Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

parlor games

For any of the parlor games that can be played in the Taverns, I would like to see the activity visible or part visible to other players.


-> if a pair a playing cards, they are seated and can be viewed playing cards albeit without seeing the card detail
-> if a pair a fist fighting, then they can be seen fighting



  • Hmm Just want clarify so I can make sure I got this right!

    You want people who are playing a card game example "Poker" When you first walk into the tavern you want to be able to see the players playing the game correct?

    and if a Fist fight breaks out while your sitting at a table playing the "Poker" game you want to be able to see this happen Correct?

    Realize the game is still Pre-alpha and not enough information has been revealed yet, but I can give you some opinions etc....

    I believe Intrepid Studios (AoC) wants to make the game Open-World No loading screens no instance etc.... stuff
    as much as Possible!!! with out making it unfair etc....

    So I believe you will see this in game see player's sit down a stack of cards and play a game However you might not see what kind of card they hold, because that can be abused and can cause cheating!

    Also if a fight breaks out and your playing a game you should be able to look over your shoulder and see it happened!

    Hope this helps!!!!

    Info down below! ( Want to dive into the community join the Discord)
  • I think we are on the same page to a degree with your later comments, just what I was thinking and how to explain perhaps not similar.

    So I will try to explain a different way. For one, I do not know what games they had in mind, so it was just for example sake.

    If for example a tavern palour game was in play, I would like to see some form of representation of it, not detail required, this would be reserved to the minigame menu itself instanced between the players involved only.

    So for broad example only if the mini-game was:

    a) Cards
    Then the two players in the card game play there game however was intended in separate menu etc that part is ok.
    Just that other players not participant in the game in the tavern can observe two players seated opposite each other as two players engaging in "cards" No detail required of their game etc, just a representation extension of such as extension of an repeated emote of what they are doing.

    b) Dice
    As with above, if two players were engaged in a game of dice, then non-participants in the tavern could see two seated players in animation of playing dice as above.

    Only one a little different might be below:

    c) Fist fight (like in Witcher series)
    If a two person fist fight in a betting round, then perhaps other players could see this
  • I have no idea what games will be added either no info have been revealed as far as my knowledge goes...

    OH!! so you just want to see people doing something like an animation instead of them just sitting in a chair like a doll Correct?

    Oh Yeah I'm like 95% sure something like that will happen or else it will be a weird environment to walk into it wouldn't even feel really alive!!
  • Lmao would be like walking into a horror show than a games tavern ^^ would be cool if a sit down animation would recognised it's a tavern and you can be drinking a jug of beer xD or you could choose your sitting down animation ^^ maybe KO'd on the table :D too many beers tsk tsk.
    I hope there is like a GWENT type game but that might be a little to complex to add in ^^
  • @Diura That be awesome! to see defiantly make it more enjoyable then just seeing people sit down!
  • I certainly hope that Ashes will animate people doing activities in Taverns/Freeholds.
    They did say in one Stream that parlor games will be based on race; so I'm guessing the games offered in a particular Tavern will based off the race of the owner. Would be interesting to know if that is the case or based off the racial build of the Tavern, as it was stated you could build Freeholds in any racial style you wanted if you have the designs for it.
  • Heh, you guys want Open World or Instanced Tavern visualization to see players at these games and that doesn't seem out of reasonable request. My biggest concern is I will be in there losing my coin too often...
  • @Bringslight You and me both, mate.
  • @SleepyDrifter and @Bringslite Feel free to visit my Tavern anytime!!

  • @JcTrper Ayyy! lol
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