Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Steam Player List - Let's create our AoC steam community!

Hey! I didn't want to post this in the Ashes of Creation general discussion, and since there isn't actually an Off-topic section on the forum I thought it suitable to put it in here!

It's a long two-year(+) wait for Ashes of Creation, and in the upcoming months we'll probably play a lot of other games. I'm an avid Steam player myself and would love to have more Ashes of Creation fans on my friendlist.

Maybe I'm alone on this, but if you also want to expand your friendlist and add your own url, I'll add it to the list below :)

Ashes of Creation Steam Players: - Purrmaid - Arkanth - Auminist - Paaperclips - Ericthesunny -Aevux - OutbackLucario - Lamech - AuthorizedBacon - Arcon


  • I haven't been playing much to steam games recently but it sounds interesting, my id is

    PS: I know it doesn't seem like it if you check my profile, but it is mostly idle master xD
  • Nothing wrong with idle master. :) A lot of my own hours are just clicker games idling in the background.
    I should probably use idlemaster myself, I have sooo many cards to pick up!

    I added you :)
  • Hello!

    This is exactly what i'm looking for! This seems like a great way to meet new people with the same excitement and anticipation for AOC!

    My steam is:
    The only game i currently play on Steam is CS:GO, however I'm always looking to meet and talk to new people!
  • I don't get on Steam as much as I used to, but I'm always looking for people to play with. I'm bound to be playing a lot of different things to try and satisfy myself until we get some AoC to play.

    My steam is:

    I have a wide range of tastes, but add me anyways and if we happen to like the same game, let's play together!
  • Excellent! I added you guys :)

    It's great to see others wanting to do this.
  • blackcatnz

    Staying away from MMOs atm. Got burnt out by ESO so actually playing some Transport Fever on Steam.
    Feel free too add. Would be great to interact with other people keen about Ashes.
  • We should probably create a Steam group to share news about AoC and speed up game invitations on steam :3
  • Why not?

    My steam is:

    recently playing a lot of PUBG and H1Z1 and also Escape From Tarkov.

    Also, how do i get my kick starter title to show up like u do?
  • [quote quote=19923]

    Also, how do i get my kick starter title to show up like u do?

    That is my signature, if you see next to everyones name it still says "Participant"
    This is because, until the kickstarter ends you can change your pledge however you want. You can go up, or down a tier, or cancel all-together.

    No money gets withdrawn from your credit card until the end of the kickstarter.

    @Arkanth I've seen a few steam groups around, but the ones I've joined seems mostly dead sadly.
  • there, big and bold
  • [quote quote=19935]there, big and bold


    <del datetime="2017-05-11T11:31:29+00:00">By the way, where is your avatar from? Looks really cool.</del> Never mind, just realised xD
  • Cool idea, i'm always willing to meet new friends who have the same game interest as me.

    My steam:

    I'll be inactive for a couple of weeks due to college finals, but i'll be around to talk, I just can't let myself play.

    I look forward to talking to everyone and I hope to see more join and hang out!
  • Seems like an intriguing concept. There's steam groups for practically every other multiplayer based experience in existence, it'll be fun to add Ashes of Creation into the mix. Just don't let the group transform into a s**t posting forum, they're never fun. -_-

    Anywho, my steam account is the following:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Feel free to send an invite, like a lot of us, I'm potentially very friendly. Why does the that "<em>potentially</em>" signify?
    That's for you to decide.... ????
  • Should create a AoC group if one doesn't exists already.

    Anyways, here's my profile

    What I play is hit or miss atm because of Puppy Days ????
  • Added everyone :)
  • Ohh interesting o/

    Friends are always a good thing
  • ok this is mine
  • Updated and added everyone! :)
  • Awsome idea here is mine :)
  • <a href="" target="_blank">ViSioNaRy </a>
    Here is mine
  • I have very few friends on steam. Majority of my friends aren't awake when I am to play games. So while we wait for the release of AoC, if we share any in common; send me a message and we can play something some time. I would prefer to make friends now so I don't enter this game alone. :P
  • There's a group created on Steam, in case someone want to join.

    PS: Does someone have Tabletop Simulator?
  • Purrmaid said:
    Hey! I didn't want to post this in the Ashes of Creation general discussion, and since there isn't actually an Off-topic section on the forum I thought it suitable to put it in here!

    It's a long two-year(+) wait for Ashes of Creation, and in the upcoming months we'll probably play a lot of other games. I'm an avid Steam player myself and would love to have more Ashes of Creation fans on my friendlist.

    Maybe I'm alone on this, but if you also want to expand your friendlist and add your own url, I'll add it to the list below :)

    Ashes of Creation Steam Players: - Purrmaid - Arkanth - Auminist - Paaperclips - Ericthesunny -Aevux - OutbackLucario - Lamech - AuthorizedBacon - Arcon
    Here ya go - everyone on steam who is waiting for Ashes of Creation has a place to go to game with other Ashes members now!

  • Seems ironic to promote steam, when the game will never be available on steam.
    Nice to see the community building though.

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