Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Game Killers

Ok we all familiar with game killers.

1. Bots
2. Gold Sellers
3. Multi-Boxers ( aka people trying to justify bots)
4. Griefering in general ( This server is dominated by X and his 45 accounts )
5. Cash shop ( hear this has already been addressed)

I am wondering if the dev team has a plan to handle them. Don't want to know what it is, give them even a hint how it works they will start working around it. Just that they have one in place.


  • I do think there will be a report system.
    Well if they get 15$ from each player, i think they can hire people to manage those tickets.
    Or maybe in game moderators
  • I think its well worth the $15 to not have those problems.
  • There is something publishers dont look at it and that is man behind botters. Example if you see 5ppl in party on 1 player solo botting leave him alone for 7 days, but check every day to who that man is giving gold and then ban them all. GM just recieve report, check that player and bans him which is wrong. What is point of banning 1 account if you could ban every account hes botting.


    1 man controls 10 botters aka 10 accounts.
    GM saw only 1 or 2 botters and left them alone for 7 days but checking them every day (not ingame but server logs -> char logs)
    GM see trading between 1-2-3 characters, collects every ip address, finds them all by ip and ban hammer!

    PS: There should be rule not to use proxy for this game!
  • [quote quote=11343]Ok we all familiar with game killers.
    3. Multi-Boxers ( aka people trying to justify bots)

    Multiboxing has nothing to do with botting in the first place. And it's legal in almost every MMO even WoW.

    Nothing wrong with multiboxing.
  • [quote quote=11400]<blockquote>
    <div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Kadin wrote:</a></div>
    Ok we all familiar with game killers.
    3. Multi-Boxers ( aka people trying to justify bots)

    Multiboxing has nothing to do with botting in the first place. And it’s legal in almost every MMO even WoW.

    Nothing wrong with multiboxing.


    sure, if you're legitimately multiboxing by manually triggering all actions, why not?

    the problem emerges when you set up a program like HealBot in FFXI that makes your multiboxed white mage follow your character and automatically cast cure when you get lower in hp

    ultimately different people have different opinions on the issue, but i think generally we can agree that multiboxing that relies on a botting program is bad, but just having multiple accounts is probably fine
  • I'm expecting the KS campaign to be rather successful, so they should have no trouble financing (alongside the subscriptions) a good support team. If the community does report users who are caught breaking the rules, or otherwise exploiting the game and there is a decent support team present, we'll definitely have a pretty good experience playing this game.
  • I like that they plan to have active GM's in game roaming around.
  • Great ways to prevent the game killers:

    In the terms and agreements, make it bold and plan to see to rules on Botting, Multi boxing, and Gold Selling.

    Enforce a GM team for in game. Both paid and none paid players. None Paid GM's would be players that help report and keep the servers clean. Put them as a deputy of some sort. Have there reports send to the top of the list for inspection, and or give temp mute abilitys for Gold spammers until reports are reviewed.

    Enforce IP bans. Be awesome if could do MAC Address bans but thats a little harder to do.

    I agree with Haki that bots need to be observed more besides just banning the one bot. Look for the chain of command or other bots its working with. You may even find the main account
  • [quote quote=11473]Be awesome if could do MAC Address bans but thats a little harder to do.[/quote]
    I'm pretty sure that any MAC address filtering could be gotten around in about 10 seconds. It's stupid easy to spoof your MAC address and trying to block one wouldn't work.
  • [quote quote=11400]<blockquote>
    <div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Kadin wrote:</a></div>
    Ok we all familiar with game killers.
    3. Multi-Boxers ( aka people trying to justify bots)

    Multiboxing has nothing to do with botting in the first place. And it’s legal in almost every MMO even WoW.

    Nothing wrong with multiboxing.


    It's pay to win. You're buying more accounts for stacked power in world encounters. Yes pvp people can find ways to deal with it but I cannot see how it wouldn't be considered pay to win if it lets you solo monsters and single-handily establish nodes with the shared experience. Also it's pretty immersion-breaking respect other people's environment and expectations from the game.
  • Buff bots if buffs are overpowered.

