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Number of Abilities

I'm really, really hoping this isn't a 5 button game. I really want to see some thought and strategy to combat not just reactions and twitchery. 5 button games are better played on consoles, imo. Be a deep, tactical game not an action rpg. 10 abilities (or more) will get me interested.


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    I agree with you bro,more is better :D
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    The only thing they said was that there will be less than 30 in one of their streams. I also think 5 is too little. 15 to 20 seems good enough for handling multiple situations for me.
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    Remember: skills are augmented (behavior changed) by your secondary class, your race, your religion (those are confirmed) and possibly (speculation ahead) the social trees, guild skill choices.

    Having maybe 15-20 total skills per class when they can have almost a dozen different behaviors for every skill is a lot to manage, to make unique, and to have there be a reason enough to actually use that augment compared to the other augment options.
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    If I had to quess I'd say 7-12 abilities/skills at a time
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    Lets be honest most skills are situational, we use maybe 5/6 at the most in most rotations, the others are buffs and situational etc. It would be nice to have saveable skill sets, so we could have 1 for solo, 1 for grouping, 1 for raids, 1 for crafting etc and load them in as and when we need them. EQ had a similar system if I remember (long time ago) I'd have a normal skill set and a raid set.
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    I dont mind flipping skill templates as long as it isnt midcombat...just as well have 30 skills on a toolbar.
    I dont want to be playing whack a mole with 30 skills in front of me either.

    I would expect most combat to take place with the mouse and mouse alone.
    With situational/opportunistic/specialist supplementaries on the skill bar.
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    8-12 active abilities. maybe an extra 6-10 passive abilities. They said there won't be anything like 30
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    Don't need to have a million skills, but a good 10-15 skills + some passives would be ok with me, especially since you can augment them with your secondary class.
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