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What race and class will you pick and why?



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    An Empyrean Dreadnaught because holy shit that sounds awesome.
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    mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Tulnar fighter + something. I usually like playing a tanky frontline melee.
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    DizzDizz Member
    edited August 2022
    I will choose to play as Tulanr if it's appeals to me when they really show the 3D model to us, alternative options are Ren'Kai Vek Py'Rai or Empyrean. I usually play less human like race while I have a choice in any game.

    I want to play Summoner or Ranger mainly depends on what they will show us in future, maybe I will play both, I now prefer class able to do lots of things and they said "Summoners can shift their roles easily to fill gaps in a group's composition" in wiki so I looking forward to see it and Ranger is my second choice if I don't like Summoner the reason is I do traditional archery and I like it and I gave some opinions to developers already, if these two are not what I want alternative option is Rogue the reason is stealth is handy.
    A casual follower from TW.
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    YOYYOY Member
    I guess i'll just roll a dice
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    ThatGuyPowersThatGuyPowers Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm more than likely going to play a tulnar I play a charr in guild wars 2 and a hrothgar in final fantasy so the beast race is always my go to

    as for class I am a diehard ranger
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    IridiannyIridianny Member
    edited August 2022
    Vek or Py'rai as they are the best fantasy world models. Class will be dependent on the backstory that comes with character creation. :smiley:
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    Orc Shaman (Cleric+Summoner). My first character in WoW was an orc shaman, back in 2007. I only made it to lvl 45 before i got bored. Hoping Ashes will be better
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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Love these threads 😇

    Personally, I'm pretty sure I'm going to play a Niküan Bladedancer 🏝🤺🕺

    Can't wait to see what you all say!
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    Well now I have three options im waiting to see on before I decide. I will play a Renkai shadowmancer, Tulnar (lizardman) Weapon master, or a Vaelune Warlock. I might just make all of them, im not sure yet. Gotta figure out something that just feels good to play and look badass.
    Commissioned at
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    Honestly its hard to decide what race i want to be, the more i hear about the lore on races the more interested i am in them. Though It most likely will be a elf or human based on the lore and the class ill be playing.
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    JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    Probably somewhere around the likes of Brood Warden, Spellmancer, or Enchanter depending on how summoner augments work. Weapon Master if they make summoner suck at PvP.

    Race is easier. Nikua unless they don't give me a good racial or customization options I like. In which case it's pretty up in the air between Ren'Kai, Tulnar, and Empyrian. I'm leaning towards Empyrian as my back up but Ren kai and Tulnar definitely bring strong cards to the table.
    Small print leads to large risks.
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    i need more info on how the classes work to say 100% but in theory based off class descriptions... so far [most likely just a bunch of characters lmao]
    • shadowmancer or spellmancer for summoner
    • a song caller, tellsword, or magician for bard
    • and scion or a soul bow for ranger
    i would have more but i have to wait to see if i would like healing and tanking in the game/how effective your 2nd class is at changing your gameplay to fit into tank/healer/dps style

    human and tulnar are so far my race interest but it can change >:]
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    Two characters.

    For the seas and coastlines, Niküa Beastmaster, especially if they can alter the appearance of their summon, and even better if naval combat sometimes allows siege summons.

    For exploring the wilder lands, a Py'rai Scout, because of stealth and camoflage. More of a loner.
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    Empyrean or Py'rai wielding 2 handed: Lance, Spear, Poleaxe or similar with a medium or heavy armor with my trusty animal companion(If possible).
    I'm really looking forward to be a part of well organized defence-force against guild enemies or mercenary to caravan owners.
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    Probably a py'rai/empyrean ranger
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    What ever works best with Mage :D
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    mivokmivok Member
    edited September 2022
    Human / Predator(Rouge/Ranger) unless Assassin has big benefits for stealth capabilities. :o:)
    I absolutely love fast paced attacks and mobility. Having an effective ranged capability as a side option while pvp/pveing will be incredible.
    - as long as the sun shines, you're gonna have a shadow -
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    Too early to tell. I want to see more classes in action and more race models. But I normally lean towards tank or front line fighter, sometimes a ranger.
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    Which race / class is better at crafting?
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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    Strevi wrote: »
    Which race / class is better at crafting?

    I think there will not be any difference, maybe class/race that can move fast so you can save some time with moving :D
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    Strevi wrote: »
    Which race / class is better at crafting?

    It's noting official, but it is said in the lore that both dwarf races are known for their crafting, so maybe these two will have some sort of crafting bonus.
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    SsenfreySsenfrey Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Empyrean Necromancer or Conjurer!
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    Dünir. As it comes to class, I'm not quite sure. I've always played mages, but leaning towards lore based type for my character for this game and I think a fat greedy dwarf doesn't really lean towards being a skilled magician xD
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