though. The animals are stunned, and rendered senseless, first these days. Around 2 percent of the time (the stats tend to vary) the animal is not stunned due to a thicker skull or whatnot (so the industry could try to eliminate that).

    The point is, instead of a throat slit amid loud screaming (which is not how its done these days) do an animation that stuns then stabs. The stun renders it senseless, the stab kills it. Clean, but deadly. The meat comes from somewhere and we eat it every day after all.

    Keep in mind the game, SO MANNNY aspects of game is based around the medieval period, the art, the architecture, even some of the animals like that hare looked like it came from a drawing out of a really old book.

    I'd prefer the animals get slaughtered in a way that is fitting to this time period. Little difficult to swallow.. yes.. but at least they left all the gushing blood out. This isn't a hack and slash game lol.

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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Catmonkey wrote: »
    Diamaht wrote: »
    The meat comes from somewhere and we eat it every day after all.

    Maybe you do. I don't.

    In the context of a game though, sure. Nothing is real. The animals don't really suffer. So there's really no need to go through the pretence of "humane" slaughter.

    The farming of chickpeas and soybeans kills more animals per ton of food than the production of beef does.

    Just sayin...
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    PherPhurPherPhur Member
    edited July 2023
    SunScript wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    they are just pixelssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    Pixels matter because we as humans decided those particular pixels matter. For the sake of my immersion, I have decided the particular pixels comprising pig meat matter.

    I take no stance on the matter of the pig slaughter animation, I don't care strongly either way. But I do take a stance against bad logic and hypocrisy. After all, some pixels somewhere must have mattered to YOU enough to decide to play that particular game. They just weren't pixels that helped immersion because you don't value it. If you're going to think yourself more important than others, be upfront and proud about it, no need to wrap it in this bad take.

    If it's make believe then they could just as well be swayed by someone else into believing that are actually.. in fact.. just pixels.. which they are..

    Peoples brains do usually immerse themselves to some extent in high fidelity games apart from make belief because it's fooled on some lower level. And that's sort of the base we're gonna sit on for this topic, that it provokes something, on some level, for most of us. Though I think it's perfectly reasonable to remind people it's not real, as well as saying something like "my brain has a hard time remembering" or "I don't want to become un-immersed for this one particular part of the game because it effects me too negatively"

    I think the method is fitting for the time period the game is based around and the lack of the gushing blood that would usually accompany the slice is also fitting. This isn't that type of game and honestly I'm glad it's not, blood makes me squeamish and I've seen more than my fair share of animals die and bleed out. I think it's a proper middle ground for people looking to get immersed and younger/sensitive players.
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    MarcetMarcet Member
    We could have a spell named "Convert Pig to bacons" or "Chop Pig" that ensures the animal doesn't feel nothing, thanks to the power of magic.
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    MarcetMarcet Member
    edited July 2023
    Or just make it poof like in stardew valley, and collect them bacons B)
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    daveywaveydaveywavey Member
    edited July 2023
    Or, you just leave that bit of code out that makes it feel anything. I mean, it'd be a little odd anyway to program an NPC pig to feel pain when it's killed.

    I wonder, will these people refuse to kill mobs in the open-world? A group of wolves attacks you, and you refuse to kill them because they're "alive"?
    This link may help you:
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    MarcetMarcet Member
    edited July 2023
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Or, you just leave that bit of code out that makes it feel anything. I mean, it'd be a little odd anyway to program an NPC pig to feel pain when it's killed.

    Why not :)
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