Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Stealth Mechanic

I know that there isn’t much information out there, but I was wondering if archetypes like Rogues, Ranger and Mages will have stealth/camouflage/invisibility skills.

Stealth is a mechanic I love when I have it and hate when I don’t. Games like GW2 stealth isn’t too much of a problem, but in WoW I think it was a bit too much. It didn’t have many penalties for being a very powerful ability, obviously this could all change depending on how the Rogue archetype turns out.

I just hope that classes with stealth mechanics won’t have insane burst, mobility and control like in WoW (sorry I just hate rogues from WoW, bad memories lol).


  • Theres probably gonna be some aspect of this, but to what degree remains to be seen. I feel that ESO handled it quite well, instead of stealth players being completely invisible, they are just harder to see. Basicly the enemy vision radius is decreased, but they arent completely invisible like in WoW.
    Furthermore if I remember correctly every class could by training a bit get a slight bonus to stealth (is that right?), which seems logical to me, if you train a bit irl you'll probably make less noise ;)

    Regading the insane burst you mention, I'm usually more for the low dmg high mobility, which in my opinion make perfect sense for a rogue. They dont hit hard, they hit fast and dodge quickly. So hopefully it won't be full burst, but more mobility oriented (in my opinion ofc.).
  • I kinda like how it worked in ArcheAge. The stealth would last 60 seconds, and has a 60 seconds cooldown. so yes, you can stealth again the moment it runs out, however, in ArcheAge, you would stealth in a puff of smoke and players who payed attention, would be able to see this puff of smoke as you disappeared into stealth. Also, if you get close enough you could see the stealth players.

    There's a lot of things I hated about ArcheAge, buts it was mostly related to some gimmicky mechanics such as labor, their terrible Marketing model and How long it took to do anything in that game, making it very hard for casuals to feel like they can accomplish anything. It basically forced you to do a lot of stuff you don't want to do in order to make money and be competitive.

    But returning to their stealth mechanic.. I thought it was great. loved it when I'd spot a puff of smoke in the distance and tell my buddies there's a stealthy sneaking about.
  • I played ESO only for a few days and as an ESO-newb it annoyed me so much when I found out that everyone can stealth in the game. Maybe they're barely visible but, that was my opinion as a freshly starting newbie. There was legit 5 people in stealth around every corner of the PvP map, I was afraid to chase anyone because I knew few more would pop up on my face.

    I don't think ArcheAge's stealth is good @Darshx1 You can basically stay in stealth forever if you want to. And that's what some trolls are doing in the arena and there is no way to find them out, you cant simply go close to them in a big area. Later on they nerfed the duration of stealth but that was for arena only, in open world the problem persisted.

    I would like stealth to be a part of combat. For example you go in a stealth which is only for 4-7 seconds of duration (it should have longer cooldown so you cant keep spamming it) and let's say your X ability will do 20% more damage on a target if you come out of stealth when you use that ability. Or it may also work if there was abilities that can only be used while stealthed.
  • what would be cool is depending on how tall your character is the more/ less effective stealth is e.g. if its timer based have taller "assassins" have less time in stealth than a tiny assassin. (15 seconds for the taller assassin and a bonus 5 seconds for the smaller ones.)
  • [quote quote=1917]what would be cool is depending on how tall your character is the more/ less effective stealth is e.g. if its timer based have taller “assassins” have less time in stealth than a tiny assassin. (15 seconds for the taller assassin and a bonus 5 seconds for the smaller ones.)

    Won't every single assassin be tiny then? I wouldnt wanna take a large one, unless theres like a "you hit harder the bigger you are" advantages. Otherwise it limits the character creation alot :(
  • [quote quote=1911]I don’t think ArcheAge’s stealth is good @darshx1 You can basically stay in stealth forever if you want to. And that’s what some trolls are doing in the arena and there is no way to find them out, you cant simply go close to them in a big area. Later on they nerfed the duration of stealth but that was for arena only, in open world the problem persisted.[/quote]

    I don't have a problem with that. Because unlike what you suggest, in ArcheAge, you'd have to re-stealth every 60 seconds causing a big visible puff of smoke to appear where you went in stealth. So anyone who is looking in that area will at least see the puff of smoke as it lingers for a second even after the character disappears in stealth. So with a system like that, I have no issues. You can still know where a stealth enemy is. The Stealth enemy moves slower than you do and if you have AoEs or even better, Ranged AoEs, you can nuke that area you saw the puff of smoke. I didn't even play a stealth class in ArcheAge and I never thought that they were OP in any kind of way.

    It just sucks when someone has a gearscore twice as high as yours and you feel that a lot more when that person gets the first hit because they were stealth. Even if you look at WoW. Rogues can stay stealth forever as well.. but they are far from being OP in pvp / Arenas. I personally find that stealth is almost useless in an Arena setting since the other team knows from the get go that there's a stealthy and they will right away start to look for that stealthy by doing random AoEs ect... or using any mechanics that might reveal a stealth class (like hunter flares) ect.
  • ESO stealth was actually problematci to the point of uselessness at some stages.
    Ground effects and aoe all pulled you out of stealth and many skills with secondary effects also pulled you straight out fo stealth and left you wondering how everyone was detecting you when supposedly stealthed.

    My main bug bears is UI saying your are stealthed...when you're not :/
    There is obvious situation when stealth should break.
    So I think it can be done successfully.
    It really depends if stealth will be a rogue only defence/shield and/or how combat is designed.
    We really dont know anywhere near enough to form any kind of judgement yet....alas.
  • [quote quote=1879]I know that there isn’t much information out there, but I was wondering if archetypes like Rogues, Ranger and Mages will have stealth/camouflage/invisibility skills.

    Stealth is a mechanic I love when I have it and hate when I don’t. Games like GW2 stealth isn’t too much of a problem, but in WoW I think it was a bit too much.[/quote]

    I actually think they should implement a GW2ish stealth mechanic. I'm playing mmos for over a decade now and this approach was the best I've ever seen. Short stealths, that are useable on a short cd, enforce a rather fast gameplay with some mind games. It is fun for the one stealthing and his enemies - if everybody tries to learn those mechanics what wasn't the case in GW2.
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