Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
How much $ will the subsciption cost
This has probably already been talked about just wanted to know how much it will cost because with the refer bonuses it mustn't be that cheap
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Don't take my word for this but I heard somewhere that the game is just the subscription itself. Pay for the sub and you get the game?
If you're backing it through Kickstarter, then no... your pledge is getting you the game, some game time and whatever goodies are in that tier. If you are planning on buying in the future, there MAY be a box fee. Games with monthly subs, like Final Fantasy for example, certainly charge you for the game (usually with a free month), if bought on its own.
$12 - $15 a month?...
That's $144 - $180 a year. Why is everyone okay with that? This game better the irl SAO if it's going to be that expensive.
$12 – $15 a month?…
That’s $144 – $180 a year. Why is everyone okay with that? This game better the irl SAO if it’s going to be that expensive.
How much were you expecting the sub to be?
$12 – $15 a month?…
That’s $144 – $180 a year. Why is everyone okay with that? This game better the irl SAO if it’s going to be that expensive.
$180 a year isn't that much, once you're making your own money.
My mom used to spend more than that just for groceries every month.
To compare it to other gaming figures, $180 is 1/2 the price of a Nintendo Switch, and you'll be (hypothetically) guaranteed a year's worth of entertainment this way.
To put it in perspective of actually earning money, I'll be working at a summer camp this summer for a couple thousand. $180 is basically skimming the surface of that.
$12 – $15 a month?…
That’s $144 – $180 a year. Why is everyone okay with that? This game better the irl SAO if it’s going to be that expensive.
If this were going to be a theme park style MMO like we've been getting for the past decade instead of an open-world sandbox like it is being presented as, then I would have a problem with it being a $15 per month subscription. The reason I do not have a problem is because in an open world sandbox, everything around you is potentially emergent and the very nature of being able to play off of and with everyone around you increases the entertainment value a hundred fold in my opinion. We the players are by default each other's content, with what we do having a real impact on the virtual world we share. So every day in the game presents the possibility of something new.
In a theme park MMO, the entertainment value is on the developers to be able to deliver new content on a regular basis. And my experience has been that even large development teams have a hard time being able to deliver new content regularly enough to justify me just handing them money every month. If I play (and pay) three months straight and new content was only released during one of those months, then as far as I am concerned, if I was able to complete that content within 30 days, then I will have given the developers money for NOTHING... TWICE.
Some would argue that "It's access to the game as a service that we're paying for." That was once true. But the sheer number of Free-to-play Theme Park MMOs with an optional cash shop selling fluff turning a significant profit every month has proven that it is no longer necessary to charge for access alone.
And I do not consider fluff like costumes and freaky mounts to be content. Content to me is stuff to do that is meaningfully engaging. Like new questlines. If an MMO is a theme park model, I would gladly pay $15 for each questline deployed, so long as it has at least 4 quests that take at least one hour to play through if I completely explore everything associated with them, and they would ideally roll out one quest per week for that questline. That price point works out to be about $3.75 per hour long mission. An episode of Game of Thrones purchased on Amazon runs $2.99 if I recall correctly, but you are only a spectator. Adding the participation level that comes with mission content in a game, in which you aren't just watching the content but experiencing it, I can justify $3.75 for an hour.
That's how I currently measure my entertainment value in terms of MMOs and subscription costs.
As long as I can log it and always have something meaningful to do, I'm fine with a subscription fee. But in most MMOs these days, all mission content is blown through relatively quickly, and it's months before the next wave of new missions, and a new gear grind will come out. If I am expected to pay every month, then I will unsubscribe until the new content comes out. We don't HAVE to give a developer money for nothing.
If Ashes of Creation actually delivers on what it being promised, I will have no problems remaining subscribed. Because every single session of play will have meaning beyond my own personal gameplay experience.
As I understand what Intrepid has said, no. We can download the game free of charge and will have to subscribe to play it. I have not heard anything about a free trial, but it would make sense to include one, even if it is limited, like 24 hours free. Or at least having a pre-portal zone that serves as a tutorial for ALL of the games mechanics which can even double as a social hub that doesn't cost anything to access. I would imagine that being able to creat a character and test the build before actually entering the game while being able to make friends with others would be a useful free tool. People could come into the game with a subscription with an understanding of how things work and a group of established friends to journey with.
