Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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How far will costumes/armor go and what is too far?

So I think it's clear they are not going cartoony armor that you can't see past your own pauldrons.
But what direction.will they go via costumes, Steven mentioned angelic wings, so one is only to assume there will be many people with wings of different styles and other sorts of things.
Where does it stop and how far will it go?
I don't want characters to look so unrealistic it takes the immersion away from me and many others.
How can we fix the issue.
I'm all for people looking unique and nobody looking the same so this Is an idea on how we can let everyone be who they want to be while looking like what they want with minimal effort. If EQ did it in 2002 then this game can surely a comidate.

Wouldn't you love to have everyone look the way they wanted to look?
Not be limited by class primary and tier armor
Not be able to be pin pointed in pvp as that x class cause you look just like the rest of them?

Well I would and here is how we can achieve this with ease.

Early in the EQ days right after PoP released they allowed players to change the look of their current armor with different armor of the same class (cloth, leather, plate, robes) it allowed each player to experiment with the way they looked till they had hat made them happy. All you had to do is have your. Urgent armor on you and the piece you wanted it to look like in your inventory and just swap the image of it.

Bam. You have diversity, everyone can look like they want, you won't be singled out in pvp anymore and we don't have to worry about looking the same if the game has tier armor.

I think this idea will increase the rpg aspect of this game and open the world a bit more never knowing what someone is actually wearing and just allowing everyone to be themselves.

What would be amazing is if they didn't class specify it. Tell me it wouldn't be cool seeing a mage in a plate armor set. It would throw you off but strictly cosmetics.

Now I thought it would be nice to throw this in the cash shop for AoC to make money through it. Instead of selling pure costumes and such you can sell costume swap tickets that allows us to swap the look of a piece of armor for a 1 times use.

What are your thoughts on this concept and how do you think it will impact the world seeing nobody look the exact same?


  • How about a gear cosmetic option like LOTRO has.

    This way you can cosmetically equip any armor piece in the game. It could create hundreds or thousands of combinations. How the LOTRO system works if I recall correctly, you can obtain a gear piece (belt) anywhere in game. The piece may or may not have stat value to you, but you can equip it cosmetically which is represented by a seperate avatar card. It doesnt supplant your gear stats you just see the cosmetic view of slot 1 (in lotro you can have multiple slots).

    This makes every piece in the game have value to a degree and you can look at items cosmetically to see how they look on your avatar. When you equip the gear you get the choice of either actual or cosmetic equip, each one binds the piece to you.
  • lol that's exactly what I said in my post above. Did you read it by chance? Minus binding it to you in EQ you got to change the piece cosmetics 1 time.
  • The cool thing about this idea, is guilds could all look the same potentially if they wanted too or by class so you guys can diffinturate between each other in combat or just look different in general.
  • You could have posted in this which is on the same page:
  • lol are you intentionally going to all my posts and not leaving constructive criticism?? This is a different idea has nothing to do with there post.
    You can see I posted in there but they weren't exactly going the direction I had in mind since I involved cash shop idea.

    2 different directions if you read the whole
    Thread. It would be rude of me to start talking about something in his post and lead it in a different direction.
  • SWG introduced an apearance tab. you equiped the class apropriate armour and then in the apearance tab the clothes you wanted to apear to be wearing. It was fantastic. We had guild colours for guild events and wars. formal wear for functions, casual wear. My shop sold far more apearance gear than armour. You very rarely saw two toons dressed alike except of course jedi who all wanted to look the same lol
  • I think WoW did it right with their Transmog system.
  • They already mention cosmetic stuff like you said and their will already be a cash shop full of cosmetic to make you look different
    No pay 2 win stuff only cosmetics.

    The Kickstarter is full of cosmetics stuff.

    I do like this idea a lot because it makes your character unique and different which is nice.
    Also like you said it creates a different view because people will more likely not wear their Tier gear so you won't know whats really under that robe!

    Gassp! Tank wearing Rogue Tier armor :O

    @tylerr385 I agree I like it to but sometimes it annoyed me that it was locked to plate to plate etc.....
  • Defenitly WoW's transmog system. I hope they go with something like that.
  • Ive got some super sexy armor from Second Life. Ill post them here to maybe throw out ideas.
  • THE best appearance system to this day is in DC Universe. You collect skins, can swap them anytime, hide almost all of them if you like, and you can color it any way you want, for free!!!!. It's easy to have special skins in a cash shop. and it gives people a goal to collect as many skins as possible, via achievements, crafted ones, drops, cash shop and so on
  • I like to think metal/leather/wood etc. is used for a functional reason.
    So swapping them out changes the function of the gear.

