Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Concern about Gathering

In other MMO's I typically find myself playing as a gatherer. I like to go mine, collect herbs, etc. However, this usually ends up being unrewarding, and usually I am forced to level up my crafting skills in order to be able to mine or collect certain things.

The thing is, I don't want to be a blacksmith. I just want to collect stuff. But since it is usually tied in with smithing or whatever, there is no demand for somebody to go collect things, because a master smith is also able to go collect his resources. If every blacksmith can gather their materials, the price of those materials will drop, because why pay a decent amount for something when you can just go get it yourself?

This may just be me, but I really want gathering specific skills. If a blacksmith wants to gather his own materials, he should have to put in the time to be able to get those higher leveled materials, not just spend a few minutes googling where to find Mithril and running over to collect it himself. Or, like in real life, purchase the materials from somewhere to create his weapons/armor. The materials will cost a little more because not every smith and his dog can go collect it, just the people like me who invest their time mining, logging, or whatever (or the smiths who spend time leveling both skills).

I mean, you already have strong monsters that drop stuff like rare leather, that a smith can't just go grab without having a high level in combat, or getting a high leveled warrior to go kill it for him. So why not apply the same kind of limit to other resources?

TLDR; If you combine the mining and smithing into one skill, the demand for people to gather goes down, and forces people like me to become a blacksmith even if I just want to gather and sell top tier resources, but why bother with that if all the money comes from the crafting side rather than the gathering. If I want to make a sandwich IRL, I can do that. But I don't have the knowledge on how to make peanut-butter or bread; I buy those from somebody that does.


  • Is there something you have read/watched that leads you to believe that crafting and gathering will not be separate skills? From what I have seen I have the impression there will be like 3 diff trees(?): gathering, refining and finally crafting.
  • On the home page, there is a little economy button, which takes you to another page. From there, if you click on the little anvil icon, it has a little paragraph.

    To me, as I have yet to see anything stating otherwise, it just feels like they lumped together the gathering and smithing aspects. This is just the biggest thing I dislike in MMO's. Whether or not I'm right or wrong about this, I just want to voice my concern.

    Hopefully I'm worried over nothing.
  • ^ and you have only limited amount of skillpoints you can use so multitasking won't be possible.
  • One of DeathsProxy's vids explains crafting.
  • And there is only limited amount of skillpoints you can use so multitasking won't be possible.
  • Thanks for the vid, that explained a lot. If that is really the case, this game will be a dream come true!
  • Well this post went from one extreme to the other :D
    Plough through them and consider yourself informed.
  • Honestly, I had hoped to take "Crafting" a step further - I had hope you could Craft abilities too.
  • Yeah, seems to me that a character will be able to have a few gathering paths, if they choose to only gather.
    Whereas a character may only have points available for one gathering path, if they also put points into processing and/or crafting.
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