Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Question: will this be another WoW clone?

hey guys,
all the time i play mmorpg now, i never saw something good thats not close to WoW
what makes this game different to WoW, GW and all those games, i mean will it be the same stuipidly grindfest, goal to have the best loot possible - end


  • "Will this game suck?"

    Hopefully not. Great question though.

    If you'd like to know more about the game and whats in it I highly suggest you watch this series of videos from DeathsProxy
  • [quote quote=14530]hey guys,
    all the time i play mmorpg now, i never saw something good thats not close to WoW
    what makes this game different to WoW, GW and all those games, i mean will it be the same stuipidly grindfest, goal to have the best loot possible – end[/quote]

    I'd recommend hitting up the game's YouTube channel and watching the two-part video on nodes, for starters. If that doesn't suggest to you that this game seems to have more imagination in its little toe than all of WoW combined, I'd re-watch it again ;)
  •, it won't, simply because they are completely different sub-genres. WoW is what we call a "theme-park" mmorpg where you are put on a set path with limited options and follow a standard progression. Ashes of Creation on the other hand is a "sandbox" mmorpg where we are encouraged to make our own stories, and do what we want rather than be constricted. So no, this will definitely NOT be a WoW clone.
  • I hope not, it's marketed as not being one but I hope we hear something more definitive when Closed Alpha P1 starts
  • It will not be a themepark like WoW or a sandbox like Minecraft but the term "themebox" was mentioned by the creative director.
    So hopefully this new* hybrid genre revisioning will be the catalyst to make MMOs amazing again.
  • If anything it has more of a black desert online feel to it then wow. And even then it wont be anything like bdo.
  • About the gear system, I haven't heard much about it myself. What I have heard though is that corrupted players who kill too many non-combatant* players can lose their gear. I'm still skeptical on whether or not raiding and dungeons will power creep gear, but I don't believe I've played many end-game gear progression MMORPGs that let players lose equipped gear. I'm not certain if that is any actual indicator of the type of gearing system that this game will have to offer. It is just a thought.

    *Non-combatant players as in players that don't even try to defend themselves.
  • [quote quote=14558]Err….no, it won’t, simply because they are completely different sub-genres. WoW is what we call a “theme-park” mmorpg where you are put on a set path with limited options and follow a standard progression. Ashes of Creation on the other hand is a “sandbox” mmorpg where we are encouraged to make our own stories, and do what we want rather than be constricted. So no, this will definitely NOT be a WoW clone.


    This right here, and thank goodness. :)
  • Why does everyone think WOW is the 'Gold Standard" of mmo's. Ok it's good, but it's not fantastic, it just landed at the right moment. There were better MMO's before WOW and there have been better MMO's since (subjective I know).

    But to answer the op's question, no AOC won't be like WOW, it could even be the MMO to kill WOW (there I go again, subjective I know).
  • No there are many of us that are even fighting against having a raiding system like WOW where you raid to get better gear. We want people that want that type of progression to stay in WOW while we make instances that are run for crafting mats for gear and a gear system that is flat with no gear progression. More like a SWG like gear system where yes some gear was better because the mats were used but you kept replacing gear because of item decay.
  • I never liked wow but I only played it for a couple days a few years ago. It's just the same as loads of other mmorpgs I've played. Maybe if I like Warcraft 3 , like I did for Warcraft 2, I would have played wow when it released and not played EQ2 instead.

    I hope there's more of a challenge in AoC with different regions with more or less Risk/ Reward.
  • It will certainly not be a clone of a current MMO (albeit WoW, GW, ...). Some aspects that the game will offer might resemble something that can be seen in other games (dual classing has been done already in GuildWars1, for example), but there will be plenty of new and unique stuff to be found in AoC.
    I also don't think that a lot of grinding will be needed in the game, since the producers want to have as much interaction between players as possible. So implementing some sort of grind lock before maxing your level/gear would be nefarious for that purpose..
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