Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Stats that are meaningful
I want all stats to have a specific use rather than only useful for one class. What i mean by this is(list to follow)
Strength- effects our ability to carry more, and swing heavier weapons( yes i want weapons to have a weight and you need a certain str to wield it)
Stamina- overall health and the ability to perform actions for longer periods( sprinting , forging and the like)
Agility- effects how quickly you can wield weapons
Reflex- how much you can dodge
Wisdom- casting speed and any lore based learning if there is any
Intelligence- Power of you spells and how quickly you can learn other languages and the like
So different classes would focus on different sets of skills. Fighter would be Str/Sta/Agi based, Mages would be Wis/Int/Sta based, you get the picture. But every class would need to invest in all stats to be effective over all. I feel this would allow far more customization of your character and open up many avenues for further Development
Strength- effects our ability to carry more, and swing heavier weapons( yes i want weapons to have a weight and you need a certain str to wield it)
Stamina- overall health and the ability to perform actions for longer periods( sprinting , forging and the like)
Agility- effects how quickly you can wield weapons
Reflex- how much you can dodge
Wisdom- casting speed and any lore based learning if there is any
Intelligence- Power of you spells and how quickly you can learn other languages and the like
So different classes would focus on different sets of skills. Fighter would be Str/Sta/Agi based, Mages would be Wis/Int/Sta based, you get the picture. But every class would need to invest in all stats to be effective over all. I feel this would allow far more customization of your character and open up many avenues for further Development
Someone focuses on defensive stats, someone focuses on ranged/melee physical offensive stats, someone for ranged/melee magical offensive and then someone for support.
Every stat is still needed by everyone but not to the same extent.
The argument I was attempting to make is that each stat has to have a discreet use. it will add to have to make choices in the game and therefore customize your character differently that others customize their characters. By discreet i mean only strength will affect my ability to carry items, only stamina will affect how far i can carry those items .
Stats can also be wighted to affect us in a myriad of way to make the game more dynamic and our choices more important.
You put attribute points into attributes to define your build.
Some attribute spreads were available as preset options...called...a class.
In spirit I agree with you.
At one time games use to be based on distribution of attribute points.
Spending all your points in one would sacrifice all others.
Thus making you a specialist.
Somewhere along the ages and evolution of games.
All that intrinsic meaning and natural autonomous balance was lost.
The game world just seemed to drift away from balanced hyrbids to specialist godmodes.
Will we ever return ?
Players wanted godmode in single player games.
They appear to expect it in multiplayer PvE too.
But when you start going to the massive mutiplayer and community based games and even PvP,
you then realise how badly you have messed that balance up.
You could simply have a attribute stats for
mass vector velocity energy
That gives you 2^4 balance combinations to define secondary effects like
physical force = mass & velocity
magical force = energy & velocity
Strength- effects our ability to carry more, and swing heavier weapons( yes i want weapons to have a weight and you need a certain str to wield it)
Stamina- overall health and the ability to perform actions for longer periods( sprinting , forging and the like)
Agility- effects how quickly you can wield weapons
Reflex- how much you can dodge
Wisdom- casting speed and any lore based learning if there is any
Intelligence- Power of you spells and how quickly you can learn other languages and the like
So different classes would focus on different sets of skills. Fighter would be Str/Sta/Agi based, Mages would be Wis/Int/Sta based, you get the picture. But every class would need to invest in all stats to be effective over all. I feel this would allow far more customization of your character and open up many avenues for further Development
In D&D stats are already meaningful and in every other MMORPG out there. The PROBLEM is that normally a class like a Ranger will always have Dex or Agi stat as their primary stat and nothing else and that is because we streamline MMORPGs not to worry about other stats. You dont have stats that help you with Saving throws or anything like that. What they should really do with stats is just allow for a few points to be added as you level up and only have a point here or there on gear. This way the game pushes more skill than Gear or Class Builds. If you take the damage from 2 characters of the same class and just have a 1% or 2% difference, skill will play a major role in combat vs gear/class builds. Which is good because it allows players to play the way they want vs having cookie cutter builds.
<blockquote>But every class would need to invest in all stats to be effective over all.</blockquote>
When stats are tied directly to class role functions that theory never works out in practice. Players create lopsided stat-spiked builds that break the game balance.
All four of these would be divided into substats that contribute to the main stat but the four stats have benchmarks that allow you to do things with different armor based on you wear.
Like a high agility rogue with ok physical strength could leap over people like the Castian dodge from Tera if their wearing leather but can't in anything heavier.
Spiritual strength and mental acumen could let mages or clerics hover over water or quickly dodge away by pushing themselves magically.
*Everyone has died!
But in all seriousness I do prefer games where the primary source of your attribute points are on the character rather than on the gear, I think that gear should offer modifiers to the character's stats rather than offering stats directly.
