Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Sea content

Is there plans maybe not on release date but in future for sea content?

With sea content ofc there would be lots of things like trading, exploration, fishing proffesion, world boss :)


  • I hope there is some sort of sea content and boats. I used to hate fishing, but after playing Archeage I really got into fishing (sports fishing). It will also be cool if caravans can have sea routes.
  • I for one would like to raise my own little Innsmouth :)
  • Steven said that they will make oceans great again so I'm expecting flying ships!

    On a serious note I would really like to see overseas Caravan runs, from one continent to another. Moving the goods with cargo ships and defending it with battle ships, players trying to steal it with their battle ships and so on. That kind of thing would create massive amount of fun and PvP. Imagine guilds carrying 3-4 cargo ships and around 10 battle ships protecting them :muscle: :steven:
  • [quote quote=2011]Steven said that they will make oceans great again so I’m expecting flying ships!

    On a serious note I would really like to see overseas Caravan runs, from one continent to another. Moving the goods with cargo ships and defending it with battle ships, players trying to steal it with their battle ships and so on. That kind of thing would create massive amount of fun and PvP. Imagine guilds carrying 3-4 cargo ships and around 10 battle ships protecting them :muscle: :steven:


    Yes, yes and yes! Imagine house on island. I want to be Lord of the Iron Islands!

    ps: Stannis is alive :p
  • [quote quote=1982]Is there plans maybe not on release date but in future for sea content?

    With sea content ofc there would be lots of things like trading, exploration, fishing proffesion, world boss


    i believe that steven has confirmed naval activities
  • Have a look at the water temple video.
    Place very close attention to the wall reliefs in the video.
    Place very close attention to the architectural themework of the temple too.
    You will notice they both tell the same story.
  • I was going to make an ocean post, but saw this and figured I'd pile on!

    There's something about the ocean... it's an expanse of seemingly nothing, yet provides a sense of exploration like almost nothing else can in these games! The unknown, as it where, seems more tangible here.

    Wether it's varied boat styles, underwater exploration, or myriad other things - I feel virtual worlds need oceans these days to feel "whole".

    On a side note, I like some of what ArcheAge did with their oceans and naval systems... key to that was trade packs -- tangible items that made all of those mechanics really mean something!

    Here's to the ocean in AoC! :)

    p.s. Agree with @Rune_Relic - A Kraken, or maybe even C'thulu is out there, if that dungeon indicates anything ;)
  • Archeage have best sea content ever, i hope it will be very similar here. World boss and then guilds need to fight him but also need to fight each other.
  • Speaking of sea content, I'd like to see some underwater nodes and structures. Probably underwater cities and combat as well. As above, so below. And this may be another topic, but I'm not sure if it's mentioned if there would be any nodes in floating islands in the sky as well, so it would be nice to have sky content as well. This would really open up the true meaning of an "open world."
  • If I can't get my airships I at least want naval combat!

    I really hope we have oceans! I don't know but both tranquility and creatures of the seas, chaos, ferocious waves, danger in general it sounds intriguing - does it not?

    ~ Zention
  • Oh God, I hated underwater combat/quests in GW2... But the idea of exploring uncharted seas and the lands beyond them definitely has an everlasting appeal. As long as it's done well and not at the cost of other more important aspects of the game.
  • Not to mention Treasure hunting.. Always cool to find treasure in the ocean.. could be an old wreck. or maybe under water caves with rare minerals? . Naval content is totally amazing.. I have to agree. Despite its many flaws.. this was one of the things that kept drawing me to archeage. because let's face it.. no other MMO really does Sea content like Archeage did. BDO is kinda trying.. but I still find AA was better in that area, despite BDO having much nicer graphics.

