Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

[NA] Enveus | PvX | Hardcore | 300+ in Alpha 2



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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Can’t wait to see you all next week for Enveus Office Hours B)

    Jokes aside, remember to join us for Caravan PvP Office Hours. As usual, we expect a strong showing.

    Our members can also join us for our pre-office hours Guild event where we discuss the topics ahead of time without the time constraints so we can gather high quality feedback from a focused group of highly skilled players.
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    Service Guarantees Membership! REAL PvPers, and MMO Veterans only! Apply today! foo7b6r7vvkn.png
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    WasilahWasilah Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Join us. or don't. either way we will meet soon enough.

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    NiccoNicco Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    soon tm
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    July/Aug/Sept, somewhere in this range - can't wait
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    WasilahWasilah Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    soon = sometime between now and later
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Commissions? Ok then…
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    LennoxLennox Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Join Enveus in tuning into the upcoming Livestream on commissions! Don't get left behind on the economy and get stuck, join the largest A1 guild now and dominate A2!
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Wonderful showing at office hours as usual. Glad to hear so many people are excited about caravan PvP.
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    Want to liberate nodes from bad players? Join today!
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    LennoxLennox Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Alpha two pushes ever closer, and the joining of alpha one players even more so. Don't miss out on getting into the biggest guild from alpha one and get ready to clear everything the game has to offer!
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Happy Livestream week. Looking forward to what more Alpha 2 will have in store for us
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    The Discord's Favorite Bingo Master
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited March 2
    Specktrei wrote: »


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    Heavy_Heavy_ Member
    or it gets the hose again
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Don’t forget we have Community Office Hours next Wednesday!

    As usual, we’ll be holding our Guild Pre-Office Hours the day before to prepare thoughtful, constructive, and actionable feedback for Intrepid.

    Also it’s never too early to get hyped for the Fighter Livestream at the end of the month!
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    HealStationsHealStations Member, Settler, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    As the clouds gathered and the winds whispered secrets of change, I found myself standing at the threshold of a new adventure. The digital realm was abuzz with anticipation, and the stormy atmosphere mirrored the electrifying energy pulsating through the online community. It was against this backdrop that I made the decision to join Enveus, a burgeoning platform that promised innovation, collaboration, and a unique gaming experience.

    The journey began with a simple invitation, a virtual handshake extended by the Enveus community. In the midst of the storm, their enthusiasm shone brightly, drawing me in like a beacon of opportunity. The timing was impeccable - the anticipation for Alpha 2 was palpable, and joining Enveus during this storm of excitement felt like stepping into a dynamic world on the cusp of transformation.

    Enveus, with its promise of a groundbreaking gaming experience and a thriving community, became a refuge from the storm that raged outside. As I navigated through the onboarding process, the sense of camaraderie among fellow members was unmistakable. We were all in this together, united by the shared eagerness to explore the uncharted territories of Alpha 2.

    The storm outside mirrored the tempest of emotions within the Enveus community. Excitement crackled in the virtual air as we exchanged speculations, strategies, and dreams for the upcoming alpha release. The storm, far from being a deterrent, became a symbol of the transformative power that Enveus was poised to unleash upon the gaming landscape.

    In the midst of the storm, the Enveus team displayed remarkable resilience and dedication. Updates and teasers from the developers fueled our anticipation, promising an alpha release that would redefine the gaming experience. The storm outside may have raged on, but within Enveus, a sense of unity and purpose prevailed.

    As I settled into the Enveus community, it became evident that joining during the storm was not merely a coincidence; it was a metaphor for the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the gaming world. The storm symbolized change, and Enveus, with its cutting-edge approach and innovative vision, was at the forefront of this transformative journey.

    In the midst of the storm, Enveus provided a sanctuary, a space where the anticipation for Alpha 2 merged seamlessly with the thrill of embarking on a new digital adventure. The storm outside was a testament to the winds of change sweeping through the gaming industry, and Enveus was the vessel that would navigate us through uncharted waters.

    As we eagerly awaited the release of Alpha 2, the storm served as a reminder that within chaos lies the potential for something extraordinary. Joining Enveus during this storm was not just about being a spectator; it was about actively participating in the creation of a new gaming era. And so, with each passing gust of wind, I embraced the excitement, camaraderie, and endless possibilities that Enveus and Alpha 2 promised to bring to the gaming horizon.
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    AzuruAzuru Member
    You already know what time it is. Join up gamers
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    NiccoNicco Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Rise up Gamers
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
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    n3rvn3rv Member
    Hello friends, we're going to the top! Join us!
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    Heavy_Heavy_ Member
    ESO pvp while we wait for A2.
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    ElfcheElfche Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Another successful Office Hours under our belt. Can’t wait to see the Fighter Livestream later this month.
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    GodGod Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
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    LennoxLennox Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Another class will soon be revealed, come hang out with the biggest AoC guild for the reveal and breakdown.
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    DimbleDimble Member
    edited March 17

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    NiccoNicco Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    If you comment on this forum it spams our guild leaders email :D
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    TirentTirent Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited March 18
    Nicco wrote: »
    If you comment on this forum it spams our guild leaders email :D


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    HarmageddonHarmageddon Member
    edited March 18
    Nicco wrote: »
    If you comment on this forum it spams our guild leaders email :D

    Say less :D

    Join Enveus Today!
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