Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Don't just add features - create opportunity for experiences

I recently watch the video below about the state of MMORPGs that really resonated with me. Part of my excitement about Ashes of Creation is that it seems to have potential to deliver the experience and feel that this video talks about.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I originally thought about writing some big long post about my vanilla wow days and how I miss them but instead I thought I’d post the video and would be interested on hearing other’s thoughts on it. I personally think if the developers watch this and agreed, it could lead to an amazing game.

What are your thoughts?


  • Most mmos feel really small to me so it ruins the experience. A small world with fast leveling destroys any sense of challenge so any amount of features (Gimmicks) has no sway on my desire to play.
  • I agree, if leveling up is a challenge it makes it so much more rewarding. I think that applies to most aspects of a game. Nothing worth having comes easy. I feel like a lot of games now days make things too convenient for the players and you miss out on so much of the experience of playing as a result. For me playing WoW now days makes me sad when I see the dungeon finder and things like that. You used to have to travel all the way to each dungeon, what an inconvenience. But that was half the fun! I think a lot of the mechanisms introduced to games now days make life a lot more convenient for players but it stops them from having to interact with the world. Make things challenging and you can scrap in game achievements, the reward for accomplishing things should feel like an achievement as it is.
  • MMOs have become all about copying a script and repeating again and again and.....
    There is no fresh experience. There is no exhilhiariting moments...because you've already done them or someone has shown you how.
    You need the brain of a chimp for MMOs now.

    The only time a dungeon is worth doing is the first time.
    Anything after that is a pale imitation because the unknown is replaced with the known.
    You become so bored you start telling everyone else what to do, because you can do your own job with your eyes shut.
    The build and script is perfected...the i dotted...the t crossed.
    There is no room left for innovation or freedom of expression.

    Most worlds are also dead because everything within has no reason to be there.
    They are just something shoved in there to populate the world.
    There is nothing to engage your brain and fill you with intrigue and make you follow....
    ...because ..there is no reason to follow.

    You look at the golden phoenix and say....thats pretty.
    When you could shout, 'hey theres a golden phoenix, it nests at this legendary treasure.
    We have to track it.....come on! God damn it! Hurry up!'

    These worlds have no depth without each and every thing having meaning...a time... a place.
    Steven knows this well..and talks about it in the blogs.
  • Just take it from the creative director

    <img src="" alt="" />
  • [quote quote=14519]

    <img src="" alt="" />


    Lol poor guy, with the kickstarter they must all be sweating ;P I think as long as they nail content they've talked about it will be an amazing game. Real potential to have an experience that players can connect with because they feel like they are achieving something. I wonder how it will pan out once a server has a couple metropolises. If the addition of global AH and fast travel will change the game feel once a world has developed.
  • I'm pretty sure they've stated that there will be no global auction house or even fast travel. Fast travel will be really limited. Leveling too long will also make things boring. I remember playing CABAL and at final levels it took weeks to get things done. There are tons of great ideas on the forums from people. I personally wanna see a quests system that players can post. Gathering, Hunting, Raiding, Assassination, etc.
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