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I want to see the designs for Summoner.

C&P from reddit:

<blockquote>Nodes. Open warfare. Subclass system.

That's fine and all, and more than enough reason for me to have backed the game at the modest ammount I'm able of. But what really piques my interest is to know about the summonner class to see if there is room to give a piece of my mind.

I'm personally distressed by games where Summoners are ironcladed while a single pet that does everything. I wish for the complete opposite: Absolutely fragile, casts-1-spell-a-day-at-most, self-scrificed, Godlike-creature-invoker type.</blockquote>


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    Personally I want to see Summoners be an actual 1 man army able to summon familiars and use skills that cover all roles allowing me to play alone or cover for friends when we get in trouble. I would even be ok if in order to do so I had to personally collect familiars to cover said jobs or if I lagged behind in levels compared to other player classes.

    The idea of summoning Absolutely fragile, casts-1-spell-a-day-at-most, self-scrificed, Godlike-creature-invoker type is a fun idea but I dont want to keep finding creatures to sacrifice just to do anything in the game.
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    Wait and see..

    the thing about summoner is, they can be really varied.

    The Minion Master Necromancer who uses hordes of summons. (Summoner/Summoner)
    <img src="" alt="" />

    The fragile Golemancer who has one big fella (Summoner/Tank)
    <img src="" alt="" />

    The divine Summoner who has help of Espers/Eidolons (Summoner/Cleric)
    <img src="" alt="" />
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    What are y'all smokin'!!!

    Keep in mind that in Ashes, gear is not restricted by class.
    There will be Tank/Summoners and Fighter/Summoners.
    There will be Summoner/Tanks and Summoner/Fighters.
    So, expect to see some Summoners wearing plate mail.

    Also, there are no race/class restrictions.
    So expect to see some Orc and Dwarf Summoners who are not fragile.

    If you want to play a glass cannon Elf Summoner/Summoner, you can do so.
    I suppose you could limit yourself to only one spell per "day", too.
    Expect that, in general, Summoners will be using many spells per "day".
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    I would personally love to see the summoner able to have a small horde of minions at his side that kind always seems fun to me.
    I'm also curious how the summons will look and if they'll be customizable.

    For instance like @Enrif said above me here:
    Will the summoner who has lots of minions summons be a more necromancer style summoner or could you choose to style it something completely diffrent?
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    I expect religion and secondary archetypes to also provide options for what can be Summoned.
    I've heard race also plays a factor.
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    The summoner class has the most mystery to it and the most obvious benefits the Devs have already said that secondary class skills are only going to augment your primary skill tree.


    Tank/ summoner basic skill shield wall augmented to actually summon a wall of shields.

    Fighter/ summoner basic skill charge slash augmented to summon a row of fighters threw the charge to each land a slash.

    Rouge/ summoner basic skill doppelganger augmented to summon multiple doppelgangers to attack from different positions.

    Ranger/ summoner basic skill poison shot augmented to summon multiple poison arrows in a fan.

    What we don't know is what summoners skill trees might be as a primary class are your skills multi use or are the strategic, can our summons do all the work as we stand back or do we have our own weapon that changes by what we summon.


    Summoner/ mage ???? augmented with fire ball to summon ??? on fire?

    Summoner/ cleric ??? augmented with heal to summon ??? that heals allies within a range?

    Summoner/ Summoner ???? augmented with ???? to summon ?????

    Summoner/ bard ??? augmented with a song of war to summon a ??? the boost attack of allies within a range.

    We all hope that Summoner / Summoner will either allow you to summon something formidable or summon a wave of minions, elites, or commander level creatures that we can send to do what we need done.
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    Wouldn't it'll be cool if summoners will have tattoos for theirs beasts/summons? For example, summoner summons this kind of a beast(that could heal or spit fire like a small dragon) and a tattoo with a small dragon would disappear and when skill again active it'll appear again.
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    I like that idea, having a tattoo that you could consume to summon a creature for a time works with the whole summoner structure. However the Devs have said that there are skill trees so summoning from tattoos does not mach with the game.
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    Personally I want to see Summoners be an actual 1 man army able to summon familiars and use skills that cover all roles allowing me to play alone or cover for friends when we get in trouble. I would even be ok if in order to do so I had to personally collect familiars to cover said jobs or if I lagged behind in levels compared to other player classes.

    The idea of summoning Absolutely fragile, casts-1-spell-a-day-at-most, self-scrificed, Godlike-creature-invoker type is a fun idea but I dont want to keep finding creatures to sacrifice just to do anything in the game.

    Now your talking my language, as a person who loves undead (if you could not guess) I would love to role play as an evil lich that has an army of undead at my disposal  
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    A necromancer/ lich in the summoner class is definitely what I am looking forward to or may be an elemental/ beast king all of these classes would be way fun to play. I want to cover for my friends or explore by myself finding hidden dungeons and being self sufficient.
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    ere'one 'o ya is way off base, the best character in game is either the summoner bard or the bard summoner!!!

    Wrap yer heads around that for a bit!
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    That is also a interesting case.

    Bard/ summoner basic bard skill song of war to boost ally's attack damage augmented with summoner to summon a sound wave boosting ally's and weakening enemies?

    Summoner/ bard summoner skill ???? augmented with songs of war to summon ???
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