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Discord server invite

Hi, I'm a discord noob and accidentally removed the connection.
Where can I find the link for the server?


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    See you in the discord.  :) 
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    Thank you so much!!  
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    Aye thanks helped me out too! Figured I should stop screwing around and get involved a bit more. I hear ridiculous things from the discord. @tugowar
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    @Bannith I'm just the observer.  :)  A lot of other crazy cats keep that party going.  
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    tugowar said:
    @Bannith I'm just the observer.  :)  A lot of other crazy cats keep that party going.  
    Aye I see that I'm leavin it on right now lol. I probably won't infect it much but I felt Like I should stop screwing around if I want to run a guild. Everyone is getting ahead of me as I typically like to wait for tangibility but it's running headlong into battle already...
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