Hello all

Just wanted to say hello, been following this game and you guys for a few months. I have watched every podcast on twitch. Most of them live. I have heard so many amazing things about this game. There is not one aspect of this game that I do not like. Keep up the great work! I just got done pledging 485.00 to this game ! If i had more I would do more. Keeep up the great work !!

P.S. As a suggesting to the next goal in kickstarter.. Finally goal should be to speed up production !! I want it now !! lmao


  • Welcome To the community Traveler!!! glad to have you aboard the hype Train!!

    How you find out about the game?
    Have you played any other MMO's ?

    info below
  • I heard about it from a friend and fell in love in an instant.

    I have played many many mmorpgs. Lotro, WoW, black desert and many more. I have never been so excited for a game as i am for this game!!
  • Nice never played Lotro heard of it though
    I found out about this game from facebook a friend posted a lazypeon video before the kickstarter even started

    I played wow for 11 years!

    I've played Black desert online got bored the grinding killed it for me

    And I'm so excited for this game I like needed this badly!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!! looking forward to sharing the AoC hype train with ya!

    Info below
  • Braver of worlds welcome!
  • Welcome! I too pledged to the Braver of worlds :) I'll see you on the other side!
  • Thank you !
  • yo hello whitetiger, glad to meet ya, welcome to the community, have a nice grand day aaannnddd join the hype train :3

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