Making Your Character

GodmotherGodmother Member
edited April 2022 in General Discussion
In the future, do you plan on creating a character based on your real life appearance to resemble you specifically, or are you going for a character/person you like/love from absolutely anything?

*I intend on making Annatar (Sauron, but his elvish form, whilst also rolling a Necromancer), fingers crossed I'll be able to!*


  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I will have a Dygz avatar who looks like I do in real life.
    I will also have some alts who are not Human. Some alts will not be male.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    My main will look a bit like me when I was younger. I will probably make an alt crafter dwarf that looks more like I do now! I will have fun with other alts of various types, some attractive and some disturbing.
  • ChimeChime Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I usually never make characters that look like me. It feels too personal when I roleplay, so I love having fun in character creation making someone new. :)
    ☼ Alpha 2 let's gooooo ☼
  • I will make my character look like me irl but actually good looking :D
  • Won't have a character looking like me. But I probably will remake some favorite characters from other games - because with the character creator I can get them to look like how I've imagined them.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    I have a vague notion of what I want my dwarf to look like, but I'll most likely decide details once I get into the character creator to see how far I can push on my imagination.
  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    Usually I try and make my character look relatively similar to me, with the exception of hair colour since I usually make my in-game avatar have black hair instead of brown.
  • CawwCaww Member
    Full head of hair, no gut, muscles all over, yeah, that's me...
  • Usually most characters I make end up resembling some more handsome, heroic or badass version of me. But depending on how the races shape up to be, I might just do something completely different.
  • NeliryaNelirya Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    I would very much like to try creating my main character to look as close to myself IRL as possible for sure. It was cool to see that this seems to actually be possible from the CC preview of the character that looked like Asmon in the latest stream.

    Additionally, I would like to try making an Empyrean elf version of myself, depending on how possible that will be.
  • truelyyytruelyyy Member, Alpha One
    I like playing female characters even though I'm male IRL. Usually I do very minimal with character creator but in ashes knowing I have a lot of time before release, I plan to make something really nice. Maybe based on an anime character.
  • i can see myself being in this CC for hours, haha, I will be aiming to make my character look like myself depending on size to world ratio, i do like to look a bit bigger to see more details in the armor I'm wearing, not overly keen on tiny characters, but then again we have not seen the tulnar yet that could draw my eyes, that being said I could get in-game and see the other races and just change my mind off that.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I will create a Py-Rai Female Shaman. I'm not too keen on the horns since i got jealous on my Zabrak when other players could get haircuts and i could not. Anyway, if we can't get haircuts in Ashes (I've checked before but things change), then I would keep my horns covered from the moment i can until the last day of my first server. Those i've travelled with will either have a matching horn or see my horn after the longest duration.

    In other PvP Games I often play a Hero Character and a Villain Character. I never reveal that I am the same characters to the server though. Sometimes, not even my guild will know but sometimes my guild does keep the secrets. Anyway, my Py-Rai Female will go through many iterations, dependant on experience, rp events and my personal whims at any moment.

    I did theory craft and plan a lot, however, after seeing the creator and obviously since the model reveal for Py-Rai, any mental images and cosmetic plans are in flux.
  • I plan on making a Vek, so yeah it will be as ugly as I am in real life
  • I am currently leaning towards creating a large ORC with brute like features that have been carved by years of war and skirmishes. Skars, a tattoo or two with gnarled features and a tall stature
  • Gaming is my escape from reality. I don't remember ever making a character in any game that looks like me.
    This link may help you:

  • VarkunVarkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    No reality for me though I do like to make my characters somewhat older as a reflection of myself. I do like eye patches though for that older scarred veteran vibe.
    Close your eyes spread your arms and always trust your cape.
  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I want my character to look like myself. Unfortunately this means I will have to learn to grow branchlers irl
  • I want my character to look like myself. Unfortunately this means I will have to learn to grow branchlers irl

    That made me laugh way too much :D
    This link may help you:

  • I want my character to look like myself. Unfortunately this means I will have to learn to grow branchlers irl

    That’s what spirit glue is for ;)
  • I plan on making a Py'rai male that resembles myself, along with that, I plan on playing a dreadnaught or a nightshield. We'll see if that sticks when they start revealing archetypes and classes though.
  • Nope. I tend to try to make characters as far away as possible from my own appearance and looks.
  • Kazan TennoKazan Tenno Member, Intrepid Pack
    Typically, I try to make the in-game world's equivalent of 'Kazan' who I guess is an OC but also more of a template for character creation. So I experiment with different races and styles to get something I like (or consider hot, because if I'm spending potentially hundreds of hours staring at him I want him to look good 😄).
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  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I might try to make a character that looks like me in real life, but we haven't seen the options for Tulnar yet so I'm not sure how close I can get. :/
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    I can't wait to make myself in the character creator! I'm going to try to make it as accurate as possible ^_^
  • My characters all tend to follow the same general "template" of my own face without looking like me. They'll usually have similar hair color and facial features to myself, but they'll deviate as the character takes form.
    I want to play a fun game
  • I usually try not to play humans... So no I don't normally make characters that look like me.

    But if human is the only option for a game then yeah I guess so
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