Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Auction House

I'm wondering if we will have a global auction house like WoW or if we will have node based auction houses.

Also will we be able to buy shops to sell our crafted, potion, gear and other stuff? Or even hire NPC's to watch the shop while we are offline?

I guess it all depends on what kind of auction house stem will be used, but I hope crafted items will have more value. I'm not a hard core crafter, but I would like to see communities based around some player owned shops.


  • Not 100% confirmed but i believe it will be node based, other than that waiting on more information re: crafting, and stuff like that
  • Node based auction houses to me seems to make more sense than a global one, just because there's so much emphasis on crafting, caravans and trading in general. If you could just sell everything there wouldn't be much use for caravans. However, they might decide to make region wide auctionhouses, so that it'll change when you go into a new zone, but not once you travel to a new node.
  • idea "player purchases item x from a central nodes marketplace, item x is in a node far away, a caravan has to transport the players purchase to him, but a bandit attacks the caravan, player loses his item x"
  • [quote quote=2146]idea “player purchases item x from a central nodes marketplace, item x is in a node far away, a caravan has to transport the players purchase to him, but a bandit attacks the caravan, player loses his item x”


    'Bad trading company xyz' offers bulk caravan transfers.
    Lots of market traders add goods to said service.
    Goods get raid by 'bad trading company xyz' shadow campany.

    Market traders lose goods and gold.
    'Bad trading company xyz' gets paid regardless.
    'Bad trading company xyz' gets large cut of stolen goods and profits.

    The devil is in the detail as always I guess :D
  • and thats why you only hire trusted guilds and they put x amount up as capital incase of a loss.
  • But can you really every trust anyone ?
    I was actually just messing with the idea ;) .....but I guess there genuinely will be serious risk involved.
  • Wouldn't make sense to have a global auction house, if the node system is designed to create pocket economy's. If anything, I see Remote-Buying being possible, so a system like Eve. But I feel like that would be hard to explain in-universe, I far prefer the idea the auction houses are only a local items. Promotes the idea that you need to move around the world to accomplish different tasks.
  • I'm not even sure there's going to be an "auction house" on any scale, from what I'm reading... sounds like player shops (based on player housing?) Maybe it's me just dreaming in the direction i want it to go :)
  • [quote quote=2176]I’m not even sure there’s going to be an “auction house” on any scale, from what I’m reading… sounds like player shops (based on player housing?) Maybe it’s me just dreaming in the direction i want it to go <img alt="?" src="" />

    I'd imagine its more like a local merchant where you can put up your goods for sale, and maybe player shops. Anything global would make caravans obsolete, + having them local would mean that you could run around transporting goods and selling them different places :)
  • I vote for the Eve system to be used in this game.
  • I still play UO and I do rather like having my own vendor to sell my wares.
  • Hmm, very good question. It actually never crossed my mind to thinking of either options. I very much assumed for it to be globally..

    But thinking about it, I would have to say that a Node-based one sounds very interesting to me. Resources being traded there will at first only be regional products and whatnot but they could later on, through inflow of other players or maybe occupation of a new major / Node Lord change, increase in variety.

    Later maybe there could be a global one, just like in real life. At first products are mostly traded domestically but later on through progress in <strong>[Trade]; [Travel]; [Node Size]</strong> might as well trans-Node.

    ~ Zention
  • [quote quote=2259]I vote for the Eve system to be used in this game.


    I as well would like this. Allow someone to see what is for sale in other nodes but if I purchase them, I have no access to them unless I physically go there. Could also incorporate Shunex's

    [quote quote=2146]idea “player purchases item x from a central nodes marketplace, item x is in a node far away, a caravan has to transport the players purchase to him, but a bandit attacks the caravan, player loses his item x”


    but as stated, there would be risk. Here is the only thing I am thinking though, lore. It fits in Eve that I can see everything for sale everywhere in the galaxy, that game is hyper-technologically based. AoC however isnt going to be that so does it really fit to allow me to see what is for sale 3 provinces/nodes away (even if I really want to).
  • There are a lot of questions we need to see resolved to get an idea how marketplaces could be integrated.

    I think a marketplace in an informative way is totally possible. A place where you could list what you have(or need) so people can contact you to figure out who will handle transport, negotiating prices and related topic.
    Something like that seems necessery to me since we are interdepended on several people when we talk about crafting for example. Otherwise we would probably have to resort to the old spam trade channel, and that is uncomfortable for both sides in my opinion.

    That way, for example, a (conceptwise) trade broker that keeps tab of made deals could be integrated. It will establishing a common "moment" price so people can establish a feel for what a gatherable for example is worth.
    Moment price simply because of the nature of the game, a shift in power, a succesfull siege, new areas being populized opening new routes/new ressource nodes, the changing of season and so on might shift them all the time.
    One more important thought is that we need some way to "make a contract" that "guarantees" that party A sold to party B. Party B will handle transport themselfes/will assist/don't take part in it to establish some form of common ground in case something happens with the caravan and the involved compensation/lack off.