If something like that were implemented, I would gladly create two accounts. One to keep in the pre-portal starter area to help guide newcomers. If they like what the game promises to offer and subscribe, I'll direct them to seek out my main character who would gladly continue their guidance. That may be how I form my guild...
But who knows if the subs go down over time and they want to keep it vaiable they will switch to a f2p model.
But atm they have said in 2 live streams that it's going to be sub based only.
For me 12$ is what I pay to use electricity the whole month, and average salary in my country is around 650$ (netto).
But I guess they won't make it easier for poor countries. I am not even mad at this... I mean they HAVE to earn, but it somehow feels bad. When other people can be just like "yeah 148$ a year is nothing" while in my country 148$ seems like a lots more.
Just don't be suprised when people say it's a lot of money. Some of you earn and live in countries where average salary is 3000$+. It's 4 times higher than in mine (and probably many others).
See this for and compare:
So doing the same things in one country you get 4x or even more money than when doing the exact some thing in other country.
And to be quite honest gaming industry is the only one in which I feel like we pay "more" because of this.
Would you feel better or worse if it were free to play but then you couldnt afford to buy all the cool weapon or armor or mount that you wanted that just about everyone else has? I imagine it would be worse since then you would feel like you are not on a level playing field in regards to your character being less effective as some others might be with their mightier bought weapons and such.
If you’re backing it through Kickstarter, then no… your pledge is getting you the game, some game time and whatever goodies are in that tier. If you are planning on buying in the future, there MAY be a box fee. Games with monthly subs, like Final Fantasy for example, certainly charge you for the game (usually with a free month), if bought on its own.
Absolutely incorrect. There is going to be no box fee whatsoever. Only the $15 monthly fee.
I just wrote this so some people may understand complaining of others. People complain because for them, in their country, it might be much more expensive than it seems for most people in here and telling them "nah, its not a lot of money if you work" is just depressnng to hear for most of them. They might actually have a job with salary that is considered "good" salary in their country and still have problems affording to play 15$ a month.
No one can promise that the game will remain sub based forever. I mean if the player base remains, the devs will have no problem keeping the game up and running for as long as WOW has been. If the player base crashes the options left are either bunking the game and focus on the next projects or trying to get those free to play masses to join the game. It's nothing personal, just business.
<blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Canterbury wrote:</a></div>[quote quote=19596]Will we have to buy the game on top of the subscription fee?[/quote]
If you’re backing it through Kickstarter, then no… your pledge is getting you the game, some game time and whatever goodies are in that tier. If you are planning on buying in the future, there MAY be a box fee. Games with monthly subs, like Final Fantasy for example, certainly charge you for the game (usually with a free month), if bought on its own.
I'd like to see your sources. The game has been said to be free to download but $15 per moth to play whether you're a backer or not. Also Steven has said there will be slight discount when buying your sub months in a bulk.
No one can promise that the game will remain sub based forever. I mean if the player base remains, the devs will have no problem keeping the game up and running for as long as WOW has been. If the player base crashes the options left are either bunking the game and focus on the next projects or trying to get those free to play masses to join the game. It's nothing personal, just business.
No one can promise that the game will remain sub based forever. I mean if the player base remains, the devs will have no problem keeping the game up and running for as long as WOW has been. If the player base crashes the options left are either bunking the game and focus on the next projects or trying to get those free to play masses to join the game. It's nothing personal, just business.
Canterbury wrote:
"If you’re backing it through Kickstarter, then no… your pledge is getting you the game, some game time and whatever goodies are in that tier. If you are planning on buying in the future, there MAY be a box fee. Games with monthly subs, like Final Fantasy for example, certainly charge you for the game (usually with a free month), if bought on its own."
I'd like to see your sources. The game has been said to be free to download but $15 per moth to play whether you're a backer or not. Also Steven has said there will be slight discount when buying your sub months in a bulk. For those who aren't sure about the facts, I can assure you, the $15/month is the planned sub fee.
I live in brazil and, in my current job, i'm making 300 dollars a month. Not a lot, huh?
But still, 12 dollars out of 300 isn't that much.
Even if you play only on the weekends, that's 1.2 dollar per day of fun! (assuming you're gonna have fun.) That's less than half the money i get just for the transportation in my job.
So i get healthier by walking 5km a day and the game comes as a bonus HAHAHAHA GG boys