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Node Growth / Layout

I would like to start by saying that the Node system and city development is a fantastic concept.

An extension of this I would like to see would almost be a "sim city" approach whereby the layout and the element combination will be one determinate of the success of the city.

For example, as the city is first laid out the arrangement of the key buildings and roads will become critical for the type of city that is intended to develop.

Clustering market places near the warehouse and crafting area will become necessary for a trading community.
Place the market too close to the city exits leaves chance for raiding.

Place the barracks too far from an entrance leaves that entrance more vulnerable for raids/pvp.

NPC movement from their key stalls, shops etc could be influenced by this.
Place water fountains too far from x then NPC react slower etc..

In Elder Scrolls online, cities that were well laid out with key activities well clustered largely became trading hubs and popular places. Cities that were not were only visited when necessary.


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    At this point I dont think players will have influence on where buildings and roads go in a city. In a single player game its easy to manage but with dozens/hundreds of players it will become total chaos. The quests that take place in the cities would also be impossible to direct because the layout constantly varies.

    Players do have influence over the architecture of cities, the predominant race that contributes xp to the node will determine what racial style is used across the city.
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    Who decides where everything is placed ?
    Actually this is already in game.
    The Node leaders will collect taxes and decide what support structures and stuff will be purchased.
    What they do or dont provide, will impact the node in different ways.
    All choices have consequences.

    Literal placing would be beyond the scope of the game on many things.
    But they did talk about placing modules as part of freeholds.
    So its conceivable that these utility structures may also be placeable by the node leader.
    You'd have to clarify with intrepid I guess.
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