    AFK fishing and related AFK activities that make you money by just leaving your machine connected.

    Grinding multiples of the same item in order to "combine them" RNG style into a bigger version of the item. "GAME KILLER"

    Making combat reliant on "Actions Per Minute" finger acrobatics (while holding down w, tap q and r at the same time then hold v, then tap z twice to execute your moves.. really, cmon). MMORG's are not Nintendo street-fighter. Why play an MMORPG if you want a first person shooter, moba, or asian action game?
  • Multi-boxing without using a bot program shouldn't be an issue and it also not pay to win. If someone has the ability to operate more than one account than that is their preference, but this will depend on the game mechanics. Having multiple accounts in BDO was not beneficial at all, however, multiple accounts in Archeage were. ( Trust me I had 10 accounts. I amount of money I was able to make was .....insane, but the amount of work I had to put into it was far greater than a normal player. )

    As stated though everyone's view on pay to win differs. I have a lot of disposable income and I value my time greatly; so if I can spend real life money to get a couple hours of my day back, then I will do it without a thought. I would rather spend 4 hours a day in the game, spend 50 dollars every couple days than having to spend 10 hours a day in the game. A video game needs to cater to multiple play styles and keeping a balance with that is very difficult. I am extremely happy, however, that they do not want a pay to win cash shop.

    I am extremely against bots and gold sellers. I do feel that these ruin MMOs for a lot of players, especially with game economies that are controlled/driven by the players.

    @Barcellona I have to agree with you on RNG issues. I recall Steven mentioning that there will be an enchanting system that will have slight RNG factored into this, but RNG is good and bad as well if there is a balance. I actually found that BDO kind of was going in an okay direction; having you use more of the resource to make the success 100%, but didn't quite get there fully.
  • Scripted Multiboxing is just as bad as employing peole to play your account when you sleep.
    It is a Pay2Win methodology on a vertical progression system, where progression gain superiority over others.
    On horizontal progression systems, its not so much of an issue as 1000s of hours of supplementary 24/7 progress only grant you alternative options.....not power.
  • I am almost 100% sure that there will be a team which will make short work of these players. I do hope that there will be a detection system which will scan certain shady activities, but that is for interpid to decide.
  • [quote quote=11541]<blockquote>
    <div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Zackallic wrote:</a></div>
    Be awesome if could do MAC Address bans but thats a little harder to do.
    I’m pretty sure that any MAC address filtering could be gotten around in about 10 seconds. It’s stupid easy to spoof your MAC address and trying to block one wouldn’t work.

    [/quote] would thing a MAC address would be a GUID by now.
    Only real way to do this is use GUID for each game client and simply disconnect those clients from the game system.
    No network game. Bye!

    Doesnt stop them just adding a new account for every one thats deleted/banned.

    So associate credit card number with client GUID.
    All clients using that credit card are also banned.
    They could of course get 100s of credit cards I guess....but would that really be a good idea and something you want to do ?
  • Multi-boxing at all should be banned.

    Effectively its RPG slavery if you really want to look at it that way. You have 26 characters doing what ever to progress one character you are basically breaking the game. Not just for yourself but for every other player in the game.

    Really mult-boxers ( call them botters for sure because we know they all do it ) really just destroy the game for everyone else who plays it. They are the reason for inflation as much as any gold seller out there probably more so.

    Should probably add that multi-boxing is not critical piece to botting but allowing it certainly help botters destroy your game faster.
  • Comes down to this. This game was designed to create a complex social system where players interacting with other players help progress and change many things in the world. Now once you start allowing multi-boxers ( aka botters ) into that chain you now have one character that is far more powerful and influential then all the rest because he no longer gets one vote/resource he gets 26! to your one.

    If those 26 accounts hes paying for in anyway help him advance the game just became pay to win .
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