Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
fighter abilities graphics

I want to state this as clear as I can.
The fighter abilities are fine I'm not criticizing the abilities.
The graphics that display these abilities however are too crazy and overblown, it takes away from the game play when you have graphics that look so preposterous. So all I'm saying is tone down the ability graphics, one of the things that killed black desert was the graphics in that game are so overblown it wasn't even interesting.
The fighter abilities are fine I'm not criticizing the abilities.
The graphics that display these abilities however are too crazy and overblown, it takes away from the game play when you have graphics that look so preposterous. So all I'm saying is tone down the ability graphics, one of the things that killed black desert was the graphics in that game are so overblown it wasn't even interesting.
However! I did notice that the sword-swings in the demo ended abruptly, a lot. It's like they would go to 80% of the animation, then snap back into starting position. Witnessed this happen a good number of times, in the demo.
also, I must say, this statement is.... absurd... graphic effects killed BDO?? you may not like it, I personally am not a fan of the combat style,
but one of the highlights and most praised things about BDO is the combat and visuals... the game today has more players than they ever had, they keep expanding servers and pushing new global events, saying vfx killed it shows a complete lack of knowing what you are talking about... sorry,
Have to agree. Tried BDO for a bit, and it certainly wasn't the graphics that let me down. In fact, I was impressed with how their game engine processed high-texture graphics - particularly on armor and clothing.
The one thing I really, REALLY felt that BDO could have done without was the in-game pop-up ads for the cash shop.
Maybe I'll give it a longer, more-enthused go 20 years from now, when the live BDO is dead and fans of it put up an emulator, wherein your IRL wallet won't affect/effect your in-game capacities and fortunes.
However, two abilities should definitely be toned down:
Leap Strike:
This is fine, though I'm not sold on the vertical landing.
Wait what's happening
Wtf meteorite?
Finally lava on the ground.
Unless Leap Strike is supposed to do 50% of the enemy life bar, the impact is way too much for a simple aoe snare. Just a ground effect with dust and some rocks shooting up would be enough. Maybe the current effect would be better suited for a fire augment with burn + knockdown effect.
While the explosion is maybe too bright, it's not too big and Cataclysm is supposed to be the big fighter attack, so it's quite fitting.
But I don't like the spike effect:
Unless the spikes are meant to be a persistent bleed aoe or something, they are too big and stick around too long. Rather, I'd like a shattered ground effect with some uneven ground. The current effect looks like a ground spike impale more fitting to a mage earth spell.
I also think the blood splatter was a bit much on maim (and on Rupture), but in big pvp it wouldn't be as much of an issue.
The horizontal sprays are kind of hilarious in volume, but since they don't go upward they shouldn't block the view too much
So yeah I kind of agree but the showing was much better than I hoped for.
While I don't think BDO was killed (is it even dead really?) by visuals, and the visuals are indeed a big draw of BDO from what I hear, the effects are very bad for pvp.
Most pvp footage I see on youtube is from players who disable effects from other players. BDO clearly wasn't made with functional large scale pvp in mind, and the visuals are a part of that. What looks nice in pve or in a duel, would look like absolute hell in an Ashes node siege.
Take a peek at this random footage I found when I was searching for things to compare Ashes to.
This dude manages to obscure the whole screen multiple times just with his own attack effects.
So while I wouldn't support the original claim, I would definitely not want BDO visuals anywhere near Ashes.
I do think that animations have to be designed with large scale combat in mind, given that this game is so group centric and a big pull in this game is some of the large scale combat.
We had the lightning orbs from Mage, and I recall that long cd gap closer with the spikes actually had a nice frame drop in addition to the effects. Of course we will have turning, but scale that up to 10+ Fighters, 10 Mages and other who know whats and it could be quite manic.
I suppose you don't want things too boring because probably 95% of the time spent will be smaller scale, but maybe that's where different animation fidelity options will come into play. But I suppose we have to ask what is an acceptable base line to work with, and max end?
It needs to be visually pleasing, convey the necessary information about what it is and does in an intuitive way without pulling you from immersing yourself in the game.
So i'll say that I agree with the idea that it probably can be toned down, though I have seen some improvement from things LIKE the Mage Showcase; but I can see the Bard being pretty showy!
They were totally fine and you'll be able to tone them down in options if they're too much for you.
Just use low graphics settings that should make it close enough so u dont need to see much vfx
Stuff like this normally gets tuned allot as they test large scale raids and PvP events. Current state won't fair well on large encounters on average PCs.
i would love a slider for VFX like we have in the game "Soulstone Survivors" that changes the transparancy of spells.
with that you can have very flashy effects but everyone can turn it down to their preferred level.
That is mid...
Give me some real effects here.