Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Hello Kitty! ... just hit 6500 backers!

wonder what the next backer threshold will be?

7500? 8000?

looking forward to the 1.75M reveal also


  • 7500 backer pet duck HYPE!
  • just saw this! Nice!! :D ACHIEVEMENT GET!
  • did they mention any functionality of these pets?

    like BDO loot pets? or at least bite the heels of mobs heh
  • Success ! Onward to the next milestone! :'3
  • [quote quote=15586]did they mention any functionality of these pets?

    like BDO loot pets? or at least bite the heels of mobs heh

    i couldnt find anything to say anything other than cosmetic.
  • wooooop lil kitty hype!
  • Steven said on the Dungeon Crawlers Network podcast that the team has discussed benefits the pets might add, but haven't reached a conclusion on whether they will have tangible benefits.
  • Hype on the Kitty!!
    Congratz to Intrepid as well!
  • All I'm hearing is kitten hype. Where tf is the puppy love?! Gimme a gud ol' doggo or pupper any day of the week!
  • the hype is real!!!
  • I'll take it!
  • Puppies and Kittens and yahtzee oh my!!
  • Woo! Gettin that pug!
  • Puppy love here.
  • Miauw!
  • Lmao ironically I just got 2 puppies today. Puppy love forever. Now let's get those weapon skins!!!!
  • Backer 6925 here. Forgot that the kickstarter was.. well started ;)
  • Pet Goats!!!!!!!!!!! Make it happen
  • Hooray for the kittehs.

    <img src="" alt="Battle kitty" />
  • How do you see your backer #?
  • should be in your confirmation email. P.s.$ 35,000.00 to go for LOTR style Lphants!!
  • [quote quote=15838]How do you see your backer #?


    You received an email after you made your purchase. At the top of the email is your backer number.

    Cherish it. :)
  • On the DungeonCrawlerNetwork podcast Q/A featuring Steven Sharif, Steven stated looted is quite monotonous, so looting pets is something they may be considering. But I assume it won't be on the level of other games in the genre.
  • I wonder what kind of puppy it'll be ? :o
    So excited about it :)
  • *arf arf*
    *mow mow*
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