Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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What's your stance on multi-boxing?

In case anyone saw the dev's last podcast, with Fevir Gaming asking questions, one of the questions touched on multi-boxing, and it's potential acceptance into the game. I'll provide a link to the video, for those who who would like to see it. The question comes at the 23:00 mark, for your convenience.

My personal stance on this is a vehement "NO!". My first encounter with a multi-boxer was in a battleground in WoW. Alterac Valley, to be percise (For the Horde!). I remember players on general chat warning/complaining about somebody on the Alliance side, multi-boxing. I had nerver heard that term before, so had no clue what they were talking about. At about that time, I had just come upon a tower that I was planning to claim. I happened to see a dwarf about to run into the entrance of the same tower, ahead of me. Thinking this was going to be a fun fight, I unhorsed, and cast a spell at his back (Warlock). I was not prepared. No sooner had me spell landed, then 4 damn enhancement shaman dwarves converge on my hapless ass, proceed to place about 12 damn totems, and destroy me before I can blink en eye.

Personal story aside, I believe multi-boxing also disrupts the harmony of what this game was supposed to be about. Which is dependence on community. Why would I bother grouping with others, when I can just make my own damn group? When happening upon a resource, a multi-boxer would be able to gather much faster than a single person. And, I already listed the advantage a multi-boxer has in PvP. And, that's just to name a few.

If I'm getting something wrong here, please educate me. And, granted, the amount of multi-boxers will be exceedingly small, considering the resources needed to maintain multiple accounts, as well as the hardware needed to run the program. And, I'm not against people owning multiple accounts, if that's what they want. It's when you take that out of game advantage, and translate it into the game, that I have a problem. As I said earlier, prevalence aside, It's the spirit of the matter.

Thank you.


  • I hate to say it but if the person can afford the extra account and can handle multiboxing , it's their right.If they do it poorly and are caught by guilds doing it poorly then its up to the guild to deal with that player. If they can't do it while PvPn, they'll die soon enough.Never assume a solo target is "solo".
  • If someone is going to go to those lengths to party up all by themselves, they were never going to join your party anyway. Multi-box or not.

    I don't see multi-boxing as an issue so much as it is someone who also bots those multiple accounts. Very difficult thing to police though either way.
  • Basically its pay to win. Kinda sad to see AoC allow P2W

    Anytime you use your credit card for an advantage that another player does not . Your game just became pay to win.
  • i dont think it is pay 2 win so much as pay to advantage. you arent really winning anything except the odd pvp battle right? and that could be done with a good group of players instead of one group of players controlled by one guy.
    if i am wrong correct me as i dont really get the whole multiboxing thing plus would never do it as it seems like a colossal waste of money :)
  • eg: Guy spends $ to setup 5 accounts, takes 30+min to setup and sync...

    10 man PVP guild spots multi boxer...wipes him out...

    multi boxer spends another 30+ min setting up and syncing accounts.

    If multi boxer tries to arena will get reported and banned.

    If goes on a killing gank spree...reported and banned.

    As far as I care if the person wants to spend that much time and money to give a advantage/risk.

    while financially supporting the developers then i don't mind tbh.
  • When I used to play lotro, we had a person on the Brandywine server who multiboxed a spider in PvP. He ran 12 of them at a time and could one shot you and lag out the game play. It was really bad game play and it ended up ruining the session for all sides (particularly when the lag spikes hit).

    Its a bad precedent and I hope AoC doesnt go that way. Im all for person liberty, if you want 5 game accounts so be it. Because of the PvP aspects of this game I see multiboxing being problematic. If it was a PvP zone, thats one thing you could avoid it but if its open world then boxing should be discouraged.
  • [quote quote=20637]i dont think it is pay 2 win so much as pay to advantage. you arent really winning anything except the odd pvp battle right? and that could be done with a good group of players instead of one group of players controlled by one guy.
    if i am wrong correct me as i dont really get the whole multiboxing thing plus would never do it as it seems like a colossal waste of money <img alt="????" src="" />


    I really hope your correct on this. in AA alts are an absolute plague. Also lets be honest Pay 2 Advantage is Pay 2 Win :)
  • I am not condoning it, but you can't really stop multiple account ownership.
    maybe make it more prohibitive with Mobile number account authentication for example.
  • Multiboxing is fine, you cant really stop the more clever boxers anyways.. Intrepid can choose to hammer down on the extreme cases of multiboxers actually ruining gameplay.

    In the end, boxers have to pay 15$ a month per account just like us, I dont see the issue.
  • They only have one pair of hands.
    They can only control one avatar at a time right ?

    If they can control more than one, then they are scripting and botting.
    For which intrepid said, that wont be tolerated.

    I think intrepids stance is you can have as many alts and accounts as you like.
    But you can only control one at any time.
    Still exploitable if you use one alt for Bait and the other for attack.
    Still exploitable if you have 20 follow, and use them as shields.
    Still exploitable if you park one at each resource node and just flick from one to the other as soon as the resource spawn.
    You cant be at more than one place can when you multibox.
    But would that really be any different to multiple players playing anyway in the global scheme of things ?

    I dont think its a problem unless botting is involved personally.
  • It's pay to win.
  • I am against multiboxing. It would be very annoying for one guy to destroy your caravan since he has 10 accounts and can obliterate you and the other defenders with 10 fireballs. I really hope the devs reconsider their policy on multiboxing. This issue won't make me quit the game, but it is a nuisance that I think the game would benefit from getting rid of. The worst thing in WoW is in the open world when you get destroyed by a multiboxer. It just isn't fun.
  • Multiboxing is fine, botting/scripting isn't, one often comes with the other but not necesserily so as they said, as long as no bot/scripting is involved I am okay with it.
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