    If we do get oceans, I hope we get a nice variety of sea creatures.. and the rare world bosses like a Kraken or some kind of underwater dinosaur style monster. Also.. let's not forget.. Ghost ships are always cool..
  • I appreciate sea content, but I hate clunky swimming and boat movement. I would rather it be absent from the game until it's fully polished and QA tested by players in Alpha/Beta or by a QA team alone.
  • im really looking forward to some good naval combat, imo that was the best thing about AA.
  • I would love for different types of boats. Not only the classic types of boats we see that look more or less like something out of a British sea museum. Please take inspiration from many different places. Also different gathering methods. beside fishing with fishing rod or a net. maybe harpoons to hint bigger fish and wales. And this animals don't just sit there and swim in circles but swim big routes around the whole see and you either need to track them or need to know where they will be.
    I would like to see small er boats for Rivers and all.
  • would be nice to see the ability to build a port city or even an underwater cave city , ability to artract artifact merchants that sell rare artifacts and items ect pop up ...that would be nice. You don't necessarily have to have trade packs for ocean activities though it would be nice if you could fill up barrels of grain ect ship them to a market manager trade them for coin or some other product that the market trader has. the Tradepack system in AA was horrible really and poorly designed bugged out mechanics that as far as i know 3 years later still isn't fixed.
  • It would be cool, if they added natural disasters, like whirlpools, hurricanes, big waves, etc. Different areas of the ocean could have varying levels of danger making sailing much more difficult. I would find it boring if I was just sailing through some calm seas.
  • Let's have some sea world bosses! Maybe some huge sharks, dangerous krakens, and menacing hydras.<img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />
  • Something along those lines would be cool :P

    <img src="" alt="" />
  • Ooooo! Something similar to how BDO now has sea content! This game would be pretty big with the Sea Content, but what can I say. The bigger, the better!
    [quote quote=3305]Let’s have some sea world bosses! Maybe some huge sharks, dangerous krakens, and menacing hydras.<img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />

    [/quote] Just read this and THEY MUST ADD THESE BOSSES! THe Kraken! The Hydra! and a.... Stone Shark? But still! THESE ARE A MUST! The Hydra can be found in Swamps, The Kraken; in the Sea/Ocean, and the... Stone-Shark can be in a lake or something!
  • [quote quote=3333]Stone-Shark can be in a lake or something![/quote]
    I'm just imagining a mighty "stone shark" flapping around in a small river now ;)

    <em>"Mommy what that over there? Oh thats just the stone shark, noone can kill it cause of its armor, but it don't hurt nobody though"</em>
  • [quote quote=3305]Let’s have some sea world bosses! Maybe some huge sharks, dangerous krakens, and menacing hydras.<img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />


    that hydra look's bloody mean, i hope they have something along the lines of that... damm that would be awesome
  • i'd love to see :
    world boss : kraken,leviathan,super shark,pirate ghost ship
    pirates : if players turn into pirate and can build floating pirate fortres which can be destroyed by the big armada gonna be epic
    whale hunt,fishing
    relic hunting,salvage sunken ships/treasure,explore sunken city
    finding under water cave and make it secrect base under water which can really build gate under water,make it really a base like gate,storage etc
  • I'm looking forward to how pirating is going to work overseas and on land.
    Archeage's system, though flawed, was awesome for Pirating, and I love the idea that you can "Green Pirate."
    I wouldn't be surprised if sorcerer has some awesome idea for it.
  • See, I agree mostly with the Archeage comments but I wish there had been a lengthy and risky overland route. I tried to main a trader but the sea being the only way to make any real profit became a real turn off for the game. It is still one of the most well developed water travel mechanics in any game I've played, I just wish it hadn't been the only path.
  • I have to agree with Archeage comments too but for me i just enjoyed building and upgrading my ships. My other half collected costumes i collected ships. Sea fights are always fun so i have to say +++ for anything they make that goes that way.
  • <img src="" alt="a" />

    Pirate ghost ship its great idea, imagine fog at sea and you do trade run and all of sudden you see pirate ghost ship 50m from you :) But not just pirate ship, also pirate npcs, boarding your ship if 2 ships are too close.
  • Sea content, naval combat, fishing and fighting off Seahorses on steroids, i'm all into that!
    But what I would love the most, is the ability to dive into the mysterious deep of the ocean! It's a whole different world, which can be really beautiful and maybe full of secrets.
    And this can be done in lakes as well. Discover underwater caves, that could lead up to something bigger, explorer the bottom of the lake, for clues for what might happened to the world, or even find lost tools/items. There is so many things they could do with underwater content!

    Magical potions which can make you breath underwater for a period time, could be something for an alchemist to make and sell on the market.

    In Dark Age of Camelot, you could dive into the water everywhere! And in the "Trials of Atlantis" expansion, almost everything, quests, world bosses, trials, perfect grind places etc, took place under the water. This made the alchemist work overtime, and you experience a new world, not really seen before in any MMO.. Well at that time at least.
  • BDO has horrible naval combat, at least if you compare it to archeage. I'm sure that everyone, may come to hate AA at some point, but at the end of the day, no one can question its naval capability. Its fun.
    I'm sure the developers have already thought upon it.
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