Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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End Game

Hey all,

I am a bit late to the scene and have missed a lot of the live streams, so I am hoping y'all can help me piece this together. One of the biggest failures of MMO's that drives me away is lack of end game. There were games that always kept me coming back (UO for sandbox pvp, EQ/WoW for the PvE), and many games just fall flat on their face in these areas.

Have the devs gone into any real detail on end game besides the obvious siege node/capture node/rebuild node aspect of the game? How in depth will the PvE boss battles be, and will there be replay incentive for all of these activities?


  • Hi Severok,

    They have told us YES to your question but with vague answers so far. Pretty much what they have to do until things are nailed down well.
  • Ashes doesn't have an endgame.
    There is a major focus on player-driven gameplay - the world dynamically responds to what players are doing rather than remaining static.
    Also, keep in mind that players can use monster tokens to play as a mob or a boss during monster events, so even fighting the same monster won;t be a matter of memorizing one pattern strategic moves that can be repeated every encounter.
  • The term "Endgame" is used in themepark mmos where you basically rush through the leveling content to get the real part of the game. The devs making Ashes want you to be engage with the game the moment you log in the first time, leveling and raiding at max level will be a thing but there going so much more to do. Interacting with players and telling a unfolding story base on those actions is going to be the real meat of the game.
  • Endgame is when you reach the end of static content and have to wait 9-18 months for the devs to drop in new content.
  • Its both according to Urban Dictionary definitions, which is pretty much an authority on such a phrase applied in such a relatively new way in newer contexts. Traditionally means the finale stages of a chess match and similar things to that.
  • @Dygz

    Most mmo players these days post WoW have perception that mmo doesn't truly start tell you reach endgame. For Ashes the game starts as soon as you log in, that is a important concept to convey since the majority of mmo players have never played a more Sandbox style mmo and Ashes might be their first non-thempark mmo.
  • Yea when you reach the end of your node and explored all there is to do you let other people sack it.
    So you can explore all there is to do in a new node.
  • Like somebody said there is no endgame in AoC... they said they will allways put in new stuff to do... And stuff will get unlocked all the time.. won't be like other MMOs where you raid finish it and the game is "done"
  • Many games promised things as "game will start when you start playing, the whole game is your endgame" etc. And all of them ended up having boring leveling AND no end game content at all ( repetitive dailies are not end-game).
    Very often when game promises "you dont have to follow quest path to level, you can do whatever you want" it means that you have nothing to do.

    I just hope there will be something like the normal theme-park mmo endgame, but that you will have impact on the world and have fun while leveling too.
  • All very good points everyone. EQ, UO, AC, AO and WoW were the only MMO's that I truly enjoyed the "leveling" process and felt immersed. That has alot of value as far as buy-in is concerned in an MMO, but for example GW2 and ESO failed for me because all there really was to do at end game worthwhile was the siege system which began to feel very bland and repetitive after a couple of months. Even though they want buyin initially at first login, thats great, but eventually people will reach the level cap and need replay value to stick around. I think the node system is going to be fantastic, but having good replay value PvE content at the level cap will be important to keep a large player base instead of this becoming another small population niche MMO.
  • Many games promised things as "game will start when you start playing, the whole game is your endgame" etc. And all of them ended up having boring leveling AND no end game content at all ( repetitive dailies are not end-game).
    Very often when game promises "you dont have to follow quest path to level, you can do whatever you want" it means that you have nothing to do.

    I just hope there will be something like the normal theme-park mmo endgame, but that you will have impact on the world and have fun while leveling too.
  • The term "endgame" is used as a tool to gauge player retention. Almost every MMO these days makes this mistake.

    Any game currently in development MUST be built around long term player retention. There is nothing more important. Nothing. Without customers all other development is useless.
  • @Stabby
    Great to see you back again!!
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Dygz wrote:</a></div><a href="" rel="nofollow">@stabby</a>
    Great to see you back again!!

    Thanks. I decided to keep an eye on the game to see how far they push the PVE envelope.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">Dygz wrote:</a></div><a href="" rel="nofollow">@stabby</a>
    Great to see you back again!!

