Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Perhaps stupid questions O.o

Alright well title says it all!

I looked around perhaps I didn't look hard enough if so I apologize!

First Question

on the kickstarter

"Leader of Men"
"Kickstarter Exclusive - Demonic / Angelic Character racial skin "

Any pictures of that I would really like to see it!!!! its killing me inside because I'm kinda debating on it tbh. I'm that gamer that if something cool comes out and I missed it
its going to bug the hell out of me At least give us a rough draft please :P

Second question

Mounts / Cosmetic

Are they account bound or tied to a specific character
Account bound
means every character you make you will have that mount whether its a new character or not

Specific character means only that character that you claim the reward on will have those mounts any new character you create in the future will not have it

Third Questions

Will their be like a stable building where you store your mounts for X fee
or is it going to be an item where you right click and a mount just magically appears from the "Void"

and when you hop off your mount dose it just sit their if so can someone take it / kill it?
and if it dose die can you revive it?


  • I dont know the answers to your questions, but id suggest the discord would be a better place to find them.

    Other fans may know the answers but if not, the devs and the community manager are in the channel daily too so you could ask directly
  • [quote quote=13979]I dont know the answers to your questions, but id suggest the discord would be a better place to find them.

    Other fans may know the answers but if not, the devs and the community manager are in the channel daily too so you could ask directly


    Yeah true but a lot of people have question so I figured why not try here
  • I'm also curious about the “Kickstarter Exclusive – Demonic / Angelic Character racial skin ”, I've tried asking it into the Discord channel and Live stream yesterday sadly enough no awnsers.
  • [quote quote=14003]I’m also curious about the “Kickstarter Exclusive – Demonic / Angelic Character racial skin ”, I’ve tried asking it into the Discord channel and Live stream yesterday sadly enough no awnsers.


    I know right I really want to see it because if its amazing I don't want to miss out and then see other people have it kinda like a smack in the face lol
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