Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Types of Players


One of the hardest things to do in design is balance for different types of players. Some players enjoy the social and PvE elements (raiding). Some players enjoy the thrill of PvP (arenas, overwatch, ganking, etc.). Some players like creating (mincraft?). Being everything to everyone is difficult.

Do you think the classic socializer, explorer, killer, achiever taxonomy of players still holds true? What category of players do you think there are? Where do you fit in?

As just a single reference:


  • hahahahahahaha This is my favorite subject!!!!

    My Bartle Score is: Explorer 87%; Socializer 73% ; Achiever 47%; Killer 0%
    I am Chaotic Good.
    I am Casual Challenge/Hardcore Time.
    I'm a casual PvPer (I like PvP combat for about 1 hour out of an 8 hour playsession)

    It's very important in MMORPGs to understand that there are a variety of playstyles - many of them clash.
    So, it's not as simple as finding a group with the class balance you want.
    It's probably more important to be able to find like-minded players who have a compatible playstyle.

    A hardcore KASE is not going to enjoy playing with a group of casual ESAKs.

    Ashes plans to accommodate all of the playstyles I've listed.
  • That's a little difficult because I want to be everything so to choose one category!! O.o

    Between " classic socializer, explorer, killer, achiever taxonomy "

    I defiantly always been a PVP player don't get me wrong PVE is cool but I really enjoy PVP because its base on skill and depending on the player you never really know what you will face each time!
  • Mine was 47,53,53,47 which I guess says I'm almost average.
    I say screw you Bartle, you don't know what you're talking about.
  • I think that trying to put myself into a catagory is boring, so idk. I like doing differents amount of stuff on different types of games. I havent had a chance to play this game yet (see'n as it isnt out), so I dont know what type of player I will be.
  • My playstyle changes with my mood.
    My mood changes with the time of day and the place.
    I'm not a number
  • Test says: 53% killer, 53% achiever, 47% explorer, 47% social.

    I guess balanced results are correct for me because I'm not focused on single area. I enjoy everything equally.

    - Endgame progression raid that's attempted by <1% of players only
    - Large organized PvP battles / guild wars
    - Solo or small group open world PvP
    - PvE open world events
    - Slacking and socialising in the HUB
    - Exploring the world
    - ...

    Sign me up for everything!

    Yes, I even enjoy an occasional trolling. ;)
  • Imho, I would split players into these main categories:

    1. players that enjoy everything
    2. players that enjoy only specific areas of game but don't mind when other aspects of game happen around them
    3. players that enjoy only specific areas of game and DESPISE seeing anything else they don't like around them, and hate other people doing those other aspects of game

    Each of these player groups can be split into sub types but that would be something for a special longer topic.

    (They could further be split based on how much time they play, how introvert/extrovert they are, how they approach problems, etc. etc.)

    I only dislike player group number 3. They are the ones usually crying in forum how they don't wish to see this in game, they don't wish to see that. They would rather developers remove X and Y from game, or punish players groups A and B when doing Q or W.

    I'm just openly hoping that Ashes of Creation will have large groups of 1 and 2 players, and the least possible amount of player group number 3.

    Cheers :)
  • I just want something to play again with the wife. I would classify us as Achievers, both duo and in guild.

    She refused to play BDO due to the combat system so I hope we can just duo again daily and raid on the weekends.

    Neither of us like crafting much so really it is just game - play, raiding, and PvP.

    Yes, Group Mounts! Love it, need it... :)

    She likes to hop on and let me do the driving.
  • I am definately a PVX player. My mood dictates what I want to do at any given time. If i had to rank my intrests Explorer, achiver, socializer and killer.

    So why Have I ranked myself this way?

    Explorer: Well I love working things out finding a soloution, reserching and generaly making discoveries. Why? because I like to achieve.
    Achieve: I am completionist the more their is to achieve the happier I am.
    Socialzing: I n 3rd pace PJ how is that when you are in the forums every day? Well I do love the social aspect of these types of games and the community here is great. However once the game kicks off exploring and achieving will take over. once I am settled in and competant at the game I love helping others so at that point achiever and socialiser might swap position.
    Killer: I find killing beasts , NPCs or players a means to an end I have no interest in 1st person shooters for this reason. That is not to say I dont enjoy this part of the game. I love it! It is just the least important. But it really does ad some spice doesnt it?
  • The post WoW generation of players are a bit of PVE / PVP , crafting and traders. I think most gamer's have come to terms that doing one thing over and over again just gets too grindy and exhausting. People need to do what they feel like doing when they log in, that's why developers try to have variety into their games, especially MMORPG's . When I use to play WoW, sometimes I got drunk and socialized in zone and joked around.

    Now I play ESO and mostly I PVP and I trade, I only craft for myself when I need to make a new set or drinks/food etc.. Sometimes I run with guild in Cyrodiil to PVP, it does get frustrating though if you don't have a good group for that game while in Cyrodiil. I do get turned off when we lose too many battles in a row, it just means there's no group cohesion. I also like to get into a duel and PVP solo.Recently they added battlegrounds, but I'm waiting for some balance issues to get addressed. I do like to quest when there's new content, but it only gets released quarterly so most of the time there is nothing new.

    What I like about Ashes of Creation is that you have to explore and hunt for quests and lore , but from the looks of it and from what I read, there is no linear quest from zone to zone. Also, you have to pay attention to mob level, just because your in a zone your familiar with , there might be new creatures when you log in. So if the PVE aspect of this game gives me longevity, I would be doing it more than PVP, but if I feel as though I can go through all the content in a month and max level which was the case in ESO than I would have no choice to resort to PVP more often.

    Another good thing about AShes, is the bounty system. You can play as a bounty in other games like ESO but there isn't an actual flagging system with player bounty skills and a bounty board which AOC wants to implement. SO just the mere fact that this game is trying new things with new systems , I'm most definitely going to give it a try.
  • Definitely a PvX player here.

    I like to set a "roleplay", starting with hours n hours inside character creation to get that perfect pg (usually a rogue/mage of some sort) and then choose a path that will fit my playstyle - like both being solo or in a big guild, depends on what I want to accomplish.
    Also find a "profession" is pretty important to me: being able to prepare the BiS weapon/armor/alchemy's potions/ecc and then sell them to the market if I need money for something else. But I think fights are an important part too because I'm competitive.

    Then sometimes I feel like I'll just scout the whole day, collecting mushrooms n selfies around the world :P

    Personally I'm happy that the developers want to give recognition (concerning the node part) <strong>also</strong> to players that prefer to invest their time in a profession rather than make people join guilds so that they can count somehow inside the server - especially when players can "rule" the city/node with their decision (and being able to decide between different node's cathegory gives space to everyone imo).
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