    Thanks. I've been keeping an eye out for PVE stuff.
  • Thanks. I've been keeping an eye out for PVE stuff.
  • I would love to see leveling be a continuous part of the game. Maybe not to the extremes of games like Lineage 2 but enough to give your character development beyond gear.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">blahgod wrote:</a></div>I would love to see leveling be a continuous part of the game. Maybe not to the extremes of games like Lineage 2 but enough to give your character development beyond gear.


    I believe there's going to be a level cap in game just won't be reachable right off the bat. They want you to advance in player level but also in other ways such as crafting and religion.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="">blahgod wrote:</a></div>I would love to see leveling be a continuous part of the game. Maybe not to the extremes of games like Lineage 2 but enough to give your character development beyond gear.


    No thanks, endless leveling treadmill to stay relevent in PVP is the fastest way to remove any and all pvp content.

    Lets try and avoid the same crutch every game has had in the past that doesn't ever work, creating a grind to retain subscriptions. It doesnt work.
  • <blockquote>I would love to see leveling be a continuous part of the game. Maybe not to the extremes of games like Lineage 2 but enough to give your character development beyond gear.


    Ya lets not do an endless grind for character power in a game in which large scale pvp is actually a core component of the game please? Creating any grind as an answer to player retention is a poor solution

    Player created content and sandbox gameplay will retain subscriptions. Allowing players to no life character power does not make for a fun game
  • So, I'm going to point out a couple observations here.

    WoW, EQ2, GW2, Rift, LOTRO, D&D Online, Lineage II, etc. (I could go on forever) these are your outdated PVE games. But what's strange is that these games control about 70% of the market share in this genre.

    Each of the above games still has a massive community of faithful players.

    Each of the above games is old, their players have begged for sequels and their requests fall upon deaf ears.

    Each of the above games is only still alive due to their end game and raid content.

    Now that all of that is said I have to put on my business cap. As a business owner and angel investor I try to find voids in emerging markets. When I find that void I exploit the hell out of it.

    From a gamer point of view all of the above games are so old I'm shocked those games are still afloat. Many of those games had players leave when Arche Age launched. They hated being thrown into nonconsensual PvP situations and returned to their home games. Most never even tried BDO as a direct result of their experience in Arche Age.

    So it's obvious to me that an MMO could come along and rip a massive chunck of all players in this genre from other games.

    Why is the AoC team not focusing their efforts on this? The money potential has never seen a better opportunity in this genre than right now.

    If I owned this company I would put all my eggs in 3 baskets here:

    1. Massive amounts of end game raid content. Appeal to WoW and EQ2 players.
    2. Stop the whole sandbox, open world PvP thing. Separate them with consensual and nonconsensual servers.
    3. Implement a massive PvP system that incorporates everything from "Overwatch", WoW and Unreal Tournament. Encourage the players on the PVE servers to participate by making the reward or token system amazing.

    Games these days fail because they keep trying to change what is currently working in other games (or look at what didn't work). There is nothing more important than player retention. Remove every possible reason a player would want to leave this game and then build your game around that. That's how you succeed in this genre. AoC has so much potential right now.
  • WoW, EQ, D&D are nostaglia games. The lore for those have been around for 20+ years.
    Plus, people who love raiding and endgame will continue to play them.
    2013, when I played NWO, is the first time I heard the concept of "Endgame is the real game. Leveling is just the grind to prevent you from getting to real game."

    Endgame is repeatable content intended to keep players busy until the devs are able to add new content.
    I play primarily for the story and to explore the world - so I'm not sticking around for endgame content.
    In fact, after reaching NWO endgame, I realized I'm done playing MMORPGs that have an endame. My pre-ordered copy of WoW: MoP remains unopened.

    Player retention is important, but endgame isn't the way the optimal way to retain players.
    MMORPGs need a revolutionary design that is going to provide methods of constantly provide new stories rather than repeatable static content.
    New MMORPGs don't retain players because they lack nostalgia and people rush off to play the MMO of the month rather than stick around to play repeatable content in an endgame.

    One of the key methods in the Ashes design to retain players is Destructibility. We can destroy and rebuild cities with different designs, attributes and boons. Those different cities will also affect the types of mobs, tasks, events and narratives that enter the world.
    In addition, players can use monster tokens to possess monsters and bosses, so raids especially event raids, won't simply be repeating the most efficient strategy to defeat scripted mob behavior.
  • @Stabby

    If Intrepid wanted to just make a lot of money, then Ashes of Creation would be much different.

