Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Classes and their Skills

Hey Guys!
I just wanted to make a small thread about some speculation on the classes and their abilities. So get your tin foil hats out. What will they be able to do, what do you guys want to see? Are there any mechanics you would like to have implemented in the game?
I will start with what i am expecting.

Mage: obviously some kind of magic :D i just hope they dont make mage too strong, in most games mages are the best at large scale PvP, not bad in 1v1 either and even good at PvE, and since they probably can teleport, they will be pretty hard to catch.

Summoner: Now thats a class im really interested in. Most summoners are not really summoners, I hope you will be actually able to summon something and it will stay and not just come for one attack and then leave

Cleric: Your Healer, I hope there will be some kind of AoE shields or heals for this class.

Bard: Maybe buffs, maybe heals, maybe dots, i dont know what the bard will do, tell me what you think.

Fighter: Probably a good 1v1 class, i would like to see some counterattack mechanics.

Tank: Not much to say here, I hope there will be a taunt that affects players, that would be cool.

Ranger: Same as mage, please dont make him overpowered. Usually Ranger tops everything in PvE and then you only see Tanks and Rangers in Raids and maybe some healers.

Rogue: I assume this will be some kind of assassins but if not, i dont know what to expect. Please no oneshotterino tho, I would like to see some actual skill and awesome combos involved.


  • First off a quote by steven about class balance went something like "if some classes would top over the others we failed as developers" so i expect them to but the work into that.

    What im most excited about is the bard! I would realy like some debuffing / buffing going on with some dps tied in. I dont want to be forced into a pure support role but more of a 2nd dps thing where u arent topping the dps meters. Sort of like the shadow priest back in BC with a mix of heal / mana-support / dps. If they can get a good balance in that regard done it would be my true go-to class!
  • Same as deCMR, I'm hoping for bards to be a buff/debuff sorta thing. I've always been a lover of bards in games, and I'm super stoked we'll be seeing them in AoC!
    I'd like to see some epic thievery and, well, roguishness for the rogues. Maybe a pickpocket interaction, a bit similar to GW2, where you could snag a 1 or 2 use weapon or potion.
  • [quote quote=10489]Hey Guys!
    I just wanted to make a small thread about some speculation on the classes and their abilities. So get your tin foil hats out. What will they be able to do, what do you guys want to see? Are there any mechanics you would like to have implemented in the game?
    I will start with what i am expecting.

    Mage: obviously some kind of magic ???? i just hope they dont make mage too strong, in most games mages are the best at large scale PvP, not bad in 1v1 either and even good at PvE, and since they probably can teleport, they will be pretty hard to catch.

    Summoner: Now thats a class im really interested in. Most summoners are not really summoners, I hope you will be actually able to summon something and it will stay and not just come for one attack and then leave

    Cleric: Your Healer, I hope there will be some kind of AoE shields or heals for this class.

    Bard: Maybe buffs, maybe heals, maybe dots, i dont know what the bard will do, tell me what you think.

    Fighter: Probably a good 1v1 class, i would like to see some counterattack mechanics.

    Tank: Not much to say here, I hope there will be a taunt that affects players, that would be cool.

    Ranger: Same as mage, please dont make him overpowered. Usually Ranger tops everything in PvE and then you only see Tanks and Rangers in Raids and maybe some healers.

    Rogue: I assume this will be some kind of assassins but if not, i dont know what to expect. Please no oneshotterino tho, I would like to see some actual skill and awesome combos involved.

    I'm pretty sure rogue will have a fairly good amount of stealth or whatever, and if you think I won't make my rogue to one-shot or severely cripple opponents, you are highly mistaken.
    I was also thinking... so if the bard could say debuff players... plus rogue's stealth... wew....
    or bard and ranger.... debuff the opponents and get away after savage attacks....
    rogue and tank... insane Buffness and strength
    possibilities are endless
  • If it had EQ-like Bards, this would be the only game I'd ever play.
  • I'm most of all excited your the combination of classes like imagine A fighter/mage having combo link skills! For example I use a dash into a 4 slash combo finishing it off with a cast of 2 huge fire balls coming at you ???? Epic!

