Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Just wanting to get something off my chest.... Positive/Negative

Greeting fellow AoC members!!!

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to all who share the same passion and excitement for this upcoming game. It really is crazy to feel like you're a part of something big that is going to change the history of gaming. I also really appreciate all the adults on this forum who are very optimistic about AoC's future. It carries a LONG way scrolling through the forums and seeing peoples excitement! Although I'm only a Braver backer, I honestly believe a game can only be as strong as the community that stands beside it.

With that being said, the exact opposite has to be said. I understand people have their concerns and by all means, I do too, but there is a right way to go about it, and a wrong way.

How can you honestly sit and say that because they're offering different ways for people to become a part of a movement...They're "Greedy" or "Shady" or "They'll just pick up the money and run".. Does anyone remember the saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Stating these assumptions without any proof just makes you look stupid.

I completely understand constructive criticism, but the second you start spewing hate or trolling, the next person will look at your post and either get disheartened, or jump on the same bandwagon thinking it's funny and before you know it, we go back to the same community Archeage and WoW had/has. 

I see this game having an extremely bright future, and I'm sure almost all of us can agree, we want the community to have a bright future as well. Just lay off on the toxicity...Your assumptions are not facts... 

If you like the way this game is headed, support it!! If you're just trying to cause problems...Just leave.

Sorry, I know all gaming communities have their bad apples....It just blows my mind that people can be so negative..THIS EARLY.



  • When you're dealing with a massive number of people, all from different parts of the world, differing backgrounds, mindset's, etc., opposing views can get..."cantankerous"...from time, to time.  

    In my experience, once people get their grievances off their chest, things tend to calm down.  All they want to do it vent a bit.

    As for thing is not to feed them.  :P

  • Well they do said in livestreams many time they are also a Gamer have 40 years of experience in MMORPG.
    After all this time that I hear from them, I do believe in them some what degree that they going to make a great game.
    One thing that's stand out to me is Ashes of Creation are already in development before Kickstarter because it self funded.
    It mean that they really want the game become real, to even put their own money on it mostly from Steven.
    I like MMORPG fantasy and if this game going to be great as what they said, I think I'm going to get hook.
  • I view my backing this project as an investment.

    All investment involves risk, and I'm 100% ok with that.

    Any concerns I might have are squelched quickly at the thought of what the devs and the community are trying to accomplish here.

    I agree with op, especially with the game being so early in development, there's no reason to be unusually antagonistic.

    This ship can be course corrected a lot easier than other projects I've seen due to the resources available to the devs and the high (mostly positive) energy from the community.
  • Truth be told a game that is crowd funded needs criticism of all types (every game does) if no one had any criticism or those that do never spoke up do you really believe that would make a good game?  maybe, but if you are only allowed "positive" feedback I would would doubt it.

    Also while you are championing everyone to stop saying "toxic" view points about the game because "assumptions are not facts" and "...just makes you look stupid" the exact same could be said about every positive statement that looks fanboyish.  We actually have zero real hands on third party experience of any aspect of the game and anything stated is just an assumption that is very likely to change before the release, good and bad.
  • @Hatchet

    Like I said, constructive criticism I like, a lot! Read what I said... The people saying that they're going to run off with the money / greedy Intrepid stealing.. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about, NOT constructive criticism... Two different ballparks
  • Bawss said:

    Like I said, constructive criticism I like, a lot! Read what I said... The people saying that they're going to run off with the money / greedy Intrepid stealing.. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about, NOT constructive criticism... Two different ballparks

    Just because you do not view that as valid criticism does not mean that it does not have a place as criticism.  Thankfully what you view as constructive is not the only view allowed as available criticism.
  • Hatchet said:
     if no one had any criticism or those that do never spoke up do you really believe that would make a good game? 

    I honestly believe the constructive criticism is key to developing a GREAT game. Without it, nothing would be fixed. I was pointing out the people saying Intrepid are going to steal your money, and "This is just a greedy cash grab"
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Hatchet said:
    Just because you do not view that as valid criticism does not mean that it does not have a place as criticism.  Thankfully what you view as constructive is not the only view allowed as available criticism.
    So saying Intrepid are Felons trying to steal your money...Is criticism? Sound more like accusations..
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