Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Races and what you'd want.
So the game will come out with eight races, five of which are confirmed: Human, two types of Elves, Dwarves, and supposedly orcs, but that still brings up the question. What are the other races and what are their benefits?
I want you guys to toss on your tin foil hats and theorize the other races, what they may be, their benefits and their drawbacks.
For instance, I want a human/dragon hybrid race called the Draken and the may have increased agility, strength, or magic, but suffer major drawbacks in the winter season, since their have lizard and are considered cold blooded.
I want you guys to toss on your tin foil hats and theorize the other races, what they may be, their benefits and their drawbacks.
For instance, I want a human/dragon hybrid race called the Draken and the may have increased agility, strength, or magic, but suffer major drawbacks in the winter season, since their have lizard and are considered cold blooded.
Orcs while they have strong brute strength they lack magical defence
So it's just two more races that we don't know of :p
You can find this in the faq of the discord channel.
ALSO WE NEED GOBLINS , maybe make them be like Styx, descended from orcs affected by the magical flow in a region. And they would ofc be thieves and assassins, poison and silent weapons would be their tools of the trade, make them half the height of a human agile as hell and give them a racial like 50% noise reduction and Fall damage. Also make the cities have cramped places where one could hide running from the town/city guard after they de-posses unfortunate traveler's coin bags. Maybe make characters be able to climb certain buildings , hand on to ledges and goblins just do it a bit faster/better.
MAYBE add some D&D races like the reptilian Kobolts .
And for now this is all I could come up with , will be back as soon as I get more ideas :)
I don't mind races like elves but if you slapped some pointy ears on a slender human you essentially have an elf. The same applies to dwarves. Make a short stocky human with a beard and you have a dwarf. The differences are merely statistical and not actually skin deep.
I guess there's a reason why developers go with more traditional races as they can use the same rig and they don't have to figure out how to outfit for example the naga in my example. Having a tail would mean no pants slot unless they managed to turn the gear into a tail wrap, and how would a naga jump? Probably like a coiled snake but the tail still requires a separate rig.
Still it would be dang cool to have a monstrous race and forego the normal item slots. You could always have augment rings or what not taking place of the regular gear where it doesn't match. Porting gear directly often gives silly results as can be seen in the Charr in GW2.
Failing that it would at least nice to have half-races like satyrs. Goats for the win!
I'd like to see non-humanoid races or rather humanoids with monstrous features like the <a href="" target="_blank">naga</a> or a <a href="" target="_blank">demonic</a> race.
I don't mind races like elves but if you slapped some pointy ears on a slender human you essentially have an elf. The same applies to dwarves. Make a short stocky human with a beard and you have a dwarf. The differences are merely statistical and not actually skin deep.
I guess there's a reason why developers go with more traditional races as they can use the same rig and they don't have to figure out how to outfit for example the naga in my example. Having a tail would mean no pants slot unless they managed to turn the gear into a tail wrap, and how would a naga jump? Probably like a coiled snake but the tail still requires a separate rig.
Still it would be dang cool to have a monstrous race and forego the normal item slots. You could always have augment rings or what not taking place of the regular gear where it doesn't match. Porting gear directly often gives silly results as can be seen in the Charr in GW2.
Failing that it would at least nice to have half-races like satyrs. Goats for the win!
I played a barbarian warrior in EQ/EQ2 so I would like barbarians. Hopefully I can make a human with stat and character customization.
Types of elves I would like to see: blood elves, wood elves, half elves, high elves, snow elves and dark elves. Though I guess Two types of elves are fine.
Maybe a good dwarf race and a evil dwarf race. Deep dwarves and Demon dwarves.
I would like to see a Demon Race. Fiery, chaotic abominations.
Perhaps ogres.
An undead race. I would prefer all races to be able to become undead. Perhaps have a undead node for said players.
Maybe gnomes, giants, halflings and hobgoblins.
I like the drake idea. I'm not fond of the humanoid animals but a dragon type would be cool.
My three extra would be: Hobgoblins, Demons and Drake.
Never liked much the Red (Chaos) and Blue (Order) either but it still gives more room than black and white morality. Assuming red is not turned to chaotic evil and blue to lawful good.
I hope that there's more to each race than just picking some human cultural trait or value and turning it to eleven. For example if dwarves end up as grumpy scottish midgets who only love booze and gold, and suck at magic... well, that would be highly disappointing. If that happens I swear I'll make a dwarf bard with personality as colorful and showy as his patchwork clothing just to spite the stereotype.
I'm eagerly waiting for racial reveals so I can see if the other races are actually different enough from humans without being one dimensional - or if they are merely subhumans.
As long as they are not pigeon holed into being evil.
Generally, the lore of this game really opens a whole new dimension to possibilities of having all kind of races, and while i am okay with elves, dwarves, panda like beings and so on, why not have a completely never before seen 2-3 races with their own unique storyline and background.
For example, spectral like creatures who are mostly energy and energy oriented. This options provides the opportunity to have those who are divine energy oriented, and the ones are not that divine which would lead to kind of dark purple, or dark red, black type of energy looking beings. These can have humanoid features, legs arms, or upper body human alike and bottom floating without legs or anything that comes up to your imagination.
If we are trying to make a change to a game who allows us to recommend something for implementation, why not think outside the box, and set ashes of creation of our own and make a completely new looking race. Imagination is something we all have, and there are so many talented designers who can get this imagination to life.
Kobolds - Kobolds are anthropomorphic dogs that dwell in forests and caves. In fantasy RPGs, they typically wield primitive weapons and command limited shamanistic magic. The term "kobold" has also been used in reference to other types of creatures including lizardmen, spirits, or simply humanoids with various skin tones.
Halflings - Halflings, also known as hobbits, average about three and a half feet tall. They have an innate affinity to nature and possess both the agility and dexterity to make great rogues. Halflings are generally good people, but also have a mischievous side that my infuriate others.
Centaurs - Centaurs have the upper half of a man, and the lower half of a horse. Typically they are hunters.
Worgen - A race of wolf men. ( While I know we don't need a bunch of cartoon-ish Furries walking around If you plan to make a wolf or cat like Race make them share more traits with wolf then with Anime or the whole " Nyaa" Thing.
Un-dead - Having Un-dead in a game Presents a lot of possibilities for those that want to play them. From being able to make entire Un-dead Cities etc ( That would be pretty cool.) To being able to use Magic such as summoners and raising Defeated Foes that will fight for a period of time.
Gnolls - Gnolls are a race of hyena-like, or dog-like humanoids.
Bird People - A Race of People that share some Characteristics of Birds.
Now I know some of these might be familar to some. But these are all Ideas of what could be the two remaining races. Having a bit of Variety is also never a bad thing. maybe starting out with 8 races and then expanding such as for your 2nd Expac could be a good way to go.
I think you're right, besides the 'comfirmed' races (2 human, 2 elven, 1 dwarven and 1 orcish) I think we'll see Samoan Dwarves and Aztec Orcs.
If the KS strech goal is reached I wonder what the 9th race will be, maybe a underwater race?
They did talk about underwater gameplay and such..