    I'm curious to see how Intrepid will handle it.
  • For a while now I have turned away from thinking global AH's were 'the way'. I feel like having vendors in each area, supposedly specializing in different things based on locally sourced resources, would create niche markets and thus the need for caravans>merchants. I have had a lot of fun playing in this capacity and fighting of said nasty banditos. It often is not implemented that well though, so I hope they put the mechanics in place, some combination of previously mentioned ideas and then fleshing it out will be a winner.

    As a homeless MMO-drifter atm, I am desperately trying to nudge every promising property I see coming out, in development, etc towards some of these immersive inclusions. It's the small things that make the great games and lord knows it's been a WHILE since we've seen greatness.
  • @Topher
    Spotted! A new guy has entered our sacred halls! \(^O^)/

    <img src="" alt="" />

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    You might also want to check

    Frequently asked questions, <a href="">here</a>!
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    Yeah, thinking about all the games that are thrown out every month it's quite dismal honestly. Don't hesitate to contributing to our family!

    ~ Zention
  • The idea sounds interesting in theory but having played a lot of ESO, it's just annoying. At the very least I'd suggest introducing some sort of central search function, where we can see everything that is listed everywhere in game and where it's listed. That way we can see what's out there, how much of it is out there, and where the best prices are. I'll still have to risk traveling halfway across the world to get that one item I need in another far away node, or get something I need for the cheapest possible, etc. But if this is the system they're going with, at least remove some of the headache associated with it. I think this still preserves the idea of local node-based economies, caravans, PvP, and PvE competition.
  • [quote quote=2146]idea “player purchases item x from a central nodes marketplace, item x is in a node far away, a caravan has to transport the players purchase to him, but a bandit attacks the caravan, player loses his item x”


    You should be able to travel to that node yourself and pick up the item yourself. Caravans are more going to be used for city creation from what I hear. Do not quote me on this. Also we do not know how the PVP system will work so you should be able to personally travel from node to node without getting killed by a player unless you go into the wilderness. We will need to see how PVP is flushed out. If you want to buy a sword from a distance away you are not going to lose it while traveling unless you some how manage to die a few dozen times and the item decays and breaks.
  • [quote quote=4287]The idea sounds interesting in theory but having played a lot of ESO, it’s just annoying. At the very least I’d suggest introducing some sort of central search function, where we can see everything that is listed everywhere in game and where it’s listed. That way we can see what’s out there, how much of it is out there, and where the best prices are. I’ll still have to risk traveling halfway across the world to get that one item I need in another far away node, or get something I need for the cheapest possible, etc. But if this is the system they’re going with, at least remove some of the headache associated with it. I think this still preserves the idea of local node-based economies, caravans, PvP, and PvE competition.


    What are you risking if there are ways to travel between nodes without going into PVP combat? Yea you could end up dead by some Monster BUT from what we know so far you are not losing anything on your character.


    If you are looking for crafted stuff make friends with a crafter. Protect them out in the wilds so they can get some mats for the gear. Profit. There should be a major interdependence on between players in this game. An Auction house takes that away. Players will also be able to have vendors at the house that are in the wilds around the node.
  • I like the idea of node based auction house something about having different inventories would be nice. Having some sort of system in place to check what other houses have on the inventory would be decent though like a registry in your players house and/or auction houses so it's not just a massive waste of time traveling to the other nodes
  • [quote quote=4395]I like the idea of node based auction house something about having different inventories would be nice. Having some sort of system in place to check what other houses have on the inventory would be decent though like a registry in your players house and/or auction houses so it’s not just a massive waste of time traveling to the other nodes


    While I understand not wasting time, the problem is we look at MMORPGs today as a Treadmill where you have to jump on run as fast as you can in a short period of time and then jump off. If you are not spending time exploring and finding things you want in game then you will be bored in short order. Today MMOs do not have major time sinks that keep people playing which hurt subscription numbers and revenue. Since there is no best in slot gear for everyone its just best in slot for your class and the way you play. You should spend time trying to find gear for your self. You should also make friends with a Crafter that can Craft gear for you. Its time for us to take a step back and stop having connivance tools, now if you want a tool in the party finder to find crafters to see if they can make stuff for you. No problem. You should be pushed to make friends.
  • To an extent I agree but something as simple as auction house inventory lists located in the auction house you still need to physically go to purchase and what not it's not really a run as fast as you can thing it's an Id rather know where what I'm looking for is located so I can go there and get back to quests and exploring some of us won't be playing for crafting and trading as a main focus so for a player like myself that's after raiding and dungeons with exploration in mind something like a registry would be more quality of life.
  • Global auction houses are the bane of MMO economies! I am sincerely hoping that we see node based auction houses that certain towns can becoming the "trade hub" cities and becoming true economic centers in the world and this might also spawn some conflict if you want your city to be a trade hub but can't really break into the market because City B has a strangle hold. Perhaps it's time for a siege!
  • [quote quote=4415]Global auction houses are the bane of MMO economies! I am sincerely hoping that we see node based auction houses that certain towns can becoming the “trade hub” cities and becoming true economic centers in the world and this might also spawn some conflict if you want your city to be a trade hub but can’t really break into the market because City B has a strangle hold. Perhaps it’s time for a siege!

    This is the main reason I'm against global auction houses love the idea of Commerce driven conflict for people that play for the crafting and trading side of an MMO
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