Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Questions/idea's for Admin/Devs and Players

2. Waiting for answer // Wouldn't it be nice to have Wife/Husband in-game? i think it would be nice by sharing the house together etc.. would make your partner be part of your living in-game not just explorer together, living aswell.
3. Waiting for answer // I would like to turn my house into a Shop and a house: for people to visit my house for sell/buy items ingame...
4. Waiting for answer // I would like to se building house be more being realistic part of the game, as in other games you place a house and that's it.. it ruins the feeling of building your own house as you want.
5. Waiting for answer // What will the end game bring? and would dungeons be randommized? because it's boring to redo the same dungeons over and over..
7. Waiting for answer // i feel Day and Night should matter ingame. Would mean something in-game as in need to sleep or if sleep at night recovers stamina for traveling etc.. not sleeping "1 hour" more as in whille you sleep 1-5 min in real life it recovers stamina fully to move ingame for 3 hours...
9. Waiting for answer // Wouldn't the "Basic quest" effect the game to be standard based as all other mmorpgs games out there? as in: Do this, go there, grab that, over and over and it would feel limited to be "freely" as your command to do so..?
10. Waiting for answer // I would like to se in this game: We would be avaible totame any monsters ingame and evolve our pet to fight by our side
// That's my thoughts and questions of "Ashes of Creation" to the Founder directly aswell community / Devs...
// Sorry if my english is a little bad, i hope people understand what i mean by those questions and idea's.... :D
-8. ANSWERED- THANKS // Add tons of "races" / "classes" for us to to pick between feels like most game have a lot standard based boring classes or races to pick between..
1. ANSWERED- THANKS // Would this game turn out like ArcheAge? Pay2Win? or would we pay for the game once like people did back in the days? or shop items with costumes?
6. You may skip this! Waiting for answer // Would be nice "MAYBE" to have casino in game haaha... dunno just a thought...


  • I obviously can't speak for the devs, but everything that I have seen would indicate that they do not want it to be P2W and that the only things that you would be able to buy would be cosmetic.
  • This game will not be P2W at all. The only paying you need to do is the monthly 15$ Sub Fees. The ingame shop will only have cosmestics.

    There's a family system but the I don't know much information about it.

    Don't know if you can turn your house into a shop. But you can rent these stall things in the Economic Nodes so that'll probably be the closest you'll get.

    I don't think you can design and build your own house. But when nodes lvl, the houses do as well.

    You should watch Ashes Of Creation - Nodes Part 1

    idk about casino....

    There's no sleeping but there is Day n Night as well as season. I think its 6hour rotations for DnN?

    There's 8 classes (the same 8 for subclass as well) and 8 races (6 confirmed). There's going to be alot of unique combinations because your Race/Secondary/Religion will all augment your abilities.


    You can equip stuff on pets if that counts....

    Good thoughts.
  • @xiwic

    Welcome the to AOC community.

    As most of this community, there is a lot of hype and high hopes for this game.

    I do have some resources that you may like that will answer some of your questions and give you the ability to get the answers to others.

    1) The Pay To Win was addressed by steven in his Q&A Video he is really against this. I will post the video link below. i really recommend watching this video when you have time and also subscribe to the Ashes of Creation Youtube channel. They even released some information about the housing system.

    2) I recommend joining the Ashes Of Creation Discord. Which i will also post below. The reason for this is because there is a channel called #ask_interpid. This channel you can post your questions for the Developers and or Admin Team to answer. All you have to do is start it with @Intrepid Studios. I myself have had 3/5 of my questions answered. Note that your questions may not get answered due to the game still being developed and the content cannot be revealed. However they may give you a vague answer if its in their power.
  • Hi there,

    is there any information regarding class-choosing? I'd really like a system where the
    class you're playing actually originates from how you play the game or you have to
    do a certain quest-line to be able to attain the right to choose let's say the combination
    of bard-mage. I think it would bring a lot of fun to the game. :) Just choosing the class
    at the start of the game is kinda lame even though you can change your path a bit by
    choosing your second class...
    I think the class should represent your style of playing .... but... just an idea. For further
    information you can read Royal Roads or the legendary moonlight sculptor, don't know
    exactly how it's called, it's a light novel.
  • @xiwic and @JohnKirsch

    I would recommend both of you to check out community information sheets which are updated regularly with information direct from the developers. Simply put, if it isn't on there, chances are we don't have a definitive answer from the devs and can only speculate:
  • Thanks for help most of those questions would be nice ingame i also seen the video but was to tired to follow them 100% of what they weare saying.. also suggestions i've given was directed to the video because they didn't like restrictions and what i've seen games lack tiny featuers as in costumize house and own a shop it would give a better fun into the game since it would bring more "freedom" that they weare saying.

    today games lack day and night diffrence because day or night doesn't matter in a game witch makes it boring. that's why i would like to see some diffrence from most mmorpgs games that are samie-like or copy like etc..

    I will check that out and see if i can get question answered.
    Thanks! :)
  • the discord is 404 not found.. D:

    We will not have any p2w ❤️
  • @Steven Hello

    Thanks for link but what do you think about the questions above?
    When you have time please do answer your thoughts of the questions would mean a lot.
  • 2. There's marriage but I don't know the extent of it and how it works.
    3. You can have merchants outside your home.
    4. Home's scale to the node level. WIth old central homes growing as the node grows. New housing appears when the node grows.
  • @doford
    thanks for information
    But the question reamains for discussion about what players would think of the idea or diffrent diea about it
  • My dear developers! I have a little idea. It will be very good to do channels like in Black Desert. What do you think about it. For my mind it is a best decision for players and for game that i`ve seen in MMO.
  • @Sever you mean like channel servers?
  • Yes. But like in BDO. Where i can play in each serer by my hero.
  • to many channels would maybe split players i think they should only have 2 servers... ? don't know much of BDO because the spawn locations on the monsters suck badly and bored me xD mostly play a "all" mmorpgs games...
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