I also think that it's probably wiser that if one goes with that system then: Most of the attribute points are allocated automatically with a few 'discretionary' points being given each level so as to prevent people making lopsided builds that are either OP or absolutely bricking their character.
I also want to see many viable options for builds to make them more personal to you.
So increasing one that gives weapon power, reduces the one that gives shield protection.
There must be risk vs reward.
There must be penalties to go with buffs.
The second requirement is that a game stringently avoids trying to force cookie-cutters. Players will come up with enough of that crap on their own; too many people who don't want to bother actually LEARNING the class, and just want the "BEST BUILD FOR XYZ!". That's fine and well; they pay their money just as I pay mine. But I left WoW for a little over four years when they launched Cata and I could no longer hybridize my classes. I dive back in now and again, but I still spit and splutter every time I'm faced with the ruin that my Priest has become, from what she was when I originally developed her. So, yeah, players, do what you want, but devs? Please keep intact my ability to have options.
I do like the idea of weapons requiring a certain threshold of stats to be used...but essentially the same effect can be reached by making the weapon require a certain level. Unless you made stats trainable and seperate from the players level, then it really would be different.
I would, though, note that this is only fun up to a degree. There is a point when everything just becomes so complex that instead of fun it becomes tiresome and unnecessary.
One must care not to cross this fine line. :)
I like the stats base armor ,but then I dont like it because it will limit you to a certain thing example in
World of warcraft Hunter at lvl 40 unlocks mail he has to wear all mail or well hes just bad lol................................
Moving on
There isn't much customization their because its only all mail ( and their only so much mail items in the game )
you cant really wear the gear you want to wear if you want to be good at the game
However I like it because it sets a ground floor so a hunter won't need a plate item! because its not for their class and so on
So im little conflicted personally
Customization is always nice but I wouldn't want to see a ranger wearing all plate because in my opinion it be weird because he be slow wearing all that plate armor
in my head as a ranger you want to kite your enemy's
Kite = luring your enemy's as you run and shoot them from a distance
More Strenght doesn't makes you a better fighter, actually to much muscle mass hinders movement!
What has Dexterity to do with archery? you need strength to pull the string of a 100 pound bow, not the ability to move like a snake.
Intelligence....that one makes sense ...kinda
i would go for something different, also in a way that makes every stat interesting for every class, similar to pillars of eternity, but different
For the 3 Main Stats i would do something like
<strong>Fitness</strong>- the typical warrior stat, affecting how much you endure and how long you can keep up the pressure before being fatigued.
<em>HP, Resources, Crit Damage</em>
<strong>Knowledge </strong>- The typical mage stat, affecting how much you know about stuff. For rangers the knowledge about the animals and beast, for clerics the knowledge of injuries and diseases and how to heal them and so on.
<em>Crit Chance, Healing Power</em>
<strong>Skill </strong>- the typical rogue stat, the overall proficiency of what you do. skillful mages may cast multiple fireball instead of one, a skillful fighter dodges his opponent, a ranger hits further away targets more easily.
<em>Parry/Dodge Chance, Hit Chance, Attack Speed</em>
that's just my idea right now that i pulled out of my head
More Strenght doesn't makes you a better fighter, actually too much muscle mass hinders movement!
What has Dexterity to do with archery? you need strength to pull the string of a 100 pound bow, not the ability to move like a snake.
Intelligence....that one makes sense ...kinda
i would go for something different, also in a way that makes every stat interesting for every class, similar to pillars of eternity, but different
For the 3 Main Stats i would do something like
<strong>Fitness</strong>- the typical warrior stat, affecting how much you endure and how long you can keep up the pressure before being fatigued.
<em>HP, Resources, Crit Damage</em>
<strong>Knowledge </strong>- The typical mage stat, affecting how much you know about stuff. For rangers the knowledge about the animals and beast, for clerics the knowledge of injuries and diseases and how to heal them and so on.
<em>Crit Chance, Healing Power</em>
<strong>Skill </strong>- the typical rogue stat, the overall proficiency of what you do. skillful mages may cast multiple fireball instead of one, a skillful fighter dodges his opponent, a ranger hits further away targets more easily.
<em>Parry/Dodge Chance, Hit Chance, Attack Speed</em>
just my 2 cents
However handling a larger weight burden when it comes to inventory space in my view should be just left equal to all, since the number of hands would be a much more significant measure of one's ability to carry things. Since most people have two hands, it is just reasonable. Also don't forget, since a high strength character is usually going to have heavy armor anyway to take up that extra availability, it balances out. The argument would be if one wants to be naked, so that they can be a mule, and carry more stuff from time to time. . Debatable I guess, but worth investing in that functionality.. I don't think so myself.