Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

In Game store or Website store items

I would love to see rare mounts/ rare skinned mounts for sale at a reasonable price
clothing and armor cosmetics, like a wizard outfit from some ancient order
custom swords ,shields ,staves
outfit with cloaks
rogue outfits
if you can replicate Wow's traveling mounts with vendor and repair options on it, would be awesome.

traveling pets with traveling storage options. Aions Shugo lad is still one of my favorites

rare and differently skinned homes we can buy in store.

just some ideas , opportunities for your studio to make extra money. =)


  • Do you refer to P2W exclusive objects? I don't like this...
  • NO play to win- read above Cosmetics
  • a good example of rogue cosmetics. One of my rogue outfits from WoW. this screen shot is meh and also the shoulders are magically animated, which you cannot see here.
  • Pets with "storage options" would give a huge advantage to those who bought it. They probably would end up buying those instead of using their caravans for example. I feel as though, if there were a cosmetic shop, it should only be with a few mounts that gives no bonusses whatsoever. Cool gear is something you're supposed to obtain ingame imo.
  • Gosh, I hope they don't have any kind of cash shop at all. Let us earn it ingame and just pay a subscription. So tired of all this cash shop bullshit in our genre.
  • Gotta agree with Aggelos here. Cash shops never do any good in games. It feels much more rewarding going out and getting the various different things (armor, mounts and pets) in the world, rather than buying them for xx amount of currency.
  • This might be a huge shock to you guys but every game company has either an in game store or a web store. Oh noes! Another shock you you guys MMOrpgs along with many other games are a business and creation of love at the same time. Oh noes! Thirdly, I know another huge shock, this is a way companies can make extra money to reward them for the good work, they have done and also use funding for expansion packs and game development. OH NOES! You are not forced to buy anything in their in game stores, its your discretion, and long and there are exciting things in their store at reasonable prices, If I have extra money and love the item, I'm going to buy it.
  • We are just stating our opinions. Of course I know that a lot of games have in game shop, I've played some myself (Tera, WoW and BDO), yet I still disagree with the points you are making. Yes it's nice being able to get cool gear, pets and mounts, but wouldn't it be much more exciting to go out in the world and collect those items yourself, rather than just pressing a button and spending your money on it?

    In terms of funding, if your game is good enough, you don't need a shop to fund your game, and it shouldn't be your way of income either.

    I also feel as though developers have a tendency to put the cool and flashy gear in their shops, whilst leaving the players with only recolors in game. I'm not saying that Interpit Studios will end up doing this though, but it's just something I see rather often.

    From experience, I feel as though those shops are not needed. I'd much rather want the developers to develop interesting quest lines and fun content, than a shop filled with things that could easily be put into the game, and perhaps have an interesting quest line attached to it.
  • sorry for coming off with such sarcasm, but the reality is Pandoras box has been opened with web stores and in game stores and developers arent going back. I agree with you its cool to earn stuff in game for free, but that can also be a burden, Im 40+ with a mortgage and don't have the time to play like when I was in my 20's, sometimes money out weights your time and it easier to buy something. Either way with a subscription and buying stuff from time to time in the in game. I will support the game. My .02c's

  • That's understandable! If they were to implement a store, I hope it will be some time after the game has launched. I do agere with you that some people don't have time to go out and do every quest, so I hope they'll make an alternative way of getting cool stuff that isn't as timeconsuming.
  • If it's a f2p game, expect a cash shop. They are a business and need some sort of income to support the continued development of the game and the upkeep of their servers. As long as they keep it only cosmetic and not put p2w on their I'd be happy.

    With that being said, I don't mind p2w games that are just so stupid expensive that 90% of the player base cant afford. Let the rich people have their "win" while keeping the game in development. Kind of like Star citizen in game ships costing upwards of $1500.
  • [quote quote=1378]Gosh, I hope they don’t have any kind of cash shop at all. Let us earn it ingame and just pay a subscription. So tired of all this cash shop bullshit in our genre.


    This is how i would like to have it to ;)
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