Well met

Hello Everyone,

Just found this game and backed it after watching videos and reading about it. I am really looking forward to helping this games development and working with the community. This is what ive been waiting for.


  • [quote quote=23266]

    This is what ive been waiting for.


    Amen to that, this is what we all have been waiting for. I can't wait to dive into this head first. I am still looking at backing, but only trying to decide which package suits me best. Not backing this game is just not an option for me.
  • Welcome Traveler!!! looking forward to getting to know ya better

    I seriously can't wait for this game I needed this so much!! my life has purpose!!!! lol

    Info Below!
  • The hype is real :)
  • The wait is real!

    Welcome aboard the hype train though :"D
  • Seriously though the wait is killing meh lol
  • Welcome o/
    Will be a long wait but very worth it!
  • For the wait will be long, and full of terrors :^) share the hype and make this game as great as it can be !
  • You and me both Brother, This games ideas alone is a breath of fresh air, and then knowing Steven is creating it, a actually mmogamer. He knows what we need and what he wants. This game is going to be AMAZING!

  • Welcome to the Ashes of Creation forums!

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