Endless Progression - Fine tuning.

A few people have talked about how an attribute system could work to define the archetypes.
This is a demonstration of how to do that within the confines of a horizontal progression system.
It allows the use of unlimited attribute point acquisition or progress.
Attribute points not only increment the attributes, but can be spent on unlocking all archetype specific skills.
These skills are however, only powered by the associated attribute in this case.
Thus you could unlock an attribute skill but have no power to drive it.
You may also unlock a multi-attribute skill but may or may not be able to power it.

You simply define the attribute allocation as a ratio of the whole.
All unallocated remain default (starting) class type.
Attribute 1 = 12/28 = +21% spirit power +21% spirit regen (bias adjustable)
Attribute 2= 7/28 = +12.5% soul power ~ +12.5% soul regen (bias adjustable)
Attribute 3 = 3/28 = +5.5% mind power ~ +5.5% mind regen (bias adjustable)
Attribute 4 = 1/28 = +2% body power ~ +2% body regen (bias adjustable)
Unallocated = 5/28 = +9% shield rating ~ +9% healother rating (bias adjustable)
Collected = 28/28 = 100% power rating
[NB although collected attribute points can be associated with a skill level, they only effect fine tuning the distribution of power and not increasing it]

Thus collecting points but not allocating them, creates a neutral passive hybrid that shields or heals (in this example).
The new player is thus automatically given the greatest protection possible and starts within defensive roles.
But investing all point into one attribute, would empower that attributes associated skills to 100% while sacrifice all others.
Thus its an auto-balancing class generator.

You can have any skills you like...but empowering them is another matter.
Neutral tank ? Neutral healer ? Perhaps move away from the defensive center toward an offensive type ?


  • The beauty of the system is;
    1. All it takes to change class is to swap attributes around.
    2. All collected skills that were previously unusable without attribute power become instantly available and effective.
    3. None of your attribute collection time and years of progress was wasted.
    4. No need for rerolling any ALTs, although you'll probably need to level up unlocked skills.
  • 2 smart 4 me
  • I'm confused. What is the point of this exactly? Is this meant to substitute for the class system, to make it a class-less system? If so, it is too late in the development process to reconsider (IN my opinion, of course.) It is not a bad idea at all, and there are mods for games and actual games that use systems like this. Great suggestion, maybe could be implemented in a more minor fashion for certain things in the game.
  • @Rune_Relic
    Another great idea  :)
     The only potential problem i see is that One character could just " re-distribute " these attribute points, and might ruin uniqueness of each Class.

     However, these Attributes seems to be passive ; as in, they seem to only affect the Output of some Abiltiies ( Healing, Damaging or Tanking ) ... so it seems as though it'll only change the " Characteristics " of Moves ? If do, sweet idea  :)

    Again, while still a great idea, i can definitely foresee Players begging Devs to allow themselves to " re-assign " these points for certain scenarios.- hence ruining uniqueness
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