Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Primary Class Poll

Saw this on kickstarter and I didn't see it on here, so I thought I would copy pasta! What primary class will you play?


  • I was thinking summoner would be more popular, and kinda didnt want to play it because it'd be way too common, but apparently it isnt that popular ? Well, here I come :D
  • Right now I hoping for a unique summoner class! Would really like to have some pets running around while I heal/buff with a cleric/bard secondary class.
  • I need a ☑ Yes option.

    I'm a true altoholic that gives folks the quizzical dog look when they ask "What's your main?"
  • Mage with a summoner or cleric or bard secondary.
  • So many options. Cant wait till we get some class reveals
  • [quote quote=24847]I need a <img alt="☑" src="" /> Yes option.

    I’m a true altoholic that gives folks the quizzical dog look when they ask “What’s your main?”


    same here... i am having one of everything if i can and i dont get the whole... "main" concept. if i have 3 toons they are all my mains. :)
  • As of now I want to be a Rogue, but honestly it is too early to tell because of the lack of knowledge we have on the specifics of the classes.
  • summoner/summoner with a bit of summoner.
  • I will be going for a fighter/cleric for my frist char. I love to play aan frontline fighter with some healing for support, either for myself or allies. Summoner/Mage or Ranger/rogue are also nice options for seconds.
  • Some kind of cleric/bard/mage/summoner mix. Can't decide yet.
    I love spellcasters and pets, healing my team and the idea of playing songs to others and running with some kind of lute is just so sweet ^^
  • Interesting that the top two classes, at least while i write this, are mage and rogue the two classes that have been featured in videos.
  • Bard/ Summoner or Bard/Ranger (or Ranger/Bard)
  • Definitely looking to play a Ranger-esque class at first.
  • I'm looking at rogue / fighter, or fighter / rogue.

    I used to love playing assassin in RO, and those two combinations, in my head, are the most assassin like. I'm also a great lover of the melee DPS classes.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Sintu wrote:</a></div>Interesting that the top two classes, at least while i write this, are mage and rogue the two classes that have been featured in videos.


    Haha yea I thought the same thing. They have a bit of an advantage in the hype department. Although cleric just pulled ahead as I was writing this! It's an impressively close spread. Perhaps that will change as more information is revealed on different classes.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Sintu wrote:</a></div>Interesting that the top two classes, at least while i write this, are mage and rogue the two classes that have been featured in videos.


    Haha yea I had the same thought. Although the cleric did just pull ahead as I write this! It's an impressively close spread. We will see how that changes as more class information gets revealed!
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Mhyth wrote:</a></div>I need a Yes option.

    I’m a true altoholic that gives folks the quizzical dog look when they ask “What’s your main?”


    Haha I didn't make the strawpoll but perhaps in the future if I create one to get another look at where the community is at this could be a feature.

    <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Sintu wrote:</a></div>Interesting that the top two classes, at least while i write this, are mage and rogue the two classes that have been featured in videos.


    What I find even more interesting is that the Cleric is currently top dog and afaik there hasn't really been anything released for that. Perhaps all this talk of massive sieges has been getting people pumped for laying down the heals? Still feel free to spread the word about the poll. The more unique people there are the more representative the poll will be.
  • I'm a rogue at heart and just can't see myself starting with any other class. I have a dream to start a church of crime guild and seeing how much chaos we can sow.
  • Cleric as my main class. I'm not sure yet on my secondary class. Leaning towards, Cleric, Mage, Tank, or Bard. I'll have to see what each is like, but my main class is definitely Cleric.
  • I'll be rolling Cleric to be the primary healer. Unsure of secondary class. Can't wait to see what the other classes abilities will do to the main healing skills.
  • I'm really hoping for a class combination that allows for a tanky / bruiser style mage. Something with moderate damage, moderate CC capability, and high sustain in the form of defense / heals. Basically, a class that can main tank but isn't a traditional sword-and-board paladin / knight style character. I'm hoping that Tank + Cleric, Tank + Mage, Tank + Summoner, or Tank + Bard fill that role.

    The other archetype that I like is that of a survivalist. Moderate damage with range, high mobility and sustain. Not a tank, but not a glass cannon. I'm hoping that some combination of Ranger, Rogue, Cleric, Bard and/or maybe Fighter will fulfill this role.

    In general, I would love to see a mechanic where each of the main "trees" can be "leveled" separately on *one* character with only two active (primary and secondary) at a time, eliminating the need to make a new character just to try out a new class combination. There are certainly reasons to not do this, but I really like having a single character that is my MMO identity. You start to lose that when people have to remember all of your alt's names and so forth. I'd settle for any mechanic that lets me keep my character name/identity across character instances.
  • Interesting. I am surprised by so many clerics. I am intrigued by the spiritual background hints. As such, I am also initially drawn to the cleric role. Trying to be a bit different, was thinking about being a dwarf cleric. The idea would be to also be a miner/craftsman. It is still early. If anyone has a suggestion on a guild, please drop me a line. I have pledged for a Braver of Worlds, so I plan to stay. New to MMORPG, but played lots of warfare and builder games.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">LordAlfred wrote:</a></div>Interesting. I am surprised by so many clerics. I am intrigued by the spiritual background hints. As such, I am also initially drawn to the cleric role. Trying to be a bit different, was thinking about being a dwarf cleric. The idea would be to also be a miner/craftsman. It is still early. If anyone has a suggestion on a guild, please drop me a line. I have pledged for a Braver of Worlds, so I plan to stay. New to MMORPG, but played lots of warfare and builder games.


    Definitely check out Acolytes! The more clerics the better.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">LordAlfred wrote:</a></div>Interesting. I am surprised by so many clerics. I am intrigued by the spiritual background hints. As such, I am also initially drawn to the cleric role. Trying to be a bit different, was thinking about being a dwarf cleric. The idea would be to also be a miner/craftsman. It is still early. If anyone has a suggestion on a guild, please drop me a line. I have pledged for a Braver of Worlds, so I plan to stay. New to MMORPG, but played lots of warfare and builder games.


    Definitely check out Acolytes. The more clerics the better!
  • Definitely check out Acolytes! The more clerics the better.
  • I'd love a summoned pet you have to throw on someone for cleric/summoner
  • I'm a caster, at heart. While I do enjoy some fisticuffs, from time to time, I've always been pulled to the scholarly arts. I'm an academic, at heart.

    Thus, the mage, cleric, and summoner hold the most interest to me. I also find the bard very intriguing. Though, I'll hold my final decision for when more details come out, before I make my decision. I must admit to a building up of excitement on my part!

    The anticipation! I do hope Intrepid doesn't disappoint!
  • For the time being, I'm thinkin' about Rogue/Mage. That might change come Alpha when I can actually get my hands on the different classes
  • Tank. secondary cleric. Paladin ftw... I will lead the way and heal everyone at the same time.
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