Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Similar Game to Ashes of Creation. (sort of)
I know that this game is totally different but i can see similar feature from "Black Desert Online" It will be alot different from this game, but if you guys want check out this game too, it has node systems as well, its a cool MMO, which can be playable on US servers now, if not then its still on the Korean servers. overall cant wait for game to release in the near future.
( That's business taking other idea from other company's to make it even better! )
At the start, it might look similar to other games, AOC will be able to maintain a stable community even after the others fade into oblivion. why? because they actually care about what the player has to say and help you with it, whether it is profitable to them or not.
a game like BDO will eventually run into a problem which will not be fixed in the interest of cash, and so it will lose players.
At the start, it might look similar to other games, AOC will be able to maintain a stable community even after the others fade into oblivion. why? because they actually care about what the player has to say and help you with it, whether it is profitable to them or not.
a game like BDO will eventually run into a problem which will not be fixed in the interest of cash, and so it will lose players.
Ah that optimism. BDO didn't start off like how it is now.
Now as for specific example consider the youtube video Camelot Unchained vs Crowfall Comparison by Itsziz.
Once broken down, the comparison, appears AoC will have comparable best elements.
Though I doubt they would do something as ridiculous as BDO. We all have some underatanding of the cost to make these games and run the servers, so it wouldn't be shocking to see some kind of price increase for membership, down the road, but if they were to start making it pay to win, I think that would be going against the foundation of the game.
They already have Investors + Kickstarter Money for the Development.
And then running the Servers + Bug fixes + new Content should be covered with the Subscriptions.
If you then add cosmetics (and I hope that these are really only cosmetics ) they can make a nice fortune. Just look at BDO: Many people buy all the Dresses although they give nothing differently from there old ones, same with dyes and such stuff.
And yeah.. I knew that for some people the "Endgame" are Cosmetics.
The design philosophies of Ashes, that I've seen in the streams so far, reminds me much more of Lineage 1. To me, Ashes looks much more like the spiritual and technical evolution of a game like Lineage 1 than some other titles, like ArcheAge, Black Desert, Aion, and Lineage 2, that missed the mark.
And the only reason that BDO makes so much money is because they almost force you to buy their cosmetics. You could claim that no one is forcing players to buy, but yeah, end game is cosmetic for a lot of people and in BDO you look the same as you did at the start, if you dont pay up.
I just use AoCr shortcut instead. Problem solved. ;)
On the subject of BDO, I played it. It's Korean p2w RNG hack fest. Nuff said.
This shares a very similar visual and some core ideas but like Ashes has some unique aspects with hope to separate itself from others.
Good to know what the competition is doing!
The market system in Ashes is according to nodes(regional markets) which I love the idea of, where in BDO it's world wide and the prices are controlled by the game making it extremely hard to buy items due to bots which snipe them faster than they can appear on the listing and other players who have a lower ping than you who see it listed earlier and can click on the item faster than you. On top of that there's no direct trade in BDO which given the <em>heavy</em> reliance of RNG in that game for item drops is cancer if you can't be around for the boss timers.
In Ashes there looks to be dungeons and raid bosses along the way so there's things to do as you level and play, in BDO there's nothing. Just a bunch of mobs for you to grind until you hit a high enough level to kill everyone (approximately a month of full on grinding the same packs at pirates over and over and you might get there). The quests don't really make sense unless you find a lot of the ones off the side (I <em>sill</em> am not 100% sure where the black spirit came from, though after playing for over a year now I have a suspicion).
I'm sorry mate, these games are just so different they can't be compared. I get it though, you're interested in making your game time in BDO filled with others to fill the world and fun, which is fair enough.
Tried it, grinded it, soaked hand in ice numerous times a week, left it.
Look, live action is good for an action first person shooter where you play a few short games and get off but for an MMORPG that you play for hours at a time (for myself, 12 hours straight on the weekends) it just doesn't work.