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Raids and actual hardcore teamwork?

Ive been searching and searching for a few years now for an mmo that actually consists of teamwork. Not just everybody playing the same OP role and best class setup to defeat bosses. Im looking for Tank roles to gain aggro. Bosses that can ignore aggro with certain attacks. Healers who need to keep up a consistant healing rate without spamming abilities. Long cool downs, debuffs and buffs from a mage/support. Very hard to kill bosses that could take 20 or more attempts to defeat and can only be defeated with a crazy amount of teamwork. Will raids be like this, or can you beat them by just spamming skills with 10 fighters using some max dps build? How long would a Raid be? I hope they would very between an hour to multiple hours. Something I'd love to see and try would be killing multiple Raid Bosses at the same time as some type of Grandmaster Raid. Something on the verge of being impossible would be so fun to attempt with a big party of guild mates to come up with a solid team of archetypes and abilities to try and win.


  • I think the raids will be hard, on one of the YouTube Q & A ( can't remember which one) Steve said he wants raid to be like a puzzle and not just where u can steam roll the boss.

    I would love to see a raid with multiple raid bosses at the same time lol would be amazing as if. Hope we gets some sexy armor and weapons from the raids as well.
  • With this being a Sandbox MMORPG do not think raids being like WOW. They will have raids but I doubt thinking raids being like WOW would be the wrong idea. It takes a lot of time to tune Raids and this is not a big budget MMORPG. I see them taking the World bosses which were killed into a raid where you can take them on. I do not see Vanilla WOW like raids here. I do think Bosses like Vanilla WOW but not something that will require 20 attempts or more. You have gear that breaks and that will require part of the mats to create the gear to repair the gear, or you just have to completely replace the gear. You also will have XP loss. So having hard core raids is not a good idea because no one is going to want to do it if they have to sink 10+ hours a week outside the raid to make up XP loss and gold for gear replacement.
  • I do think Steven said there would be instanced raids. I also remember Steven saying that raids can be as large as 40-man which sounds like it is going to require alot of teamwork. I'm excited for that and I am really hoping that Steven meant 40-man instanced raids.
  • I think it's the opposite. The very fact our gear will deplete in some way is the reason these types of content will filter to be hardcore. I think a core deticated community can easily form.

    Pretty sure Steven has already mentioned the plan for large scale battles to need planning and coordinate. Was in one of the videos I believe.

    I feel like it's already been said to have raids planned too. Though I feel like they'll be more like hard dungeon delves than fully mechanically challenging bosses.
  • The open world raids will require a LOT of teamwork! Especially if they make world posses open PVP zones. Even if they don't, you'll want scouts and a PVP core to protect your backs so another group doesn't swoop in, kill you and take the boss after you've done all the work.
  • They have also talked about leaderboards for PvE (probably dungeons). When it comes to dungeons and raids (instanced), its already been confirmed we will get that. They will require teamwork to overcome challenging mechanics.
  • Everything in the OP sounds horrible to me.
    Especially statements like: "Healers who need to keep up a consistant healing rate without spamming abilities. Long cool downs, debuffs and buffs from a mage/support. Very hard to kill bosses that could take 20 or more attempts to defeat and can only be defeated with a crazy amount of teamwork."

    In tabletop RPGs, Clerics were fighters as well as healers. My hope is that Clerics will have things to do besides just heal.
    Same for all the other classes - epic battles should be more than just boss fights.
    The enemies we're fighting should have they're own raids.
    There should be more challenges than just killing stuff.
    Traps for the Rogues to disarm and arcane locks for the mages to unlock.

    It shouldn't take 20 or more attempts for a raid to defeat the "boss", rather it should take several days or weeks... much like a siege on a City or Metropolis. A raid -even when they are finally successful that day- should have only completed 3% of what's necessary to complete the full challenge.

    Raid fights shouldn't be about defeating a boss that has 100K+ hit points. Raids should be like a mini-siege. With a wide variety of challenges for each class besides just killing stuff (or just healing people).
  • [quote]The open world raids will require a LOT of teamwork! Especially if they make world bosses open PVP zones. Even if they don’t, you’ll want scouts and a PVP core to protect your backs so another group doesn’t swoop in, kill you and take the boss after you’ve done all the work.[/quote]
    Hopefully we won't be worried about "taking the boss". Just as everything we do feeds xp to the nodes, everything players contribute to defeating the dungeon should be rewarded. It should take several raids several days to defeat a dungeon. If the first raid on the first day clears out all the mobs , but doesn't defeat the mini-boss...they should still get a percentage of the rewards for defeating the mini-boss when the raid on the second day actually defeats that mini-boss. Because the first raid cleared the way for the second raid.

    When dungeons and castles are in the open world, they don't just respawn everything every couple hours.
    There is lasting impact for our actions. We shouldn't be expecting to clear a dungeon and then just wait a couple hours for it to reset.
  • We need to remember here is that this game will not focus on Dungeons and Raids. While they will be in the game it is not the focus of this game. They will be challenging that should be the case, but they should be challenging in the fact that it requires team work. We cannot have a BWL like WOW where it takes 6 weeks of wiping 4 hours a night 3 to 4 times a week to learn a boss. Those days are over. They also take so much money to properly tune and Ashes will not have that large of a budget.

