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Release the Kraken! Can we monster coin an epic monster?



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    I didn't know you couldn't be a monster in your own node, though it should be obvious  :D Now what you thought of makes more sense haha
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    Steven said you cannot attack an ally city, including your own.
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    I mean I am going to get one it's listed "Confirmed"

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Monster Token x 1 Epic Tier, so yes, you'll get one. :)
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I mean I am going to get one it's listed "Confirmed"

    sunfrog said:
    Monster Token x 1 Epic Tier, so yes, you'll get one. :)
    I'd say something witty about a dwarf suddenly becoming a gargantuan creature but I'm too sleepy for wittiness.

    Ah, I'll say it anyway.

    Something witty. 

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    Yes one! I'll have to make sure I use it wisely @sunfrog and you made me smile @Solarion
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