    I like to think there may be talismanic components within the build too.
    Swapping those out would also change the functionality.

    If you change the functionality of the gear..... you change the meaning/reason of the gear.
    I think it would be better to offer different style versions of the same functional gear.
    Let the players swap out those alternate 'style' components at leisure.
    Mix and match the specific cosmetic parts as it were.
  • I'm pretty sure I read that crafters are going to be able customize their gear at time of crafting. If this is true, then maybe you will search out specific people based on this. Any transmog would potentially take away from this creativity. Don't get me wrong, I love a good mog just like the next guy. I just think there are better community ways to achieve it.
  • In one of AoC's last podcasts, Steven was asked a similar question, and he said there would be no equipment restrictions between classes.

    Now, to be fair, this was in relation to weapons, so I'm not sure if it extends to armor, as well. Though, if there are currently no class restrictions on weapons, I'm not sure why they would restrict just armor. But, that remains to be seen.

    Also, as far as I know, there's no "tier gear" being implemented in the game. There will be different pieces of gear that will match better together, but not specifically tiered. Though, I could be wrong. It's pre alpha, after all,
  • I like that the game has freedom of weapon use and I do think it was metioned that they wanted to do something similar for armor, but idk, though I dont know how I feel about costumes.

    I kind of feel like most games make these goofy and totaly out of place items for their games, just to make a quick buck, but imo, it kills the mood of the game. If AoC were to do some kind of theme set for a holiday, I would want it to fit in with the lore or at least fit in with the esthetic of the game.

    Like, I dont need to see people running around with an item or costume, just because its the popular meme or topic of the moth.
  • @DingoVIII That would be amazing!!! Hope its true!! ( I know anything the crafter makes it show their name on the item Example "JcTruper created this " )

    @freespiryt Was at that live stream I pretty sure armor is not going to be any difference :P No Tiers would be interesting /confusing lol

    @SleepyDrifter I'm the type of gamer that need to have my character look good if it doesn't it will drive me insane!!
    That's just me though. I understand your opinion though!
  • I love me some Rift costumes. I mean, talk about inclusive! Any class could wear some of the cash shop costumes, so you could look how you wanted to, period. Also, Rift had several "closets" you could purchase, so you could have this look, and that look, and then that look ... and change them regardless of what armor you had on by clicking a button.

    One of the problems I've experienced with WoW's 'mog system is the need to always be updating your 'mog whenever you get a new piece of gear. Blech. Hate it. Rift's worked a lot better.

    Also? I'd love to see the ability to remove things from view like shoulders, helms, capes, belts, gloves, bracers ... so on and so forth. So if I wanna be a mage just wearin' a dress, I can be. Ah, yes, my barefoot chloro in Rift; fond memories. Loved it!
  • Never played Rift before , but that dose sound amazing though! I agree 100% ^^
  • What you mentioned about EQ system is similar to GW2. Any time you get an item you can right click equip/or use as skin. Once either broken into mats or right click to use as skin that skin is saved into your wardrobe allowing you to access it at will and combining the looks to your liking. The dye system also makes it great since its similar as once unlocked it is saved and can be used at will. I really hope something like this will be used in AoC. SO even if you might have the same armor or similar items, it will look differently also depending on your style of colors. Also GW2 has in cash shop outfits either in separate parts or full 1 piece outfit.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Isende wrote:</a></div>

    Also? I’d love to see the ability to remove things from view like shoulders, helms, capes, belts, gloves, bracers … so on and so forth. So if I wanna be a mage just wearin’ a dress, I can be. Ah, yes, my barefoot chloro in Rift; fond memories. Loved it!

    I wouldn't be a fan of hiding one's armor since the PvP system is always present in the game. It's important to know what your opponent is wearing and by hiding some armor you could trick people to think that you've got nothing on. Not good. I would be ok with a minimalistic style armor that looks close to an original dress though.
  • I like that concept @Kumary I hope they will bring that idea to life or Like EQ,GW2
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