    The real focus should be on the open world and how to fine tune that. vs instances. I do think Instances will need work, but you can do that by taking much of the possible monsters in the world you will have attacking nodes and putting them in instances with the same mechanics. With XP loss and Armor that will break and need to be replace/repaired which will be an undertaking you cannot have old school WOW like bosses like we did in BWL. It just does not work.

    Teamwork: Yes
    A month or more to learn: No

    Maybe something like ArcheAge's Kraken would work.
  • For the Dungeons in Ashes you can have Vanilla and TBC WOW like bosses. They all require teamwork but they were not overly hard if you worked well in a team and was the right level. For raids Bosses should be tuned more like Kara bosses were because they are not overly hard and Kara didnt take months for each boss. Maybe 5 times to learn. Also death in instances shouldn't be as punishing as out in the world.
  • Think SWG open world dungeon for you who played it
    Like the Imperial research facility in Naboo or Geonosian Caves in Yavin IV
  • [quote quote=21726]Think SWG open world dungeon for you who played it
    Like the Imperial research facility in Naboo or Geonosian Caves in Yavin IV


    Those must have been put in after the Combat upgrade. I can tell you that the Imp base on Rori and Correilla were easy especially with over 10 people. AT-STs were downed in just seconds because my commando team.
  • I spent a lot time in naboo Imperial research facility getting holocron of the elites there. Our player city was right by it
  • [quote quote=21741]I spent a lot time in naboo Imperial research facility getting holocron of the elites there. Our player city was right by it


    They've said though we will have instanced dungeons and raids. The dungeons will have an open world design but will have instanced parts.
  • Yes Nodes will be the primary gameplay we will all focus one but that doesn't mean a split fraction of the population won't run dungeons and raids hardcore. Especially when they've said we will have PvE leaderboards. So a competitive scene will grow.
  • They've also said PvE leaderboars will be in the game. So even if nodes are the primary focus of the game we'll still see a hardcore PvE community in the game that will focus on leaderboards, dungeons and raids.
  • I only had a few minutes the other day when I was making this topic, I was in a hurry getting off my lunch break.
    I've just been urking for a very team based game that requires strategy. Something where you cant just have overly powerful gear to win. I havent played many mmos, the only one I had put a lot of time into was Runescape, which doesnt actually qualify highly as an mmo. In Oldschool Runescape they recently added instanced raids, but it all consists of the same 100 rooms with the final boss being the same every time. Sure it took people 10 tries to figure out its mechanics, but it ended up being able to be soloed a week later. I find stuff like that lacking, bosses should have difficult mechanics, and should get more difficult as the game progresses. I would love to see puzzles, hard mobs, demi-bosses. Not just a dungeon leading to a raid boss. But like I said, I'm not very familiar with actual raids. So I dont care if it took a day, a week, or several werks to complete a full scale raid. The latter being something I'd totally be interested in.
    Have any of you seen the anime Log Horizon? The fake mmo that the anime is based on would be something I'm looking for in an mmo. Roles that play their roles (obviously a druid or cleric can have combat skills, and shouldnt be limited to healing). If this mmo isnt going to have that then it looks like I wont be backing them, which isn't their fault. Apparently people these days don't want to dish out hours perfecting their teamwork with their friends, or strangers, to get connected with people, makes new friends, and have a really fun time. I still have more research to do on this game, but Steven had said this game will take teamwork. I'm just hoping it's the right kind of teamwork.
    If anybody knows of an mmo, or mmo in the making like this, could you steer me in the right direction?
  • [quote quote=21575]The open world raids will require a LOT of teamwork! Especially if they make world posses open PVP zones. Even if they don’t, you’ll want scouts and a PVP core to protect your backs so another group doesn’t swoop in, kill you and take the boss after you’ve done all the work.


    Why would you need to protect your back when the people in the same node will be on your side ?
    Node progress will depend on cooperation.
    Enemy nodes will provide the competition.
    Thats the way I see it anyway.
  • I'll be short. I don't want to see the game become about the same one or two end game things (raids) given the fact the game seems to be built around this dynamic world.

    It would put me right off if the best things were all behind 40 man raids.
  • I'll be short two: Raid can be good that'd be cool. Keep them not 40 man, but don't make them the beat all end all or the only way to get loot. Keep raid loot drops kinda low so that way you can't get all your loot from only raiding, and missing out on a raid wont kill you.

    From there give similar loot options from crafting, PVP, and Questing.

    Next most raid content in games is pretty hard. I don't know what the OP is talking about. Heck in wow doesn't have a quarter of it's player base passed the current raid tier, and wow is consider to be too easy... too easy compared to what i don't know?? Really just seems like an excuse for people not to play.
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