Crafting gear

I really hope crafting best 2 gear will require items and materials, example from world boss you dont drop item, you drop recipe for lets say shield and when you open it then you can craft that shield (only once!) but you need materials like iron+rafined iron,wood + some other processed materials. I think this would make crafting more interesting then some mmorpgs where you go to world boss, drop item and thats it. Ofc there must be fair world boss loot system where everyone is equal (no matter how much dmg you done), example world boss lvl 50, you need to be lvl 50 (and maybe put min ATK/DEF your char have to attack boss) not like black desert and their unfair loot system which makes me sick.


  • Oh boy, the RNG is Black Dessert Online is absolutely broken. *sigh*

    Personally speaking, I would like to see a MMO in which the loot system is a little more realistic.
    For instance, it's very unlikely for the Queen Mother (spider) to carry around a sword or similar weapon for the hero to just drop it and be equipped.

    I'd rather see a system in which you either drop a recipe or you have to exchange loot for said recipe. So, in our prior example, the spider queen drops poison sacks - these can be exchanged in the city for the 'Poisend Leg Guards Recipe'.

    These can be either crafted several times or only once. Depending on how hard the boss was. Although I'd rather prefer something like a countdown of some sort. Let's say you've killed an extremely difficult boss, you've gathered all the "ingredients" but you can only craft it once a week.
    I don't know, what do you guys think?

    With me it's often - run dungeon - get loot - run dungeon again - sell stuff - rinse and repeat.
    I believe that certain aspects just lose their Charme after a while. I'd say it would create more a sense of accomplishment, but I don't know, your thoughts?
    This should of course only be available to world bosses or bosses that are important to the lore, but again - I don't know.

    Of course there should still be an option to buy necessary equipment from the auction house or ingredients for all those players that aren't willing to run a dungeon.

    ~ Zention
  • I’d rather see a system in which you either drop a recipe or you have to exchange loot for said recipe. So, in our prior example, the spider queen drops poison sacks – these can be exchanged in the city for the ‘Poisoned Leg Guards Recipe’.

    <em> great idea, this would help make people feel like they get something out of the run every time, instead of running it constantly and having to put up with RNG only to get something they can't use. Then the extra mat's from future runs could be shared across the raid/guild/server </em>

    These can be either crafted several times or only once. Depending on how hard the boss was. Although I’d rather prefer something like a countdown of some sort. Let’s say you’ve killed an extremely difficult boss, you’ve gathered all the “ingredients” but you can only craft it once a week.

    <em> i think only being able to craft it once a week would put to much restriction on crafters, e.g. if a guild has a dedicated max level blacksmith and he/she crafts all the gear the guild needs they would be put on a cool-down to make it again for someone else</em>
  • This probably deserves a whole post about loot! :)

    I'm just diving in to all of the info out there so far, but I don't get the impression there's going to be a "dungeon-rinse-repeat" gear grind in AoC. That would almost seem to undercut the idea of an important crafting system and robust economy. I think it'd be very hard to balance monster loot with crafter loot.

    But I do think there's a way to do it, and it revolves around item durability/breakage and making loot acquired via monster hunting *very* special and not something you would want to use as your "every day" dagger, for example - just special occasions, because once it's broke it's broke! You can't repair a legendary artifact at the local blacksmith ;)

    Now, If there ARE dungeons that are intended to be repeated, RNG will (unfortunately?) need be the fuel that keeps them going :) In the example above, the poison spider sacks couldn't drop every time, because it would quickly diminish the players that "need" to fight her.... so the RNG just gets transferred down a level to the sacks. Further, it would be harmful if a guild or player could stockpile these sacks to feed to members when they need them because then, again, no one will be running the content to get them :(

    I love how Steven has stated that crafting will be a 1st-class citizen and very important in AoC, and that it will take a lot of effort to become a master... I can't wait to hear more how that fits into the overall progression and economy!
  • It would be great to see dungeon/raid/world bosses drop that sweet sweet crafting material for that sweet sweet epic shiny weapon.

    Also I would like to crafters to be able to tweak their crafted gear a little bit to make it unique.

    For example maybe allow some room to play around with stats such as: adding negative MND and INT stats to raise extra STR and STM for physical dps. The amount of negative stats and extra stats could be based on what kind of crafting you have invested time into or something.

    I guess what I am trying to get at is having a system where dedicated crafters are something important and sought after.
  • IMHO the whole point of the grind is make you accustomed to playing all the hours under the sun to receive an item.
    Swiftly followed by.....a lower and lower chance of obtaining an item once you have been conditioned (RNG grind).
    Swiftly followed by the alternative of the 'accepted' (hence coditioning) practice of endless grind for almost 0 chance of reward vs an instant cash alternative.
    People then cant throw their money at the company quick enough.

    Once you understand the system is the psychology of'll stop being a victim of it.

    Programmed voluntary extortion tactics aside,
    I think specific dungeons should enable specific style gear that should offer 'unique bonuses' on a par with any other gear (rather than more powerful).
    The bosses should drop a 'required component' for said 'unique dungeon gear' to be crafted.
    Thus its a style specific token system, rather than a generic token system.

    The more pieces you want, the more style specific components you need.
    10 pieces of a gear set would require 10 runs (provided the crafting process does not fail).
    Any crafter given the component can then craft your gear in the unique way you want.
  • I like the idea of Bosses dropping components that are required in order to craft rare gear. This creates a nice synergy between crafter and adventurer. So if you spend all your time crafting you still need an adventurer to get the rare component to assemble that rare piece. If everything is just farmable by the crafter it tends to make people live in silo's. Also if the components are BOE then they can be sold to stimulate the economy and provide the adventurer a way to make money without having to delve into crafting.
  • Indeed @Hexx
    It lets those who want to hunt hunt.
    It lets those who want to craft craft.
    But it forces hunters and crafter to be mutually dependant.
    They need each other to exist.
    The hunters need to pay for gear.
    The crafters need to pay for components gained from hunting.
    Or the hunter and crafter can simply work in tandem for free.
    Either the economy wins, the community wins or both.
  • @Hexx

    I agree that it would create some interesting synegies, but if you seperate the crafting and the ingredient gathering too much, you might see a large influx in gear price. Im more in the line of different materials drop/ are gathered from different things. Everything is basicly obtainable through both means, so if you wanna go a "pacifist" routes you can, but if you just wanna kill mobs you can do that to :)
  • I agree it should be modular
    a Sword is made out of
    - Blade
    - Handle
    - Guard
    - gem's

    it should be in a recipe that unlocks it for players

    But what i also think what would be nice is that you dont have a recipe for x weapon
    But you have a mold for casting,

    You have a sword mold for basic shortsword
    You can use different materials in that mold, that give it stats,
    some metals are better for magic users other metals are more durable etc.
    if you use iron, you get a lower tier of weapon with that same mold, than when you use steel

    1 mold should be able to make swords with different tiers and stats
    It would also be a way for cosmetic appearance, x player wants a katana other player wants a Medieval sword look, but same materials
  • [quote quote=2627]
    1 mold should be able to make swords with different tiers and stats
    It would also be a way for cosmetic appearance, x player wants a katana other player wants a Medieval sword look, but same materials


    I like this idea, it allows people to have weapon styles they prefer.
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