    Also I knew someone mention it before but what you have a cleric/ ranger and now you would have to shoot teams to heal them? That would be an amazing mechanic not only will it take skill it would be critical to have almost perfect teamwork.

    Pvp wise I hope every class has a change to kill each other ???? For to long as it just been mainly just mages and fighters pvping. Why can't a bard be able to finish of a mage? Idk but I'm really hoping to see some flashy but also creative skills.
  • Im interested in the summoner. Prolly like a summoner-summoner since they seems to be proeficient at cc witch is pretty convenient. I would pick bard if i could play the drum or the flute in my non-combat time... XD
    I would play ranger if i could be a axe-thrower Dwarven style !
    I was thinking about it for the past 5 min while reading the forum... Axe thrower. Like some kind of mid range class. Axe or spear thrower. A mix of outlaw rogue and hunter. that could be nice.
  • Something that I really loved about RIFT, was that nearly every class could perform every role, to an extent.

    As an example: Tanking
    naturally Warrior class tanks were the good all around tanks, with good aggro management.
    However, cleric tanks, Justicars, were fantastic because they could provide damage mitigation in the form of healing themselves, as well as providing small amounts of AOE heals to the party/raid, releasing some of the pressure off the healers.
    The Rogue tanks, Riftstalkers, were fantastic when fighting against magical enemies because of their magic resistance, high mobility. and anti-cc capabilities.

    I would be very happy if the developers could learn from RIFTs success when it comes to classes.
  • [quote quote=10718]Something that I really loved about RIFT, was that nearly every class could perform every role, to an extent.

    As an example: Tanking
    naturally Warrior class tanks were the good all around tanks, with good aggro management.
    However, cleric tanks, Justicars, were fantastic because they could provide damage mitigation in the form of healing themselves, as well as providing small amounts of AOE heals to the party/raid, releasing some of the pressure off the healers.
    The Rogue tanks, Riftstalkers, were fantastic when fighting against magical enemies because of their magic resistance, high mobility. and anti-cc capabilities.

    I would be very happy if the developers could learn from RIFTs success when it comes to classes.


    I hated it. I came from EQ2 where each class (24 of them when I played) had their own distinct flavor. RIFT felt homogenized and generic. Everyone could do everything. Very uninteresting and bland to me.
  • [quote quote=10501]“if some classes would top over the others we failed as developers”[/quote]

    PVP ruins everything. *sadface*

    What's wrong with a rock, scissors, paper approach?
  • What I am hoping for is that one's class is actually useful outside of combat. A good example would be bards from ArcheAge. They could buff the people around them to walk faster, making their use not only useful in combat but also outside. I think having such abilities, to be useful in everyday play, or just walking around, will also highly increase RP capabilities.
  • [quote quote=10881]<blockquote>
    <div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">deCMR wrote:</a></div>
    “if some classes would top over the others we failed as developers”
    PVP ruins everything. *sadface*

    What’s wrong with a rock, scissors, paper approach?


    PvP creates friendships and rivalries, community and competition! All the good stuff ;)
  • I want summoner class that is different from another games.
    I want to be able as summoner to tame, train and play with my animals ( creatures; Depending on the race) I want to have full connection with my summoner and I don't only wanna use them as weapons but as helpers and friends. I want my class and the way I am treating my class and my pets (summons) determined my ultimate skills.
    I will like to have several different once I can choose from, than not everyone has. Something more personal that is influenced buy the way you build up your hero. Something that makes you stand out even if you are not hardcore player. Something that makes you feel unique.
    Talking about summoners I can give an example of what I want to have as ultimate skill. As I have summoners and I'm treating them right; feeding, patting, playing with them. This can later creat better bound between me and my summoners that another summoner and give me the possibly to get a ultimate that can for example make my pets super protective of me and gain super DMG buff, that attack and killthe the first person that is trying to kill me. Or a ability to not be attack from another summoner pets for curtain amond of time in PVP or reducing significant DMG of animal mobs when farming or in Dungeon.

    I hope I have helped a bit.
    I can't wait to see the final game come to life.
    Best of Luck and Hard Core Work!
    P.S English is my second language I'm sorry if there is any mistakes.
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