Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

I was wondering if there will be weird weapons, maybe not necessarily new type perhaps just look, some can fall under already existing types. Since its fantasy world.
Maybe like Chain weapon(whip), or Trident(spear), or Big Cross(great warhammer), Big Bone(mace/club),...just look.
Actually new weird fantasy weapon that have complete new type or something.
Maybe like Chain weapon(whip), or Trident(spear), or Big Cross(great warhammer), Big Bone(mace/club),...just look.
Actually new weird fantasy weapon that have complete new type or something.
What are some additional examples you all can think of for weird, unique, and cool weapons you'd like to see in Verra?
It'd be nice to have 1 handed flails. I barely see any games have this weapon, but I think it could go well with a shield! (the basic attack animations might be difficult to make though x_x)
TLDR: 3 chain flail / 1 handed sickle / Sai / fencing foil / whips / 2 handed heavy flails / Meteor hammer (note that all weapons proposed here are real, for those that wish to see more real weapons in game instead of only fantasy, including the meteor hammer
Link down below has list of fist weapons that look pretty cool.
From another post some people wanted a scythe (other's didnt lol) they also mentioned Lances which sounds interesting.
Also think war glaive weapons are cool as well
Hammerstaff and Swordstaff
There will not be "oversized" weapons.[138]
I dont think they're going for the big buster blades common in JRPG. As much as I enjoy the UGS in many games myself, it's not something they're planning for, especially in that kind of sense lol.
My guess would be the 2h sword we saw in the recent demo is probably going to be ideally the largest size for 2h swords. With this is mind, I'm curious how the other two handed weapons will look. I know some may be upset with this comment but... I hope they dont add a spec that can dual wield 2-handed weapons...
One of the coolest things I enjoyed about games like DS3 and ER, was being able to toggle between 2-handed a single weapon regardless of its size.
How do you know what they are planning, its still in development so anything is possible. Also that two handed sword isnt that big. WoW had large sword as well size wise.
This isn't over sized
yes, wow does have over sized weapons, it can look ridiculous at times
IIRC, Steven mentioned it. they didn't want over sized weapons as @Night Wings responded with. You're correct in the sense it's in development and anything is possible but based on context of what Steven said, it is heavily implied that they're not doing oversized buster blade-like weapons.
that soul caliber weapon is a good example of oversized weapons. Another example would be things like DS3 great hammers, great axes etc. Those are ideally oversized weapons in this context.
As mentioned, curious to see example of the other weapon types.
again, perspectives
that doesn't tell me much of anything in terms of scaling and character model rigging.
Ask them about in the next Q & A and use that soul caliber or great weapons in souls game as a reference point. I would be curious to know their current stance on it as well
Right its just the model of the picture right hes just a small guy lmfao xD