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Most Popular/ favorite Ashes Monthly Packs

Hey everyone,

I'm just curious about what people think the most popular monthly packs are. I know Pyre fox has to be up there and a lot of 2020. My actual favorite is November 2020- December 2020 with the radiant grove. 2020 just had some stellar sets. so yeah just a discussion let me know what some of your favorites are.


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    JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited October 2022
    I'd be really interested in Intrepid's data on this honestly. Most popular and most favorite are unfortunately very different questions.

    My personal favorite would have to be a close heat between May 2021 September 2018 and the more recent June 2022. All three of these packs have a lot in common in terms of how strongly tied together they are as a theme, and how much I personally feel they add to the over all world build.

    While May 2021's costume is not my favorite of the three it has my favorite mount and house conception. It does a really good job of showing Intrepid is willing to go really far out there while still staying perfectly consistent with it's world build. I hope they continue to keep things interesting and push the limits while still respecting their own style guidelines.


    I think the strongest of the packs would have to hands down be the June 2022 pack however. The stylistic designs in that pack have so many wild shapes to them and each item is gorgeous. It really adds a lot of possibilities for other similar cosmetics in game while showing off the polish in IS's visual design over the years. Overall it's a really strong pack, every item is good and adds to the possible cosmetics and designs in the world without feeling out of place.


    September 2018's is pretty nice and has a strong player costume, but a lot of it feels like generic world assets. In a way that's exactly how it should be and so from 'the point of the pack' September 2018's pack does a lot for me in terms of good tasteful staples that I expect to see a lot in game. It doesn't always have to be something novel to be something nice and there is a lot of nice things in this pack in particular. I still prefer June 2022 over it in terms of creativity, but like that pack, every item in it is good and well designed.

    Small print leads to large risks.
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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I feel like Mar 2020 is very likely to be the most POPULAR but that's because I assume the Edgelord 'vote' to be high based on other experience.

    September 2021 I think would get a lot of traction too, if people felt it was unlikely to appear similarly, but it seems more like the sort of thing where the ingame version will be just as good/attainable.

    For costumes themselves I don't think I have any standout favorites, and I don't care about the pets or mounts as much so I guess I'd choose by BOAT...

    In which case Oct '21 and Jan '22 win. I also like Jan '21 but I push that out of my mind since I didn't invest before that and can't get that exact one.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    I'd also be very curious about the actual data on this. I hope we get to see it in some form someday.

    My favorite is November - December 2020 also. The autumn dragon is right up my alley. For most popular I vaguely remember September- October 2021 being talked about as being popular. Costume wise I agree with @Azherae that they don't appeal to me. The main complaint is that they are full-body, the artwork is stunning though. I love seeing things each month.
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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    I don't have the data on this but I know the March 2020 pack is a fan favorite just from having seen it mentioned so often! ydal6k2sdfew.png
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    SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vaknar wrote: »
    I don't have the data on this but I know the March 2020 pack is a fan favorite just from having seen it mentioned so often! ydal6k2sdfew.png

    Edgy to the max.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    With packs it's hard to say. I wasn't really a fan of the older packs (except the canopy one) There's so many great individual cosmetics. I love the glitterling pet and the prismatic ice breaker is just so swag with the aurora effect in its wake through the water and these are both from January this year


    Likewise I love these from December 2021 the revered arboralis skin would make a gorgeous and welcome sight of home as it comes into view with the soft light.

    And the twilight courser is awesome because its a sparkling celestial horse. What more do you need?.

    The overall pack I love the most though is more recent, this one from march 2022. I love the enchanted forest vibe the whole set is giving off. Plus it has the little potato fella.
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    August - I found my Ranger companion.

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    Lulled wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    I'm just curious about what people think the most popular monthly packs are.

    Anything involving dwarves.
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    Vaknar wrote: »
    I don't have the data on this but I know the March 2020 pack is a fan favorite just from having seen it mentioned so often! ydal6k2sdfew.png

    Only found out about ashes 1 month after this released. Missed it by days.
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    SirChancelotSirChancelot Member
    edited October 2022
    I don't remember the month, but there was one with the cool black and purple lion mount.
    That one was definitely a favorite of mine.

    Edit: found it
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    For me the best one was 100% Woe Within the Woodlands (October 2020)
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    TryolTryol Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    This one:
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    JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Tryol wrote: »
    This one:

    The mount for that pack was also gorgeous. I've seen mandarin ducks irl and Intrepid really nailed the aesthetic for that really well. I almost regret not buying it. But then they didn't clarify their cosmetic policy on freeholds and gear requirements for costumes so.... Kind of glad I didn't give them more money than I already have.

    Small print leads to large risks.
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    I like this one. I love how these items match each other well and aren't just random items in the same package. B)
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    JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    -T0Mb- wrote: »
    I like this one. I love how these items match each other well and aren't just random items in the same package. B)

    I totally forgot that one. That one was great!
    Small print leads to large risks.
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    LulledLulled Member
    edited October 2022
    Some of these are incredible! like I said my favorite was the first pack I saw, unfortunately, I was broke, and still am but finally made the plunge. But I don't think anything can ever beat this one for me. The beauty, the unity. It brings a warming feeling when I look at it.

    That cute duck is a close second now though.

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