Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

New recruit inc.

I just wanted to say hello to the community to get more known with all of you and the game itself.
Since i dont have too much time on my hands right now but i badly want to know more about AOC i hope some of you can provide me with Information/Links to give me some answers.

To start with i was wondering if i can still fund the DevTeam like it was possible with the Summer Crowdfunding Campaign that ended on 21st of July (afaik). Can i still obtain a badge and a Key as a Backer and where can i find more Information on this?

Is there any source to follow on the (Dev intended) Lore of AoC? (Yes, i have seen the forum on that topic but sadly i dont have enough time right now to read all the Fan Lore + Suggestions)

As there is a Twitch Stream is there any updated schedule when and if there will be further DevUpdates or Streams about AoC?

Thank you for reading and welcoming me aswell as understanding my trouble and hopefully helping me out. =)
We will meet on the Forum or Ingame once finished =)


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    About future crowdfunding, mod response from today.
    The KS and Summer Sales did run with the same time frames and I believe that was intended. While both opportunities to back have now concluded, there are talks of future sale leading up to launch. What might be offered in these sales is to my knowledge still a topic of discussion. I would recommend to keep an eye out and I hope that you will have the opportunity to participate in the next event.

    Lore source: not atm beyond fan fic.

    Twitch stream: Currently is twice monthly, usually mid and end. Check Announcement for schedule.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Welcome to Ashes @Locksmith. The crowdfunding campaign is over. But Intrepid now have a web store where you can show your support for the game on other ways! At the moment you can purchase PAX tickets, and in future you'll be able to purchase merchandise and possibly early access to the game. 

    There is a Twitch stream:  and video archived on YouTube. The next stream is scheduled for August 10 (I think).

    This is a very open development. Intrepid constantly provides the community information both here on the forums and on discord

    There is lots to take in, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :)
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    Thanks alot Unknown. Is there any possible way to alert me via forum functions if there is a new sale or do i have to be commited to find those?
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    Wonderful Lex as always ❤️ Answered all your questions :3
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    Seems like lex is an authority. Everywhere i go his name is mentioned. thanks to you aswell =)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Welcome again @Locksmith! The Ashes discord as well as the forums are the best place for info. 

    Here is the Ashes discord:
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    Hello and a warm welcome to the Ashes Community <3
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    Locksmith said:
    I just wanted to say hello to the community to get more known with all of you and the game itself.
    Since i dont have too much time on my hands right now but i badly want to know more about AOC i hope some of you can provide me with Information/Links to give me some answers.

    To start with i was wondering if i can still fund the DevTeam like it was possible with the Summer Crowdfunding Campaign that ended on 21st of July (afaik). Can i still obtain a badge and a Key as a Backer and where can i find more Information on this?

    Is there any source to follow on the (Dev intended) Lore of AoC? (Yes, i have seen the forum on that topic but sadly i dont have enough time right now to read all the Fan Lore + Suggestions)

    As there is a Twitch Stream is there any updated schedule when and if there will be further DevUpdates or Streams about AoC?

    Thank you for reading and welcoming me aswell as understanding my trouble and hopefully helping me out. =)
    We will meet on the Forum or Ingame once finished =)


    I would definitely recommend hopping on the discord.

    You can set up your notifications to mute the AOC server, but it'll still tell you when someone posts "everyone", which is almost always the Intrepid staff.  

    the next stream should be August 11 at 3PM pacific time, with the stream following 8/25 12pm pacific time.  That is yet to be confirmed though.  


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    Welcome!!!  Yes, @lexmax is well known and knows much around here. 
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    Sintu said:
    Welcome!!!  Yes, @lexmax is well known and knows much around here. 
    Well... I don't know about that second part. =P
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    I just gotta say that this community is really awesome. Thank you all for your help and the warm welcome. If this attitude will carry on to the live servers the game wont matter that much (just a little joke).
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    Locksmith said:
    I just wanted to say hello to the community to get more known with all of you and the game itself.
    Since i dont have too much time on my hands right now but i badly want to know more about AOC i hope some of you can provide me with Information/Links to give me some answers.

    To start with i was wondering if i can still fund the DevTeam like it was possible with the Summer Crowdfunding Campaign that ended on 21st of July (afaik). Can i still obtain a badge and a Key as a Backer and where can i find more Information on this?

    Is there any source to follow on the (Dev intended) Lore of AoC? (Yes, i have seen the forum on that topic but sadly i dont have enough time right now to read all the Fan Lore + Suggestions)

    As there is a Twitch Stream is there any updated schedule when and if there will be further DevUpdates or Streams about AoC?

    Thank you for reading and welcoming me aswell as understanding my trouble and hopefully helping me out. =)
    We will meet on the Forum or Ingame once finished =)
    Welcome to the gang! I look forward to getting to know you @Locksmith

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    Locksmith said:
    I just gotta say that this community is really awesome. Thank you all for your help and the warm welcome. If this attitude will carry on to the live servers the game wont matter that much (just a little joke).
    Totally agree.  MMOs are about friends.  Friends are made while playing games in voice chat.  See you on the discord.  :)
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    Welcome aboard!  Maybe you can break the lock on the door to the dwarf's mead cellar!  
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    Welcome to the community. Hope you have fun on the forum. Sorry you missed the summer crowdfunding campaign.
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    Welcome to the community, @Locksmith!

    Another good resource for information  can be found at:
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    Welcome @Locksmith! I'm sure you will find a way to throw your money at the game later on! :wink:
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    Hello @Locksmith o/ and welcome to the community :)
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    Welcome @Locksmith
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    *Slips a key to the dwarves mead cellar in the direction of @Locksmith to welcome them to the forum*

    Welcome, I hope you have a wonderful time here :)
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     Welcome to AoC @Locksmith
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