Long-Time MMO Gamer waiting for something like this.

Newbie here just checking in and saying hello.


  • ❤️ Hello and welcome!
  • Welcome o/
    Hope AoC lives up to expectations but I have a funny feeling it will!
  • Welcome Traveler!!!
    How you find about the game?
    Have you played any other mmo's before or is this your first?
    Have you back the kickstarter if so what package you chose if you don't mind me asking ( Optional no need to answer this question if you dont want to just trying to start up a conversation :) )

    Info below
  • I found out through MMORPG.com and your KS video

    Yes you name it whether major/minor(indie) MMos I have probably played it for days/weeks/years. I have been playing mmos going on probably 16 years.

    I haven't backed the KS yet but thats not because I don't believe in the game because I do just from the KS video I can tell the DEV team really cares about what they are doing and the world/game they are trying to creation and not just blowing hot air up everyones butts. I want to get an alpha package but I am a little light on funds ATM so we will see (just being honest) without sounding needy or too personal ...Its been a rough year my dad passed in OCT and there are funeral expenses and other things that are just tough right now. We will see but regardless of that I am looking forward to what AOC has to come.
  • Sorry for your loss APG. One of the great things about having a community like this one is to help us through those rough spots in life.
    I too have not yet backed, but am similarly waiting to see just WHICH package the funding will permit. Also hoping for Alpha, maybe if we can't afford the Alpha packages we might win an Alpha through Livestreams or forum contests. Good luck, welcome, and also...

    Hello Ashes community!
  • I'm a veteran MMO player and am 3000% excited for this game.
    Its amazing to see someone that actually cares.
    Lets hope its not easily ruined and that there is plenty to do and an engaging exploration and combat system.
  • That's a rough thing to go through APG. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but welcome to the community. Hopefully everyone here makes you feel at home. Welcome to the family!
  • I'm sorry to hear that apg1981!!!

    Backing the kickstarter is not something you need to do in order to feel valued!!!
    it is just an option!

    You can't create a MMO if theirs no players to play on it!!

    I played wow for about 11 years I tried other mmo's but wow kinda just consumed me xD lol

    None of the less Welcome to the community!!! glad to Experience this adventure with ya and I truly wish you the best of luck on everything!!

  • Welcome to the Ashes of Creation forums!

    If you need anything, don't hesitate to send me a PM or add me on Discord (Sarumonin#2103) for anything related to Ashes of Creation. 

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