    The key insight here is that they aren't motivated solely by greed. They have their own wants and desires, and a list of things they want to see in their game.
  • Wildstar proclaimed their great 40 man raids, and from what i heard it is good. but still didn't stopped Wildstar from losing momentum and going f2p.
    Endgame, especially raids are only a small fraction of most players. Many more players are happy with small group content. Some others don't care for scripted content at all and are all for the pvp. Others don't care for dungeons or pvp but play the economy, enjoy the community, enjoy exploring, challenges, lore and so on.

    And AoC don't want to focus on one thing alone.
  • You guys are both correct. AoC creators have a vision and they should stick to it. But the assumption that their vision can't include game mechanics that would entice the bulk of this genre to flock to this game is wrong. They can do both, and should.

    And in reference to Wildstar, cartoony games are a thing of the past in my opinion. Photorealistic games that players built $1000+ rigs for are what they're seeking. The EQNext team realized this and tried to make a chaulky mix of realism and cartoony. I think that was a mistake too. But that's my personal opinion. Black Desert continues to draw in customers due to its amazing graphics. Noone can argue that BDO looks amazing. It advertises itself.

    So BDO's engine and graphics did the job of drawing in players. Too bad they didn't put the same amount of effort into keeping them.
  • have to disagree on the graphics part

    FFXIV 1.0, AA, BDO, all of them look gorgeous, but they are boring. In the east people don't care to grind mindless for hours as long as they have shiny graphics. Here in the west it's different. People crave for great game play first, and graphics second. It's also a reason why all those old MMOs still have many people. They don't have to invest 1000s to play a great game. They can still use their 5-7 year old pc without problems. Sure there are those who get every month the best parts to be up to date, but MOST people don't do this.
    I'm a gamer, yet i didn't upgraded my PC in the last 5 years and don't plan to do for the next, and it was only mid tier back then
  • I agree with Enrif, on this one.

    From what I've seen, most eastern mmo's focus primarily on aesthetics, and combat. Everything else is just whatever. Granted, the games produced by the eastern markets look great, but the gameplay is not innovative. It's the same stuff, just packaged differently. That's why a lot of mmo'ers bounce, back and forth, from one game to the next. They play, get bored, go to the next, get bored, rinse repeat.

    And, to be honest, eastern mmo's have been on the rise because western mmo's have themselves been in decline, Most of them have sough to try and copy WoW's success, with small variations here and there, to varying degrees of "success" for some, and outright failures for others. Eastern mmo's swooped in, to fill up the gap.

    AoC, as well as other western mmo's in production, look to break the monotony with diverse gameplay. This is why people are getting excited, imo. The mmo genre is getting much needed "new blood".
  • End game..... I hate that term to be honest most mmos make you grind to the end point of lvling just to be able to do raids etc....

    Good knews!! One of the question asked on stream is "Will raids only be max lvl only ? " ( something like that )

    The answer was they plan to make raids / dungeons pretty much all lvls so you don't have to be max lvl to raid Woot!!

    But back to the topic I don't believe their will be really a end game considering how much stuff you can/have to do!!
    I'm pretty sure with everything going on with sieges etc... you wont feel like your at the end game because every day is something new and exciting

    info down below!! ( Want to dive into the community join the discord )
  • Open PVP is the endgame <3
  • Ok so let's assume there is no form of end game. They did say in their video that they hate that term.

    Chain of events:

    1. Player creates character and starts at location determined by his/her class or race choice.
    2. Player is directed into a series of quests. (theme park so far)
    3. Player either runs out of stuff to do at that location and is guided to a new area. (still theme park)
    4. Player now does a series of tasks designed to increase the node strength. This could be either PvP or PvE.
    5. The node grows in strength. The player is guided to contribute to this new node, which again, is theme park, not sandbox.
    6. Player does all the tasks for the 4 or 5 levels of the node and see's it gown into its full strength.
    7. A siege happens and all that hard work is undone.
    8. Repeat steps 3-6.
    9. Now what?

    Somewhere between 8 and 9 is where they'll lose players. Not to mention the fact that they already lost advertisement potential by not advertising this aspect of PVE content. And technically that is linear progression. Hence, not a sandbox.
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