AoC noob incoming!

Only found out about this exciting new game today. Looks totally amazing and is deffo on my play list for 2018/19.

I currently play Elder Scrolls Online and also played Age of Conan for over 5 years. I like many would be more than happy to subscribe to a quality MMORPG .

For me the most important thing will be the combat, how it plays and feels.

Anyway was fantastic new to hear about this game today, really hyped for this after watching 3 hrs of videos etc this morning!

I have passed on info about this game to the 2 guilds I currently play ESO with.

Laters all :)


  • Hi and welcome. Feel free to join the community discord to ask questions and discuss the game here:

    I would also recommend reading through the community information sheets to learn more about the game before asking questions. More often than not, if it isn't in the information sheets, it isn't known by the community yet:
  • Thanks for the info midnight-shadow.

    I was so impressed I have pledge to the Kickstarter, first time I ever have. Didn't realise you could get early access deals by doing this! Is good stuff! :)
  • [quote quote=23867]Thanks for the info midnight-shadow.

    I was so impressed I have pledge to the Kickstarter, first time I ever have. Didn’t realise you could get early access deals by doing this! Is good stuff! <img alt="????" src="" />


    For better or worse, yes it is standard to offer Alpha and Beta access as rewards in kickstarter.
  • Congrats you find this out :) I think we all share the same thoughts on this upcomming game.
  • Welcome o/
  • Welcome :)

    Good to see new excited faces o/
  • I just increased my Kickstarter pledge! So pleased that's doing so well! Really cant wait for more info on Rogue gameplay!
  • The rogue seems awesome :D please dont rob my caravan ingame ;-;

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    If you need anything, don't hesitate to send me a PM or add me on Discord (Sarumonin#2103) for anything related to Ashes of Creation. 

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